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Daily Aromatic Smokers Corner



  • RuffinogoldRuffinogold Enthusiast
    I generally smoke a couple bowls of an aromatic each day . I smoke in my living room while surfing the web an an aromatic is what Ill smoke in the house . The other stuff is for outside and at work , mostly

    So far today , a bowl of Boswells Cupcake that was gifted to me recently . Its pretty good . And a bowl of MacBaren Black Ambrosia , which is exceptional 
  • These will survive:

  • Back when I had a pipe shop in Temple Terrace , Fl ... my wholesale price for a 5lb bag of Lane was like 75 bucks or so . Im talking early mid 90's , so its been a while . Pipe tobacco , in a good number of states is still pretty reasonable . Cigars are just ridiculous 

    After all these years I have tried all of the Lane blends and probably half of the Sutliff . Honestly , I really enjoy Smokers Pride Black Cavendish [ a Lane product ] . So as long as that still survives , so will I . Im thankfull  that Z50 black Cordial is still a go as its one of the most flavorful cool smoking aros ever 
  • Tnx for the info @motie2.
    Much appreciated...
  • I remember a few years back when I was ordering bulk tobacco like crazy, fearing for the day when something like this might happen. At the time it seemed insane to spend that much money per payday on tobacco products, but now it seems like it wasn't such a bad idea. Doubt that I'll be able to smoke it all now - but at least I won't be wanting for it if and when the supply chain dries up completely.
    I have to admit in my travels I seldom would see a fellow pipe smoker - now it's probably been well over a year and a half since I discovered one in the wild.
    We may be nearing extinction - but that makes us an all the more interesting and unique species. 
  • Again, I have lived in northern NJ  since 1984, and I have never seen a pipe smoker in the wild/lunting. Ever. I be sui generis.
  • @motie2  Back when I was working in the Steel Mill there were several pipe smokers in the Maintenance Crew. And the ages ranged from late teens to 60+. The shanty smelled wonderful with all the various blends mingling in the air, combined with whatever the guys were cooking for lunch or dinner. We had some great cooks in the gang. I hated nearly every minute I worked there - but have to admit I miss the camaraderie. 
  • @ghostsofpompeii
    Coworkers can make or break a job.
  • I have been smoking two aromatics I haven't tried before in the past month.
    Warped Saint Expresso by C&D - Coffee, Vanilla, Walnut
    After Hours Flake by C&D - Caramel & Rum

  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    I really enjoy this C&D Green River Vanilla I'm presently smoking...
  • motie2motie2 Master
    edited March 18

    Me too!   (Part of “Bridges Blend”)   <in joke>
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