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  • @motie2
    Yeah go figure......thoroughly confused (which seems easy these days).I do not agree with the aromatic taste comparison of the regular, in my opinion the aro is much tastier, but I do agree with the room note comparison. I think the body on the regular is higher due to being all burley as opposed to the aro which has Va's in the blend.

     I have smoked the SWRA the last several days and I like it very much....tastes great, smells great, and is easy to smoke. I am not very fond of the regular (but that is why they make vanilla and chocolate).

    Tough to figure out advertising and marketing for sure.....thanks for the research work.
  • Used by Birthday coupons courtesy of The Pipeline to purchase two pouches of Captain Black original. I was shocked to discover the price at the Walgreens Drug Store is charging $9.50 a pouch. It's been a while since I bought any tobacco from a Drug Store in a while and didn't realize how much Captain Black was selling for. Knocking $10.00 off the price of the two pouches made it a much easier pill to swallow. 
  • I'm not ready to default to Captain Black.....

  • I don't know Motie.....the Captain will do in a pinch
  • Yeah, in a pinch, but as a mainstay smoke? I think not. I'm too old, and too experienced, to accept OTC pipe tobacco as the best I can do....
  • I'm having some Barbados Plantation in my Radiator this even with a nice Rum and Coke.  Life doesn't suck :)  B)

  • @motie2  I've enjoyed the couple of bowls of the Blood Red Moon I've tried.  I prefer it a little over the CAO Cherrybomb.  Cherry is one of those things that a little goes a long way with me.
  • @motie2
    Yes my friend, I had read that article some time ago. Also I recall (vaguely) some of that info from school. He was a character to say the least. Of course school curriculum didn't get into the "pipe" issues but certainly included tobacco in general as it became so much a part of the southern colonies', and future states' economies. He was apparently regarded as the consummate gentleman. He was an adventurer, and is revered in the Virginia- North Carolina areas. In continuation of my study of the American Revolutionary period and the preceding European colonization period I am going to find a biography to read. One of the most bizarre things I remember was that his head was "preserved" for the want of a better word and given to his widow upon his execution.

    Even though he fell from grace with English royalty (boy did he ever) it is amazing how much money has been made by using his name on products and advertising. His body (but apparently not his head) must be spinning in his grave.
  • @rustedrailpipes -- Thanks for responding on BP and cherry blends. BP is my go to blend, but I'm still looking for "Middleton-Cherry-Blend-like that doesn't rip your tongue to shreds." I'll put the BRM on my list.
  • @motie2

    You might want to try Lane "Dark Red" for a nice Cherry Flavored Aromatic Blend. I have Middleton CB, Capt. Black Cherry, Cult Blood Red Moon, Palladin BC, and a couple of others, none of which compare in my opinion to the Lane "Dark Red". Very easy to smoke, does not destroy my tongue, great taste and an aroma on which others have made positive comments. It comes bulk, reasonably inexpensive, easy to load the pipe for a well spent hour or so. I have about 2 1/2 lbs. stored for the potential government "screwing" with our hobby and might just get some more now that I am thinking about it. Oh, and while I am typing this I have a great idea of trying a bowl of Lane Dark Red mixed with Sutliff Vanilla Custard.....that just sounds good.
  • @pwkarch -- Thank you for taking the time to counsel me on cherry pipe tobacco. I appreciate your effort.

    Yes, a cherry flavored tobacco and VC sound like a good mixture. (In reality, VC and almost anything sounds like a good mixture.) Lemme know how it works out.

    Admission: despite my fondness for VC -- and who that's tried it isn't fond of it? -- I admit that for the last two weeks, all I have been smoking is the Barbados Plantation. This happened to me before, in my first pipe life. I went from newbie OTC's to English/Balkan Blends and Va/Pers, but would up smoking exclusively an aromatic mixture from Cousin's Cigar Store in Cleveland. 

    This time around, I found that I like smoking more than I like tobacco. That lead me away from English/Balkans and Va/Pers and towards sweet, heavily cased, flavored, top dressed tobaccos that smell like heaven. I found a home at Sutliff Tobaccos, beginning with Molto Dolce, and then progressing to Maple Street, Vanilla Custard, and Barbados Plantation, and Creme Brulee, with side trips to other tobaccos I was either gifted or sought out of curiosity. Sutliff makes (made?) a Private Stock blend called April Dawn that is described as cherry flavored, but I've not found it online. But for now, my heart -- my pipes -- belong to Barbados Plantation. I have yet to go, "Hmmmmm, I think I'd like, oh, say, try something different, maybe VC....," but then I think, "But if I pass up a bowl of BP then I'll be one behind for the rest of my life." I may need help.

    BTW, I didn't mention @ghostsofpompeii and Mrs. Hudson's Blend, but I reserve it for very special occasions -- company on the rear deck -- when others get to say, "Hey, that smells really good. What is it?" I made a batch and following ghost's recipe I now have about 6 ounces of my precious.

  • That Barbados Plantation is my go to inside the condo.  It's on my wife's "approved" for inside use list which scores it a lot of brownie points with me :)
  • @motie2

    I certainly was not trying to counsel, I was only trying to return the favor (or flavor?) when you suggested both the Sutliff VC and the Barbados Plantation to me. I mostly burn the Sutliff VC, but I do like the BP and the Creme Brulee also. I have to admit that I get kind of stuck on blends too which then does not afford me the opportunity to try other products. As I had mentioned previously I do like to add some Carter Hall to some of these as it blends very well, and imparts a nutty sort of taste component. And, I do like Carter Hall by its' lonesome, and SW Raleigh Aromatic and the Prince by themselves. I am a confusing but discerning pipe tobacco user. And that is funny because my cigar collection is 99.9% strong dark Maduros and not much variation. I never liked Connecticuts, or any lighter wrappers. In fact I preferred double maduros over everything else.

    However I am in your Pipe Tobacco corner, I want something both tasty and something that imparts a great aroma. I do not specifically look for blends that have "strong" tobacco taste elements...I think the thing that is so interesting is the variety of blend tastes and aromas that are available to us (unlike cigars). It seems as if almost all cigars pretty much taste alike (and that does not make me unhappy when I want a cigar), but deciding on what pipe tobacco I am going to smoke has what seems like unlimited options. Kind of like being a kid again and going to the neighborhood store to pick out "penny" candy.
  • I remain grateful for your counsel, freely shared, intended or not.  :) 

    You've added to my knowledge of the pipe life. Ain't that what it's all about???
  • Aromatics......Always a subject that can be argued for generations.  lol
  • @Wolf41035

     I like to consider this discussion not discourse. I love my aromatics, and I acknowledge the fact that someone / somewhere was smart enough to make both chocolate and vanilla, then someone else made the decision to come up with strawberry and multiple other flavors so we all could have a favorite. And, I think I know who did this, or at least allowed it to happen and I thank him every day for all that is good..

    We all have our favorite flavors, aromas, colors, likes, and dislikes. That is what makes the world go around. The same is obviously part of our hobby. The wonderful part of our hobby is that their are so many choices starting with perhaps the types of tobaccos then at least in aromatics a "flavors" from which to choose. The really fun part is that on this site we can discuss these, recommend these, and critique them if we want.

    To me, this is the best "blog" or whatever you want to call it because everyone seems like real gentlemen, everyone has insight as to what we are enjoying, and there appear to be no "uppity" folks involved here who look down on whatever our personal choices seem to be. 
  • Smoking some good old fashion Captain Black Royal today. Plan on using my Big Ben Ebony pipe.

    Pretty nice day out today.

  • I am ordering a tub of SWR Aromatic, a tub of Half and Half just to round out my "codger" blends in my collection. I am also going to pic up some more Sutliff Vanilla Cream as I do a job on that one, and I am going to try some Amphora Full Aroma, and a little Lane BS-005. and some Cornell and Diehl "Nutty Irishman" (I LOVE the drink, Baileys and Frangelica) for giggles. I am running out of room in my "cellar" which is a supply closet in my office. I guess I will need to throw some of the office supplies out to make room for the tobacco supplies.

    When I get them I will report on the Amphora, the BS-005, and the "Nutty Irishman".
  • I just stumbled upon a picture of an old 1950's - 1960's favorite of mine before I found English tobaccos and Va/Pers.

  • I currently smoke Lane's Dark Red, but I also enjoy some BCA and Jim's Blend from the Pipe Rack in Akron, OH
  • @pwkarch -- Bradley, at StuffandThings on YouTube will post a video review of Amphora Full Aroma by midweek.....
  • Yes, thank you. I've posted about Pipestud's stuff in several folders. It's a good place to find classic tinned blends.
  • Found one you guys have to get and try.
    Newminster's No. 23 Blackberry Brandy is made by Villiger and has been around 5 or 6 years but I've never tried it before.

    It's reminiscent to some of the great Christmas Blends of the past and is smooth and flavorful. Opened it last night at the pipe club meeting and the guys sitting 5 feet away could smell it. I loaded a sample in my Diplomat cob and found I could taste the berries but it didn't give me that cloying, medicine type aftertaste that you get with some of the cherry aromatics. 

    I'm a fan of the Christmas and winter blends from Peterson's and Kohlase & Kopp (as opposed to those from McClelland's and C&D which are more virginia based) and this one fits right in with those. That's a good thing because I haven't seen anything from Peterson's or Kohlase this year.
  • Guys I need to find a new mellow Aromatic, something with little to no tongue bite with just a hint of flavor prefer it to be sweet.  Something with truffle or cake in it?  I like Eileen's Dream but I need something new.  Any Suggestions??
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