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What are you guys smoking right Now?



  • @RockyMountainBriar you are correct,  my cutty has a horn stem
     I misspoke. 
  • Amphora Original in a Country Gent.

  • motie2motie2 Master
    Cult BRM in a cob
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    Doing some Lane BCA in a newly reworked and restemmed noname.
    Been cooped up for almost 3 days now.
    Boy is it cold!🥶

  • For Southeast Louisiana, it has been colder than normal. I know it's not "real" cold compared to you northerners, but when it drops down to 29°f down here, it is cold. Fortunately the humidity has been below 60% so I don't find it too bad. I even went for five mile bike rides on Monday & Tuesday.

    Anyway, it has been cold enough that I have actually smoked my pipes at my desk, inside my workspace. 
    I have finished off a tin of Stormy North, have a tin of Caribbean Blue Seegar down to maybe a bowl and taken my open tin of The Untouchables below the halfway point. 

    I have advised my daughter and two granddaughters who are living with me to let me know if the smell gets too bad. So far the only comment was that it smells better than the cat litter. 
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    Minus 2 here for Thursday morning low.  At least the sun is supposed to shine...😏
  • @KA9FFJ

    It been down to maybe 20F?  There is 6” of snow on the ground that is now soaked with a fresh bit of very wet snow/rain.  Perfect snowball snow,  especially if you really need them of the “deadly ice snowball” type😬.

    It’s hovering around 32-33F here and it’s 10:30PM.  I’m thinking the roads tomorrow morning will be slicker than snot on a doorknob.
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    Already had 8.5" of snow officially here, and a little more snow predicted Friday.
    Been a hermit for 5 days now.
    Getting out for a dermatology appointment this AM. Gonna have to remember how to play with others again...

  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited January 9
    When I get back from my appointment,  I think I'll have a pipe. Taste of Spring (Since that's what I'm longing for) but I still have to choose a pipe.
    So many pipes, so little time...🙂
  • @KA9FFJ @RockyMountainBriar

    I remember days like those from my Coast Guard career. I was based/stationed in Washington State for six years, made two trips inside the Arctic Circle, one trip to Antarctica but the absolute coldest place I was stationed was on Governors Island in New York City. 

  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    Just returned from the grocery store before another snow comes in tonight/tomorrow. Decided to do some Taste of Spring in my Charlestowne cob...

  • I have my Ser Jacopo Delecta (L1) loaded with some RLP-6 for this evening.

  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited January 11
    Only time for a small bowl this afternoon.
    Been working on a couple of pipes and it took more of my time than I initially figured. 
    Doing some Cest La Vie Creme Caramel in a restemmed Calabrest. 

  • edited January 12
    I bought this folding pocket pipe years ago and refurbished it.  This is my first smoke in it.  I have it loaded with some Mac Baren’s “Royal Twist Deluxe Roll Cake” from 2023.  There are no markings on the pipe, but if I remember correctly, I think it is a “Dr. Brown”.  The “air hose” swivel type fittings definitely make for a “weird” airway, no pipe cleaner passing through those 90 degree bends (when the stem is straight or folded). I am getting a slight gurgle occasionally, cleared by removing the stem at the bowl fitting and blowing it out.  I packed these coins with no dry time and minimal rubbing out.  It probably would have performed better with some dry time.  Overall, the pipe seems to be working ok. It was a “well loved and well smoked” pipe by its previous companion, so it must work.
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited January 12
    Leave it to you to have a Dr. Brown folding pocket pipe!
    That has to be one of the more unique pipes in your collection. 
    Was that the shape you found it in? Did you have to perform extensive refurbishing? Looks to be in great shape...
    Decided to break out my decorked, reworked and restemmed Tom Spanno with some Lane LL-7. 
    This one truly is a great smoking pipe...

  • @KA9FFJ
    It was in great shape for its age and use.  If I remember correctly, I just had to ream it and pass a few Everclear pipe cleaners through it…well…actually, the stem needs to be broke down into the four parts and the aluminum joints cleaned from each end.  A pipe cleaner will not pass those 90 degree joints.  An interesting feature, the bowl is drilled slightly shallow so there is an “airway” hole in the bottom center that intersects the stem airway.  I don’t know if they were all drilled this way or not.  I think it is by design.
  • Taking a break after reworking a pipe.
    Doing some 7 Seas Royal Blend in my "old blue"...

  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited January 15
    While I'm waiting on a dowel rod to dry in a stem, I decided to enjoy some Tinderbox Honey Maple in  reworked and restemmed Paronelli...

  • I have some C&D “Eight State Burley” from the 2024 small batch loaded in my Peterson (Natural) Sherlock Holmes Professor for some smoking enjoyment and contemplation this evening.

  • @RockyMountainBriar
    That one is definitely a list maker! That is one beautiful pipe...
  • Loading up some sutliff English in my Ropp Cutty for the nightly dog walk.
  • Tonight it’s my Radice SilkCut Sandblasted Dublin loaded with some Planta “Brazilian Mixture”, and a plain soda water to pair.  The tobacco is an aromatic with the flavor of creamy key lime pie (well, as much as tobacco can taste like creamy key lime pie).

  • @KA9FFJ
    That grain goes all the way around on that Pete SH too👍🏻.
    To the list it goes.🙂
  • Taking my newly put together "nose warmer" for a spin with some Lane LL-7:

  • Today I enjoyed Meridian in a #9s Peterson. I find I am less adventurous in my tobacco selection lately.  Dipping into my celler is probably something I should do, but I find I like what I am smoking.
  • Blue Danube 80/20 Carter Hall
  • edited January 19
    Rattray’s “Exotic Orange” in my Peterson (Natural) Sherlock Holmes Squire this evening.

  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited January 19
    Forgot to post this earlier. Did some Pirate's Chest (from a local blender in St. Louis/black Cavendish & Burley with a dash of rum and caramel) in my ugly pipe, a restemmed Celtic 981...

  • jim102864jim102864 Master
    edited January 25

    Watching the Tractor Boys (Ipswich Town) v Manchester City whilst smoking some Maltese Falcon at my go-to cigar lounge. The "other" football games will be on later.
  • Hmm, some “old codger” Half-and-Half, in an “old codger” Yello-Bole from WWII years, smoked by an “old codger”….well, not really an “old codger”, but I’m working on it.
    Notice, the pipe has a glass tube “stinger”, aluminum was needed for airplanes and whatnot.  I refurbished this pipe many years ago, and this is the first time I have smoked it.  I was wondering if it might gurgle…it did.  I’ll let you in on a little secret…when I was refurbishing this 80 year old and 100% intact pipe, I dropped the glass tube and cracked one end off, damn it!😖.  Luckily, it didn’t totally destroy it, and I was able to salvage about 3/4 - 7/8 of what was left.  Sooo, it is shorter than what it should be/was.  Consequently, it leaves a gap between the shank counterbore and the end of the tube.  I’m not sure how much this would contribute to condensation above and beyond the glass, but I’ll never know.  Damn it😖.  I have some Liqor 43, a Spanish liquor, enhancing my coffee.😋

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