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What are you guys smoking right Now?



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    Doing some Ashton Rainy Day in a newly finished pipe I just reworked...

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    The C&D “Espresso” burned much nicer, but I still had to clear the stem once about half way through the bowl.  It still left the heel dry at the end.  How this tobacco does it is a mystery🤔
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    My after dinner smoke tonight is some Planta Anno 2015 “Brazilian Mixture”.  It has a lime flavor😋. The pipe is another first smoke in a pipe I purchased and refurbished many years ago.  It is a Savinelli “Linea 76” shape 01.
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    That is one fine looking pipe, Brother.
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    just waiting for my son to get out of his music lesson and about to light up some cult blood red moon while I sit here.
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    edited February 20
    I guess I’m a sucker for punishment, and not that bright.  That K&K “Wintertime I was smoking awhile back was as dry as a popcorn fart since I received it.  I decided to rehydrate it some with humidifier pucks for a few days.  I got it back into “fighting” shape.  I then picked my old Peterson System 0, stamped (Made In Ireland), shape 308 to give it another try.  It is no longer biting the heck out of me, but it is still not one of the most enjoyable tobacco blends I have….oh well.
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    KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited February 20
    Loaded up some Half & Half in a BIM (Build It Myself) pipe.
    This blend immediately took me back to my college days in the 60s...
    Basically, back then, it was Half & Half, Flying Dutchman and a little later I added Borkim Riff... Oh, and I actually allowed my tongue the pleasure now and then of Middleton's Cherry.😬
    Happy IPSD everyone!

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    Blueribbon in the nording compass this fine IPSD evening. Sunny and 50s here so far this week
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    Beautiful day today!
    Did 18 and a little preliminary yard work. Now enjoying some Lane 1Q in a little BIM pipe.
    Great work pipe. So little and light you hardly know it's between your teeth...

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    I’m going for some of that “Grousemoor Plug” in my IPSD purchase…..celebrating a little late.  A Tsuge “The Roulette”.  This is a smaller pipe than I envisioned, but it’s a pretty cool little pipe.  I can’t even get my pinky into the bowl…..
    dinky.  Sometimes a small pipe fits the bill👍🏻.  It’s basically the baby made in the same style as my three Tsuge “Spider” pipes.
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    edited February 22
    I changed it up, I had the “Jamaica Flake” tin popped, so I loaded it instead of the “Grousemoor”.
    This Tsuge “The Roulette” would have been super cool if it had the screw on lid like the “Spider” series pipes.  It would make a great little pocket pipe.  I have an idea in my head about how to make a neat “kit” to transport the “Spiders”….this little guy would break down really small.
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    I had the time for two bowls yesterday so I loaded my 98-year old Dunhill Bruyere (made in 1926) with Esoterica Pembroke for my first pipe. 
    I followed that up with my Stefano Santambrogio with The Untouchables. 
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    Villiger New World Export in one of my Frankenpipes...

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    edited February 23
    I have my new mug filled with some hot Roiboos tea with a touch of sugar, paired with some of that Samuel Gawith “Grousemoor Plug” loaded in my Pete Iora 53 this evening.  I used one of my Teck1 cutters to slice off a few thin flakes from the plug, rubbed out, they are a thin shag cut.  This is definitely “Grousemoor”, I love the rosewater flavor and scent, mostly it is in the scent.  I think the plug is a bit sweeter and less sharp than the mixture, as if it has been aged.  The tobak could have used a few more minutes of dry time, it’s smoking a bit wet.  This tobacco reminds me of the candy Cadbury Fry’s “Turkish Delight”, which I also love.  I think people have a love it or hate it with both the tobak and the candy. 

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    I have a mug just like that...

    I enjoyed a bowl of Rattray's Tower Bridge in my Castello Sea Rock followed later with a bowl of The Untouchables in my Stanwell HCA.  
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    Lorie Valley topped with raspberries and mangoes in a BIM pipe..
    For those of you into aros. I highly recommend giving this one a try...

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    That does sound 😋 

    I have a two-fer loaded for “Tank Night” this evening.  Wilke “Vanilla/Black Cavendish in a Tsuge “The Roulette”, and some Wilke “Maple Spice” loaded in a Tsuge “Spider-Belicoso”.
    My libation/s (two so far) are the Classic Gin Martini.  The first didn’t have a dash of Orange Bitters….I think I’m going back to it, the orange is just not quite right….maybe I’ll try the Aromatic Bitters in the next one instead?
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    First bowl on Friday was Jolly Joker in my Tim West pipe.
    Second bowl was SPC's Barrel Aged Plum Pudding 2022 Christmas Spice. 
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    When I hear/read “Jolly Joker”, I think of Schultz on “Hogan’s Hero’s”, it always make me smile🙂
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    I remember him.
    Jolly Joker is one of the blends I ordered from Germany a couple of years ago. It's an aromatic flavored with Marzipan, Hazlenuts and vanilla. It's not as bad as the tobacco reviews says.
    My wife said it smells like coffee with cream. 
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    edited February 25
    After another dinner of an open-faced hamburger sandwich with mashed potatoes, I have loaded my Luciano squat bulldog with some C&D “Crooner” this evening.  The Virginia based blends I have been smoking recently have torched my tongue/palate, this Burley should be a better choice for me.  I’m still looking for this pipes brother from another mother, a smooth squat Rhodesian.🙂
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    Yesterday was a day for Géometrie by G.L. Pease smoked in my Ascorti Business KS followed by a bowl of The Untouchables in my Cutty by RD Powell.
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    Creme Brulee in a reworked noname:

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    edited February 26
    G,H & Co. “Jamaica Flake” in a Pete System 303.  I noticed that, for some reason, this pipe causes me to drool (TMI?)…..anyway, the stem is thick as hell and rounded, not flat, at the button.  Maybe similar to how I found that “Softy Bits” make me drool, as someone here once commented.  I only use them on briar and horn stems now.  I stopped smoking after about 1/3 bowl and have proceeded to thin out the stem behind the bit…a lot.  It’s still not sanded and buffed to a beautiful shine, but I am stoking it up again…fingers crossed🤞🏼. Pic is before I shaved down the stem.
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    I think, when I take this stem to the buffer, I’ll also take some of the stem bend out.  It looks cool, but I hate when the rear rim of the pipe gets too much heat and blackens because of the downward tip to the bowl when clenched😖. Also, no more drooling, wether it’s because of the thinning, or just mental, I don’t know, but hey, I’ll take what I can get.  The stem is ten times more comfortable now for sure👍🏻
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    Such an incredible day here. Temp in the low 70's. Decided to give me "The Pipe" Dublin a shot with some Amphora I've had jarred for awhile. I actually spent most of the day outside the smoking shed. There were Honey bees in my backyard birdbath. I've never seen that before in February. Global Warming?? If so, if I ever see Al Gore or John Kerry in person, I'm going to kiss them right on the mouth. Well...maybe not.

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    One day at a time, Brother.
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    Taking this newly made pipe on a maiden voyage.
    Doing some John Dengler Tobacconist Camerons Blend from the B&M in St. Charles, MO.
    At 3 PM yesterday it was 82° here in the St. Louis area. This morning at 7AM, it was 23° with a real feel of 17°!🥶
    Go figure...

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