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What are you guys smoking right Now?



  • @KA9FFJ;
    That's a handsome devil, Brother. Nice looking pipe as well.
  • Relaxing before the pipe show tomorrow with some Taste of Spring in a #81 Mr. Brog.

  •       Smoking some KBV “White Peach Tea”, a gift from a fellow TPL member, in a Brigham Mountaineer 347 this evening.  I have a couple of fingers of the Lazy K Bar bourbon, neat, to pair.  It is pairing much better with this tobacco than the C&D’s “The Beast” from the other evening👍🏻.   Not exactly peachy or tea flavors, but pretty good smoke especially with the bourbon🙂.
          I also took a quick picture of my wood floor where the coffee mug warmer dang near burned my house down a few years ago (mentioned in one of my earlier posts).
  • motie2motie2 Master
    edited February 10
    Another gift from my Secret Santa: Sutliff Private Stock Blue Danube. Never had a reasonto try it, although I’ve enjoyed other Sutliff Private Stock blends, especially Barbados Plantation. I really like the Blue Danube, and have already ordered more. Really nice smoke with codger vibes in terms of taste and room note. Delicious.
  • Finished off a tin of Meistermischung Nr. 66 - a tropical blend by Kohlhase & Kopp - I bought in 2021. 
    Second bowl was 4th Generation: Max Erik's Blend 1989 - an aromatic flake.
  • I bought some "Sugar Barrel" a year or so ago. Loved the taste, but not the bite. Jarred it immediately and eventually added maybe a third "Carter Hall". It tamed the bite, but also left it a little tasteless. Maybe I mixed in too much CH? Anyone ever notice an experience like that?
  • @Zouave1864
    Is that an aviation control stick (fighter, bomber, helicopter), handle I spy in the background?  Video game controller?  It looks too substantial to be a video game controller.
  • edited February 12
    Today I decided to break in a new pipe I purchased way back in February 2019.  I have it loaded with some Lane Limited “RLP-6”.  It’s been awhile since I have visited this tobacco blend…..mmm….still tasty as ever.  I thought that I had better smoke this pipe before the guy? who gets it after I’m gone, after all, I did buy it for me, me, me🙂.  It does have quite the dip stain bowl, I couldn’t get it all out with Everclear, and sanding was not an option since it would thrash the silver cap.  I can’t have that.  I’ll have to persevere through it, luckily, the stain is not causing any severe nasty taste so far👍🏻. Oh, the pipe is one of the Peterson Natural Amber Spigot 03.  Actually, I do not believe many of these were made, this may be the only 03 Natural Silver Rim Amber Spigot made?  I wish it was a Silver Lid, I guess I’ll have to be satisfied with this🙂.  I have thought about swapping the Silver Lid with one of my other 03’s.  I have not figured out how to safely remove the silver “nails” holding them on, and there is no guarantee that they are exactly the same size.  I have measured them, and they are close.  The other issues, are that the lid has a much wider cap band and would cover some of that beautiful straight grain if it was on the Amber Spigot,  and who knows what that wide Lid band is covering up on the other pipe?  I need to get this silly “swapping” idea out of my head.
    Yes, I am smoking the Spigot with the Black Acrylic stem, my teeth are hard on Amber, I don’t want to “F” it up.
  • Smoking some Peter Stokkebye and a macanudo maduro while sipping some Malbec and smoking a nice pork loin

  • @RockyMountainBriar;
    Sooo, you have a pipe you bought in 2019, and you are just now firing it up? I can't even get my head around that. It must be a single guy deal. More power to yea Brother. 
  • Zouave1864Zouave1864 Master
    edited February 12
    @RockyMountainBriar you have a sharp eye. It's a control stick from a WWII F-6 Hellcat. 
  • edited February 12
    Yep, I think I have a few more, new unsmoked.  Hey, I’m only one guy…with a problem….collecting.
    might have too many pipes.🤔

    A couple of questions.
    Does the pork leave any greasy dottle in your pipe, and is it hard to light/keep lit😬
  • Remember @opipeman
    @RockyMountainBriar middle 3 initials are: PAD
  • Doing some C&D Autumn Evening in one of the ugliest most thrown together meers I've ever created. But man, does it smoke good...
    Did I mention it's ugly?

  • @KA9FFJ
    I don’t know if I would call it ugly…there are plenty of truly “keep a buzzard off a bone pile”/“scare a train off the tracks” ugly pipes out there, that your meer can’t hold a candle too.
  • @RockyMountainBriar
    We're you able to do any good on your hat hunting?
  • @KA9FFJ
    I did find a couple, now I just have to decide to pull the trigger.  Fitting is always a risky proposition without actually having the item to fit into🙂.  Well, that and deciding if I want to spend the cashola.
  • Making a visit back to a 4 year cellar blend. Barbados Plantation in an old workhorse/garage pipe DARBY...
    This pipe has 3 cracks (that I can find) on the outside of the bowl, NOT the inside. But it keeps on giving me a good smoke after good smoke every time!
    I can see me puffing away one day and this thing finally splits in 3 pieces while catching me on fire! 
    I do always check the pressure on my garage fire extinguisher before firing this baby up.😬
  • @KA9FFJ
    Wouldn’t that be a spectacular display.  Make sure to get it on video,  some hot embers need to fall in you lap to make it really good.  You might make enough on youtube or the like to buy a new pipe if it goes viral 😬
  • @KA9FFJ;
    Once or twice a year, take your extinguisher, turn it upside down and smack the bottom with a rubber mallet a few times. Over time the extinguishing powder tends to settle and might cake and not blow out when you need it. Extinguishers in moving vehicles will settle a lot faster.
  • @opipeman
    Yep. I learned that little trick while working for US Steel.

  • @opipeman
    Thank you for the tip👍🏻. I learned something new today, and it could prove to be very important some day.  Especially if I have another coffee mug heater incident😳
  • Smoking another fresh pipe today, one I purchased several years ago.  I’m smoking the first bowl in the first clay pipe for me.  This is not the clay that was gifted to me however.  It’s kind of unique, it has a threaded vulcanite stem and either a steel or nickel ferrule. It is loaded with some of the Kohlhase & Kapp “Wintertime 2021” that a generous TPL member sent my way.
    Note to self: “No grabby freaking hot bowl while lit!”.

  • This is the third or fourth bowl of this K&K “Wintertime 2021” tobacco that I have smoked, in four different pipes, and it has bit me like a rabid dog every time.🥵
  • @RockyMountainBriar

    May we assume you knew enough to “come in out of the rain” after having it bite you four times?
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