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What are you guys smoking right Now?



  • Well, I was laid off yesterday as I walked through the door, “Workforce Reduction”.  It’s finally here.  Sooo, I have a little time this morning.  I didn’t sleep well.  I have decided to take out my Nanopresso manual espresso maker and run it through its paces, why, silly shit somewhat takes my mind off of my predicament.
    I decided to throw caution to the wind and smoke some of this “Dunhill Standard Mixture Medium” sample from that pipe purchase from France.  I have had it rehydrating for a couple of days, it contains Latakia😳
    It’s burning well, it’s not a heavy Lat, otherwise I might not have tried it in this pipe….I hope I don’t ruin it.
    I can tolerate this tobak, but I won’t be buying any.  It is pretty smooth, but the flavor is just “not my bag man”.  The espresso is a light roast blend from a local coffee roaster/coffee shop Mazevo.

  • opipemanopipeman Master
    Sorry to hear about your layoff. It happened to me in 1990, just as I took out a loan to add onto my house. It sucks, but it is survivable. I found two jobs after that that were better. You are in my prayers.
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    Yea. Check those shoes out. I asked him and no, he's not a tap dancer...😏
  • Londy3Londy3 Master
    Well, looks like another nice evening to partake in a lovely pipe.  Peter Stokkebye luxury English in an estate.

  • edited March 6
    Smoking some SG “Jamaica Flake” in my little Tsuge “Roulette” this evening.
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    Sorry about your layoff brother. Been there done that.
    Did they give you a guesstimate time frame?
    Anyway, I always found it useful to catch up on projects I'd been putting off because of my work schedule.  
    The best advice I can give:
    Stay busy, break in a lot of those unsmoked pipes and and check out those untried blends you have...
  • PappyJoePappyJoe Master
    Sorry to hear about the layoff.
    Maybe you should just sit back and keep your eyes open for the next door to open.
  • opipemanopipeman Master
    I remember saying some time ago, I'm not buying anymore pipes. I was able to keep that pledge, until I didn't. The SAVINELLI ELEGANZA 310 KS RUSTIC DARK BROWN just made me buy it. I always leave the balsa filters in during the breaking in process. Using LL-7 and some codger blends to get her seasoned. Too early to tell if it will be a favorite. Sure is a pretty thing.
  • Zouave1864Zouave1864 Master
    edited March 6
    @RockyMountainBriar sorry to hear about the lay off. I was laid off several years back and I'm still pissed at the bastards. The kicker was the owners took the week off and hid at their lake house and had the manager fire everyone,  then at the end of the day after he canned everyone,  they had his sleazy underling fire him last.  The bright spot was I got to spend some very formative time with my daughter and I wouldn't give that time back for anything.  Keep your head up and enjoy those pipes.
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    Changed my mind. Those briars can wait until April. 
    Time to focus on meerschaums, so in keeping with March Meerschaum Madness (MMM), I'm starting with a medium sized Sultan.
    1st MMM blend?, Peter Stokkebye 24 Nougat...

  • edited March 7
    Thanks for all of the well wishes fella’s👍🏻.  I’m pretty sure I have a job lined up.  I had the initial interview Monday afternoon.  It’s just a matter of the “compensation” numbers.  It will be a pay cut, but at least I won’t miss any house payments, heat, or meals👍🏻

  • I have loaded my newly acquired and refurbished by me Peterson’s “Kildare” 53 Lovat with some C&D “Espresso” for it’s first bowl to be enjoyed by me🙂
  • edited March 7
    I had to take out the innertube and chamfer the tenon.  The pipe was gurgling like a backed up sewer😖
    It’s smoking much better now👍🏻. I think the innertube has too small of a diameter now that I opened the airway to 4mm.  Maybe I’ll make an innertube with a larger diameter🤔. Innertubes keep shanks clean as a whistle, if they are not too small.
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited March 7
    Remember, when people tell you it's good to see you, tell them, "At my age, it's better to be seen than viewed"... 😏

  • opipemanopipeman Master
    Thank you sir. You are most kind. Join me in a bowl and a glass at your convenience.
  • opipemanopipeman Master
    Now that's funny, I don't care who you are. As I invited @PappyJoe, "Join an old man in a bowl and a glass at your convenience."
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    Will do. 
    One of our golfing buddies passed after a long illness. He was 88. I will be part of his service this morning, so you can count on me to do a bowl to celebrate your milestone this afternoon...
  • @opipeman happy birthday and many more!  I raise my rusticated Rossi filled with a bowl of SPC Plum Pudding Bourbon Barrel Aged in your honor!

  • opipemanopipeman Master
    Sorry for the loss of your friend. Smoke a bowl and pull a cork for your friend as well. 88 was a good run, but still a little short, in my view.
  • opipemanopipeman Master
    Many thanks, Brother. You are kind indeed.
  • @opipeman happy birthday sir. Blessings and many more!
  • @opipeman
    Happy Birthday! 🎉🎂
    I wish you many more happy years.

    I’ll be tipping back some Tullamore Dew and hey…smoking some Sutliff D65 “Irish Coffee” in an Irish pipe…as yet to be determined, in your honor.

    “May the road rise up to meet you.  May the wind be always at your back.  May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”

    Sláinte!  Good Sir.

  • edited March 7
    Heck, No job, no wife, no kids, no life.
    Might as well start now.
    I popped the cork on me Irish Dew and “accidentally” spilled some in me coffee😱
    I picked out me Peterson Golden Supreme Meer to do triple duty.  It is MMM after all and approaching St. Patrick’s Day, and the best reason of all, @opipeman’s birthday.
    Me pipe is loaded with some Sutliff D65-“Irish Coffee”, and I’m about to get loaded with some “Irish Coffee”.
  • motie2motie2 Master

    God of days and years, Author of life, our times are in Your hands. We thank You day by day for Your abounding blessings and, as year follows year, we are grateful for all Your gifts to us. This day, with grateful hearts, we thank You for the precious gift of eighty years You have granted to our friend, @opipeman

    In the midst of our daily concerns, we pause to acknowledge that You have dealt mercifully with him. During the four score years which You have graciously given him, You have watched over him, strengthening him when trials weakened him. 

    Great as has been Your lovingkindness to him, and many as have been Your blessings, still we entreat You, O God, and ask that Your great goodness may continue to abide with him. Grant him added years of health and happiness. May Your blessings rest upon him, granting him the grace to look back with gratitude, and ahead with serenity.

    To this, let us all affirm: AMEN

  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    No Irish theme, but as promised, a glass of red wine, a noname Rhodesian meer with some Pirate's Chest in your honor @opipeman...

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