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  • Really like the site. A lot of great information. Live in Indiana and bought my first pipe a few months back. Still trying different blends. Really enjoy how a pipe makes you slow down. 
  • Welcome aboard kingsleypat1, you can get an education here. Don't be afraid to say what is on your mind.
  • @kingsleypat1 -- I join with my friend @pwkarch (and all the rest of our friendly crew) in welcoming you to This Pipe Life. If you need anything related to pipe smoking or the site, please do not hesitate to ask, and check out the FREE PIPE SMOKING LIBRARY discussion folder. Leave word there of what you want to read and I'll post it for your downloading convenience.
  • Welcome to the group @kingsleypat1, glad to have you with us. 
  • BentbrierBentbrier Professor
    @kingsleypat1 welcome to the group and to the pipesmoking life.  I think most here will agree it's a life long adventure of seeking the perfect smoke ( pipe, tobacco, and evironment).  When it happens, and don't worry it will more than once, it's an experience well worth the quest.  Also, the road along the way is full of good times and great people.  Again welcome.
  • @kingsleypat1: Welcome to the group, feel free to ask anything you're curious about.
  • Welcome @kingsleypat1  Glad to have you along for the ride! 
  • Thank you everyone for the warm welcome!
  • @kingsleypat1

    You're most welcome!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hello all, it’s nice to find a community of the living who enjoy the Pipe Life. I say that because when I tried to register for the site, I was informed by the system that I am, apparently, deceased. I dunno. I don’t feel deceased, but then I don’t exactly know what that feels like. I still trip over roots in the woods and feel pain....at least I think I do. Anyway, I used my wife’s info to create an account and the system says she’s alive enough to join, so here I am.

    I picked up the pipe habit about a year or so ago after ditching cigarettes and have very much enjoyed getting to know some of the in’s and out’s of the practice. I have explored a few tobaccos, with my daily go-to tending to 1Q, BCA, or Capt Black Royal. Also enjoy an occasional English and Mac Baren Mixture. I have a small 50/50 collection of corncobs and estate briars. Any recommendations for stronger aros would be welcome!

    If this deceased thing goes south for me, I’ll be happy to pass on any insights from the other side.

  • Welcome to the group @Bloodhound61, glad to have you with us.

  • Welcome @Bloodhound61!! A warm welcome to your ghost as well, if you are indeed deceased. 

    Glad to have you with us.  It's a great group of folks here who are always willing to answer questions or offer suggestions. 

    Regarding suggestions for stronger aros..... Hmmmm. I can't think of any off hand, but I mix Captain Black with an English blend (50/50) on occasion to create a sweet, smokey blend. 

    Again, welcome!!
  • Many thanks for the welcomes! @Kmhartle, I’ll give that a try.....might be up my alley
  • motie2motie2 Master
    edited March 2018
    @Bloodhound61 --  It's the right time for a Resurrection, eh? Welcome to TPL! Glad to have you with us. Any questions, just ask any of us; we're (mostly) a friendly crew.

    You might also check out the FREE PIPE SMOKING LIBRARY folder, which I curate...... Tell me what you want and I'll post it for your downloading convenience.

    Again, WELCOME!!!!
  • KmhartleKmhartle Master
    edited March 2018
    @Bloodhound61 It may be a swing and a miss when you first try the mix, but let it sit for a few weeks and it'll be a much different smoke with a little age to it. 
  • I appreciate that, @motie2, greatly, and will do. I suppose you’re right indeed about it being resurrection season. I first got wind of my demise a little while  back and haven’t braved whatever beaurocratic hell I’m going to have to wander in order to escape the grave. Blame it on the rigor mortis. It isn’t all bad, being dead, but it can be inconvenient.

    @Kmhartle I just sealed up your recommendation and will let ‘er sit for a month or so. I’ll let you know how it turns out.
  • Welcome aboard, @Bloodhound61. So glad you found us. 

    As as far as your “stronger aro” question... the first one that comes to mind is Old Toby from The Country Squire. It’s an aro with some perique for kick. Lane Limited HGL is nice a nice aro with Latakia. There are also several good English-Aromatics out there. One I’ve recently been enjoying is Kramer’s Blend for Cary Grant. Of course the best mild English / English-aro of all time is Frog Morton’s Cellar. English with a whiskey stave for a sweet overtone. It’s no longer in production, but if you’re willing to pay about double there are several who are selling the remaining tins on eBay. 
  • On the stronger aromatic question, posters at another forum have opined:

    <<Peterson University Flake, Royal Yacht, Rattray Wallace Flake, are all aromatics, but not like the fancy flavored type. They have a kick, but the aromatic quality is really just to make the tobacco more palatable.>>

    <<Samuel Gawith Firedance Flake, Mac Baren Navy Flake and Mac Baren Vanilla Cream Flake. They are lower in nicotine but have BOLD body, so mentally you will get the satisfaction.>>

    << ....there are two ways to get a high-nic aromatic: 1) Add a little (10%-20% by weight not more) black cavendish such as Lane's BCA to a strong natural blend like Royal Yacht or similar. That gives you predominantly quality tobacco with condimental flavoring/scenting. This is my preferred method, as it takes the bite out of Virginias without causing it to smoke wet and goopy. In fact I have even added a bit of BCA to Pease's Virginia Cream to tame down the Va bite and also the horrid peppery sensation of perique (which I wish they would leave out, it would then be a perfect blend IMHO). 2) Add 25%-30% strong, tasteless garbage burley with a nicotine whallop, like Five Brothers, to any aro. That will give you 100% garbage tobacco cased with syrupy flavoring, but for a nic fiend who enjoys Lakelands, none of that should bother you.>>

    <<As a Virginia lover I tried Dunhill Royal Yacht with the idea of relaxing back and enjoying a mildly aromatic smoke. About five minutes into the smoke I realized that the nic hit was a bit too much for me. Liked the taste mind you but he heart rate increase was intolerable and lasted for about six hours. So if you want a reasonably aromatic smoke with lots of nicotine, this is your boy.>>
  • Welcome @Bloodhound61 to our fun forum.
  • jdk5hhjdk5hh Apprentice
    edited April 2018
    Welcome to the latest batch o’ members! 

    @wvdumplings  since you like cherry blends, I suggest trying Trumpeter from thecountrysquireonline.com

  • Thanks again for the welcomes and the suggestions. I appreciate the knowledge base muchly! I do believe I’m going to enjoy the experimentation
  • @Bloodhound61 Great to have a zombie among the ranks. I had a friend I worked with call my house one day to see if I was alive because someone with the same name as mine was in the local obit. Didn't even know there was someone with my name living in the same area as I. 

    @Kingsleypat1 Welcome to the group. Nice to see the group continuing to grow.

    With all the new members arriving I still can't believe I haven't come upon a single pipe smoker in person during my daily journeys. Are we all hiding in the shadows as we smoke ... or in our back yards? I look forward to the day when I walking on one of the trails or down the city street and happen upon a guy or gal smoking a pipe.

  • @ghostsofpompeii, thanks for the welcome! I’ve read and enjoyed a number of your posts since joining this group.

    To echo your sentiment, I’ve run across no pipe smokers locally either, but then I live outside of town and work from home. I’d speculate that it’s the result of an overall decrease in tobacco use, generally, and us being a small subset of the remaining partakers....along with social unacceptance. Smoking in public? The horror. So you might be spot on when you say a lot of us are doing it in seclusion. 

    Something I’ve noticed since I began with the pipe is a lack of stores that even carry pipe tobacco. Where I am, you’d be lucky in a pinch to find a drugstore that had a pouch or two of Capt. Black. The island just up from me used to have a couple of decent cigar stores that catered to the golfer and tourist infestation but those have disappeared also in recent years. Whether the availability of tobacco online caused the brick and mortar stores to disappear, I don’t know. I suspect that in many areas there just aren’t enough locals to sustain ‘em. I’d dearly love to find a Mom and Pop tobacconist with whom to loiter.  

  • In five years in my new community I have never seen another pipe smoker. The same was true in my previous community (two decades). met on ecollege professor who smoked a pipe in the community before that (two years).
  • What up pipe fam my name is TJ and I'm new here!
  • Welcome TJ! Glad to have you join us! 
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