@motie2, @ghostsofpompeii, Thanks for the admiration on this particular piece guys. Actually, my experience with bamboo, is that it is very durable, regardless of how it is affixed. I have a Moretti that has the bamboo permanently attached to the Lucite stem, but all my other bamboo pipes have the bamboo affixed to the briar.. This J. Alan has a stainless insert permanently affixed to the stem, that slides into the bamboo. I have an Elsie Larsen (W.O. Larsen), as well as an Adam Davidson that are designed exactly the same way. On my Steve Liskey pipes designed with bamboo, he has used a delrin tenon that is simply epoxied into the vulcanite stem.
No matter the method used, I have had great luck with all these style pipes, with no breakage issues. You will notice in the pics, some natural cracks in the bamboo. Almost all my pipes with bamboo have these natural fissures, however they seem to pose no issues with strength or integrity. When Sixten Ivarsson selected bamboo as pipe material, in order to make his briar blocks go further, he selected a beautiful as well as durable material. In addition, matching the right size bamboo to to briar can be somewhat tricky, so when the pipe carver hits the nail squarely on the head, it makes for a well balanced piece that flows in composition.
Jeff Gracik really makes a fantastic pipe. I cannot find any flaws whatsoever with this beauty, and it definitely won't be my last J. Alan.
Here is a link to his Wikipedia, with some other great pipes he has crafted.
@ghostsofpompeii -- Isn't at least this part copied from the first movie. This alien victim of The Alien is often referred to as "The Pilot," or by its creator, "The Dental Patient."
@Woodsman I have a bunch of pictures saved from Giger's Museum. Inside there is a bar that's absolutely awesome. If I was the woman who won that major Lottery I'd have a lower level of a house decorated with Giger furnishings. Probably be a grand scheme for a home theater room for a millionaire.
Last night I stacked my pipe by alternating a layers of Sutliff Molto Dolce with C&D Autumn Evening. I could have just as easily simply mixed the two together but by stacking it's a totally different smoking experience.
Just finished a bowl with another stack in it. This time I put a layer of Cult Militia on the bottom and top - and some Sutliff Raspberry Cobbler in the middle. Nothing to write home about. I'm not at all impressed with the Militia. I was expecting more since so many people enjoy Cult Blood Red Moon. I didn't go with Blood Red Moon because I'm not that fond of cherry blends. Militia is suppose to contain the same blend of premium tobaccos as those used in Blood Red Moon but instead of flavoring it with cherry they used the type of flavor profile I tend to gravitate towards ... vanilla, caramel, honey, and dark fruit. I thought the addition of the Raspberry Cobbler might give it that extra boost of flavor. But nada. I still have a lot of other bulk blends to try mixing it with before I give up on it completely.
Now that I think of it, I have yet to completely give up on any blends. Even those I don't like I've tried experimenting with until I found some combination that's acceptable. So @motie2 next time you think about being so generous with your tobacco, maybe you should try a little experimentation first before giving up on it. You just might find a little Molto Dolce can do wonders with something like Autumn Evening or Virginia Cream. It sure helped. I actually think a layer of Molto Dolce in a pair of your kids old gym shoes can freshen them up considerably.
You, sir, are suggesting treating Molto Dolce as if it were Frank's Red Hot Sauce (Corporate catch phrase: "I put the sh!+ on everything!")
Also, as I've mentioned, I'm gone; a total head case. I'm only smoking BP and Mrs. Hudson's. I tried a bowl of left-over-from-making-Mrs. Hudson's-Vanilla-Custard and I knocked out the bowl after only smoking a half of it.
I'm trying out some Sweet Maple Twist (Country Squire) rope tobacco. Used my grandfather's pocket knife to cut it into strips. Wow!!! Not very pleasant. I have to admit that Jon David did warn me first, but I had to try it. I'll be switching to Mississippi River soon.
Country Squire's Green Dragon in my jumbo churchwarden. Waiting for my Angry Cornishman and Pirate's Alley to arrive. By the way, the hurricane has slowed the USMail down a little. Patience, patience.
One of the blends I like from P&C is Candy Cane Coca,really a nice blend.From The Country Squire my favorite is Flambeau cherry complex,not overwhelming cherry taste but just right.
I am smoking PS Luxury Navy Flake, in my little Savinelli Petite 402, and drinking lapsang souchong. It is nearly discernable where the LNF ends and the tea begins.
I've got a big old Sabatini bent billiard that I have used for lat blends.I'm very tentatively exploring more aros, so have decided to convert this monster over. Right now I have loaded it up with Lane RR to begin the process.
@motie2, @ghostsofpompeii, Thanks for the admiration on this particular piece guys. Actually, my experience with bamboo, is that it is very durable, regardless of how it is affixed. I have a Moretti that has the bamboo permanently attached to the Lucite stem, but all my other bamboo pipes have the bamboo affixed to the briar.. This J. Alan has a stainless insert permanently affixed to the stem, that slides into the bamboo. I have an Elsie Larsen (W.O. Larsen), as well as an Adam Davidson that are designed exactly the same way. On my Steve Liskey pipes designed with bamboo, he has used a delrin tenon that is simply epoxied into the vulcanite stem.
No matter the method used, I have had great luck with all these style pipes, with no breakage issues. You will notice in the pics, some natural cracks in the bamboo. Almost all my pipes with bamboo have these natural fissures, however they seem to pose no issues with strength or integrity. When Sixten Ivarsson selected bamboo as pipe material, in order to make his briar blocks go further, he selected a beautiful as well as durable material. In addition, matching the right size bamboo to to briar can be somewhat tricky, so when the pipe carver hits the nail squarely on the head, it makes for a well balanced piece that flows in composition.
Jeff Gracik really makes a fantastic pipe. I cannot find any flaws whatsoever with this beauty, and it definitely won't be my last J. Alan.
Here is a link to his Wikipedia, with some other great pipes he has crafted.
copied from the first movie. This alien victim of The Alien is often
referred to as "The Pilot," or by its creator, "The Dental Patient."
Just loaded up and fired up a bowl of Brigadier Black Ggettysburg in a Nording 2007.
BCA in an Unknown Meerschaum.
Just finished a bowl with another stack in it. This time I put a layer of Cult Militia on the bottom and top - and some Sutliff Raspberry Cobbler in the middle. Nothing to write home about. I'm not at all impressed with the Militia. I was expecting more since so many people enjoy Cult Blood Red Moon. I didn't go with Blood Red Moon because I'm not that fond of cherry blends. Militia is suppose to contain the same blend of premium tobaccos as those used in Blood Red Moon but instead of flavoring it with cherry they used the type of flavor profile I tend to gravitate towards ... vanilla, caramel, honey, and dark fruit. I thought the addition of the Raspberry Cobbler might give it that extra boost of flavor. But nada. I still have a lot of other bulk blends to try mixing it with before I give up on it completely.
Now that I think of it, I have yet to completely give up on any blends. Even those I don't like I've tried experimenting with until I found some combination that's acceptable. So @motie2 next time you think about being so generous with your tobacco, maybe you should try a little experimentation first before giving up on it. You just might find a little Molto Dolce can do wonders with something like Autumn Evening or Virginia Cream. It sure helped. I actually think a layer of Molto Dolce in a pair of your kids old gym shoes can freshen them up considerably.
Also, as I've mentioned, I'm gone; a total head case. I'm only smoking BP and Mrs. Hudson's. I tried a bowl of left-over-from-making-Mrs. Hudson's-Vanilla-Custard and I knocked out the bowl after only smoking a half of it.