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What are you guys smoking right Now?



  • @KA9FFJ
    I do like stubby pipes, however, I am not a fan of “Danish Style” pipes, nor most of corey562’s pipes.  Don’t hate me.
  • Ooooooooo, @RockyMountainBriar, I hate you LOL.........
  • @KA9FFJ yes it is the very same Nougat. I enjoy it quite a bit.
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited October 2022
    Doing some MacBaren Seven Seas Royal blend in a MM Olde CharlesTown...

  • Enjoying some Creme Brulee in an old reworked Darby "workhorse" pipe. Still smokes good, after all these years. I guesstimate the pipe to be around 40 to 50 years old...👴
  • @opipeman
    Yea, that’s the Kirsten you parade around on here that I love😍🙂
  • @opipeman
    Never seen anything like it. Why don't you smoke it though?
  • @Londy3;
    It is clumsy in the hand. It doesn't smoke all that well. It is messy to clean up. The only reason I hang onto it is that I understand it has some value. Although, I don't understand why.
  • @opipeman
    Keep me in mind if you want to “unload” it🙂
  • edited October 2022
    I loaded up one of my Zest pipes with some G&H or SG tobacco?  I can’t remember what I had rubbed out and put in a “Pocket Jar”, it also has a bit of C&D “Espresso” added to it as well.  I picked a small pipe, because it’s kinda late.  By the way, there is snow falling this evening, very, very lightly, it’s not even below freezing yet.  It’s 41F now and windy.
  • @RockyMountainBriar;
    I would consider an offer. Note in the first photo it has "DON" engraved on the metal stem. I have no idea of its value.
  • @opipeman
    I know there is/was? a Don Warren that carves custom bowls for Kirsten pipes.  Maybe he engraves them….or maybe it’s just someone named Don that owned it previously🤔
  • @RockyMountainBriar;
    I'm thinking it is/was some random Don.
  • Not "The Don" I suspect 
  • @opipeman
    Kirsten is making new pipes again after a long hiatus.  The pipes with that design and an XL Briar bowl are $209 + S&H.  Don Warren bowls (of which I have seen exactly that freehand floral style in the past) are around $60-$80.  The new Kirsten XL briar bowls were around the same price, but I don’t believe they ever had a factory freehand style available.  I have seen those estate Kirstens go for $100-$180 in the past.  I looked at the E bay and do not see any currently however.  I do have a Kirsten with that body style, but it is an earlier model.  The valve/endcap does not have the “foot” to stand on.
  • @RockyMountainBriar;
    I put new "O" Rings in it a few years ago. Thanks for the research. I still don't like to smoke it.
  • What model Grabow is that? I don't think I've ever seen it before...

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