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What are you guys smoking right Now?



  • NathanCampbellNathanCampbell Newcomer
    edited February 2021
    Aged bullseye in a Peterson p-lip 301. This tobacco has been pared with this pipe for six years now. The perfect combo. Non of my other pipes bring out the flavors I expect from this tobacco. Don’t know why but, it just does. 
  • Peter Stokkebye Nougat in GBD Bulldog.
  • @KA9FFJ
    My experience with “Sunset Breeze” has been similar.

    On another note.
         I went to one of the local Tobacco Row B&M today to get some bristle pipe cleaners and the tobacconist pointed out a few new pouch blends they just got in.  I bought the two that did not have latakia.  One was Tobacco Galleria “Blue Note”, the other was Tobacco Galleria “Night Cap”, neither are their more famously named counterparts or were meant to be substitutes, they are both aromatics.  I smoked the “Blue Note” in a Pete System Deluxe 12 1/2s.....man it bit like a saber toothed tiger, I am not a fan.  Low and behold, I checked the manufacturer, Sutliff, another Sutliff blend that is not my cup of tea.  It did burn much better than others I have tried though.  I’m tempted to just leave the other in the pouch for some other sucker, but I will have to try it....maybe it won’t suck....riiiiight.

    Sorry if you have told me before, but I don’t recall.  What is the “Indigo” like?
  • Smoking another bowl this evening...errr....morning.  Trying out the Sutliff Tobacco Galleria “Night Cap” in a nice little Yorkshire Supreme Lovat I received as a gift from a great TPL friend👍🏻  After giving the pipe my once over, it is smoking like a dream.  I’m glad I loaded this tobacco up and tried it, it is probably the best smoking (no tongue bite) Sutliff tobacco I have tried.  Maybe it’s the magic of the gifted pipe👍🏻
  • @RockyMountainBriar

    I first opened the Indigo in September or October. I was real wet, the tin note was a sweet & fruity vanilla. It smoked okay but I only smoked three or four bowls before putting a rubber band around the foil bag and putting it in one of my ceramic tobacco jars. 

    The other day I decided to have another bowl of it. It has dried out some (I have since moved it into a ceramic tobacco jar with a hygrometer in the lid and it is currently the Indigo is at 74% RH - almost down to where I like my cigars). I like it better. The tin note has been tamed down some but I still get the fruity/plum notes while I smell more honey than vanilla. To me the vanilla is a supporting background player.

    I found that at the 74% RH, it light easily and I haven't had to do any relights that I recall. The last bowl I had, I just had to tamp it after the charring light and then about halfway through the bowl. The flavor is sweet and slightly fruity and what aroma I detect (smoking outside) is pleasant. 

    It's an enjoyable smoke in my opinion. 
  • Smoking some C&D “Espresso” in what used to be a “Briar Freak” belge.  It had some nasty fills, and a few years ago when the “Devil Anse” pipes were en vogue, I cut the stem down to get the look of the “Devil Anse”.  I’m thinking maybe that old pipe that Kevin Costner was smoking may have had the stem chewed off with use?  I never saw the bit end, so I don’t know for sure.
  • Just finished a bowl of Lord Nelson in an Ashton Zulu.
  • RLP-6 and LL7 today in Crown pipe.
  • edited February 2021
    C&D “Espresso” in an little Yorkshire Lovat.

    By the way....Apple sucks, the f’in bastards sent an update to my iPad and now I can’t go to any websites.......the fricken keypad won’t come up to type the sites in the search bar.  $”&”£€¥#%?!

    Finally got this dang iPad working...for some reason it was loading a string of inter web searches that I haven’t been to in months.  I had to keep loading one after the other, clearing each one as they came up.
  • @RockyMountainBriar
    They say technology's great.
    I say, ONLY when it works...🥴
  • @RockyMountainBriar
    I gave up on Apple when they gave up on the II c and transitioned to the sealed proprietary Mac. I've also turned some Windows systems into Linux. Now I stick with Android devices.
  • Going to be 45 degrees on Wednesday! I can finally have my first pipe in about 5 weeks!!! :D
  • @pipeman83

    Same forecast here. Hope it's true.
    Other than last Friday evening during VPC,
    when SWMBO allowed me to use the window exhaust fan in the upstairs office with the door closed,
    I had not smoked a pipe since last year.
    I've cleared a little portion of the rear deck and two of the chairs.
    Hope to sit in one Wedsnesday and burn a bowl or two.
  • @Zouave
    I like smooth pipes in general, but sometimes a contrast sandblast just hits the spot.  I think I only have three sandblasted pipes.

    On a side note, I got bit by that W.O.Larsen L.E. 2013 like it was a rabid dog.  I dumped it and loaded some C&D “Espresso”....ahh smoooth.  I have had similar experiences with that Larsen tobacco before.  It’s why it is still almost a full jar after about seven years.  I keep coming back to it occasionally to see if something has changed....it hasn’t🙁.  It’s probably a good thing that it was a limited edition and I’m glad I only bought one tin.
  • @RockyMountainBriar
    I'd store that Larsen tobacco deep down in the circular file in preparation for a trip to Never Neverland, aka the dump!
  • It must be spring! The chickens, ducks, turkeys, and, rabbits are fed and watered and I  finished a bowl of Early Morning Pipe all before 8 o'clock. 
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