It's the invasion of the buffalo gnats here! Put some vanilla extract around my face and, in keeping with the natural repellent, I'm doing some 50/50 VG Vanilla and SP Vanilla in a GBD Midnight... I hate gnats! 😠
@ghostsofpompeii -- Nah, right now, the dragon I'm chasing is Latakia; have two lesser EA Carey's dedicated to the pursuit. I'm still not entire comfortable with tobacco, per se, but the English blends take me back to seminary.
Ouch, if I keep this up, next thing you know I'll be buying Escudo again......
@RockyMountainBriar I originally bought Lane Limited "Wild Hare" after reading through a couple of reviews at Pipes&Cigars. The majority of reviews were very positive giving the blend four and a half or five stars. But it was the one short and sweet two star review that grabbed my eye ... but not in the negative way the reviewer intended. He off-handedly suggested it be smoked at Carnivals because it taste like cotton candy. Well that piqued my interest. A blend that taste like cotton candy was right up my alley. I originally purchased three tins, and after a few bowls was so impressed with the blend I went back and ordered an additional four.
It's a nice sweet smoke ... but I really can't detect any specific flavor such as vanilla, chocolate, caramel, honey or molasses. Which is probably why the guy suggested cotton candy, which is little more than spun sugar. Its a mild, pleasant all day type of tobacco that smokes to a nice white ash without any goop in the bottom of the bowl. You can smoke it right out of the tin ... no need to set it out beforehand. It seems to be in the Goldilocks Zone (not too moist and not too dry).
My wife and I agree that the aroma of both the tin and room note is more akin to taking that first step through the door of a bakery, getting a heavenly whiff of fresh baked goods all meshed together into an imperceptible yet delicious concoction ... cookies, pies, cakes, sweet rolls and sticky buns, baklava, cannolli, nutmeg and poppy-seed rolls, and all manner of pastry filling your nostrils at once, making it virtually impossible for the nose to detect one confection from the other.
@ghostsofpompeii Thanks for the description. I love Cotton Candy, but I don’t think I would like that for tobacco. Sounds kind of like R.O. “Candy Corn” blend that I can’t stand. I have always had a dislike for real Candy Corn too😖
@RockyMountainBriar ~ ghostsofpompeii hit the nail on the head when he said the words "sticky bun". It has a tin note, room note, and flavor of a sticky bun without hiding the taste of the tobacco. The closest thing I can compare it to is Peretti Black Virginia. They are both excellent all day vanilla, Virginia / Cavendish blends.
@RockyMountainBriar I have Russ's "Candy Corn" blends and it's nothing like that. "Wild Hare" is more like breathing in the essence of a bakery rather than munching on a fistful of candy corn..
Late to the party @Londy3, Welcome back. Just had some Lane TK-6, first time, nice blend. Find myself taking a turn back to the fruity blends as long as they are not over powering.
Doing what yardwork that I can do, first bowl was Scottys' Butternut Burley wih Lane BCA in a Medico Varsity. The second bowl was straight Scotty's Butternut Burley in my Bones "Fat Author". I thorougly enjoyed them both. Motie2 is a genius with the recommendation and gift of Scottys' blend.....wonderful.
Wasn’t planning on having another smoke this evening after I got home. Wanted to go to bed early... But thanks to a chase with a stolen vehicle at the end of shift my stress level is too high for that. So GLP Sextant will help remedy that I hope.
Going to visit a fellow pipe smoker friend who's wife is out of town and help him run amuck, he said he has all the windows open and he is smoking in the house.
smoking some Mac Baren HH burley flake in a Peterson 303 system pipe
Missouri Meerschaum Legend with some Country Squire Choctaw. Tying up hooks and weighting lines. Getting ready to go catfishing with my daughter on her day off. Gonna keep this old pipe lit all day. The last time I smoked this pipe while catfishing I hooked into a bluecat that made a fool of me and spit the hook back at me. I don't need help making a fool of me. I'ma going for redemption today!
I hate gnats! 😠
Ouch, if I keep this up, next thing you know I'll be buying Escudo again......
Thanks for the description. I love Cotton Candy, but I don’t think I would like that for tobacco. Sounds kind of like R.O. “Candy Corn” blend that I can’t stand. I have always had a dislike for real Candy Corn too😖
Black coffee, Ashton: Guilty Pleasure in a "The Briardude" original. Simply Awesome!
Working my way through the first half bowl of Carter Hall in my New Dr Grabow Grand Duke.
I stopped by Rite Aid for pipe filters and... Well... It is payday.
Aw shucks..........