Stacking blends once again in my favorite (Corey) Abb's Artisan Pipe - this time with a bottom layer of Cult Blood Red Moon, a middle layer of East India Trading Company Cellar Reserve, and topped off with another layer of Blood Red Moon.
The weather was too hot for an afternoon smoke - even my garage 'Man Cave' was like a blast furnace - but at about 8:00 pm the temperature was bearable for an evening smoke. No mosquitoes yet.
Rummaging through my tobacco cellar over the weekend, I discovered a jar with a bowl or two of Sasieni Balkan and a jar with a bowl or two of King of Swords. I combined them and put the concoction in my tobacco pouch. On my way home from work, I loaded my Carey Freehand with the blend and WOW! Utopia! I'll be finishing this off tomorrow!
Sutliff Voodoo Queen in an Ewa Oxford. The more I try this, the more I like it. It’s got a strong VaPer flavor with a beautiful Latakia taste that stays with you after smoking.
@Londy3 I can see this cob being one of my go-to pipes, especially while working around the house. My first smoke was with the filter that came with the pipe. The bowl I just finished was without a filter. So far I seem to like it better without the filter. I'll do a few more trials before I make a final judgement...
Just opened my first ever tin of Mac Baren HH Old Dark Fired. The tin note screamed bbq sauce, ketchup and baked beans. More later as I explore this blend further.
@jim102864 nice! Thats one of my favorites. The tin note is awesome as you described. You have to take it easy with this one, sip on it. I found it to be strong on the nic as I felt like i had a martini after my first one on an empty stomach. LOL
@thebadgerpiper -- You and I have similar tastes. I love both Sasieni pipes and the Canadian style.
Stacking blends once again in my favorite (Corey) Abb's Artisan Pipe - this time with a bottom layer of Cult Blood Red Moon, a middle layer of East India Trading Company Cellar Reserve, and topped off with another layer of Blood Red Moon.
The weather was too hot for an afternoon smoke - even my garage 'Man Cave' was like a blast furnace - but at about 8:00 pm the temperature was bearable for an evening smoke. No mosquitoes yet.
Pipe:Randy Wiley freehand