Pipe Smoking Pictures

in General
I thought it would be fun to start a thread where we can post our favorite pictures of pipe smokers past and present. Personally, I love looking up old photos of pipe smokers and seeing what pipes they enjoyed.
I'll start off with one of my personal favorites:

I'll start off with one of my personal favorites:

Great idea! Here is one of my personal favs-
Alfred Dunhill Jr. selling pipes on the street after his shop was destroyed by German bombing in 1942.
After the Dunhill shop was destroyed in the London air raids, Alfred Dunhill Jr. set up a table in front of the ruined building and continued to sell pipes
Here's another favorite of mine, Mr. Badger from The Wind in the Willows preparing his pipe.
Was just wondering which of these gentlemen is @pappyjoe? J/K
Good look. here's one of me talking with a Dalek disguised as a Shark.
I'm friends with youtubers on IG, but YT is one of those places I've yet to get involved with. I contemplated starting a youtube channel, but I think my blog suites my style better. Youtube's a great resource, though, and was a huge help to me when I first got started. It's one thing to read about how to pack and light a pipe, and another to see someone do it, even on your computer.
Who says you have to be human to enjoy a good pipe?