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  • Londy3Londy3 Master
    ...and um
    🖕FJB 🖕
  • @opipeman
    That statement is spot on!
  • @mapletop
    Always the diplomat!  :D
  • Londy3Londy3 Master
  • vtgrad2003vtgrad2003 Master
    edited June 2023
    This is becoming an ever-increasingly used mantra among democrats...and no, I don't mean the "extreme left" or even "far left", I mean your typical household democrat. It's amazing that out of one face they speak 'constitutional' this or 'constitutional' that, yet they have zero respect for it and/or the balance of power(s) (and of course, most don't even know what it states and are too afraid the read it). 

    This is a perfect example of the true belief in the modern democrat party that totalitarianism is the only way for this country to move forward. This concept of "disempowering" the supreme court is yet another example proliferating among your run-of-the-mill democratic party...all because they make decisions they don't like, and it can best be summed up in the last paragraph of the article below:

    "The case for disempowering the courts goes to the heart of the question of whether the United States will ever achieve full democracy. From the days of slavery to the battle over the New Deal to the current fights over abortion, the courts have almost always been the enemy of popular sovereignty and the expansion of rights. Achieving democracy means making sure the courts know their place. The one saving grace of the current reactionary courts is that they may yet force liberals and the left to confront this fact"

    But of course, when the supreme and/or lower courts decide in their favor...it's a great day!

    Remember, if you want to see real hate, disagree with a democrat.

    Don’t Reform the Courts. Disempower Them.

  • @vtgrad2003;
    I don't pretend to be smart enough to understand the full implications of this ruling. I have noticed through the years that if the SCOTUS makes a ruling that is criticized by both both the Right and the Left, it's probably the best possible decision. In the world of laws as in life, nothing is ever perfect.
  • vtgrad2003vtgrad2003 Master
    edited June 2023
    @opipeman very true indeed. 

    By the way, piggybacking off of my last rant, this is why the modern democratic party stands where it does today...a poll by YouGov and Cato...I can't even believe that ANYONE would be okay with government cameras inside their homes! But, I guess it does make sense, though, since Gen Z controls the democrat(s) narrative. 

    Please keep in mind, though, that the title of the article is misleading in the sense that it ignores the fact that 20% of people aged 30 to 44 favor this same thing...meaning that 29% of Gen Zer's and a full one-fifth of 30 to 44 year old's favor this. 

    Why in the HELL would ANYONE favor government cameras in their homes!!!! I think it's reasonable to assume that no conservative, regardless of age, responded favorably to this poll. 

    Nearly a Third of Gen Z Favors the Government Installing Surveillance Cameras in Homes


  • @vtgrad2003;
    The insanity never ends. I know thing, if cameras were placed in my home the very first time anyone saw me and/or my Bride nude they would beg to have them removed. It's the same reason I don't go shirtless. Scars are not all that attractive.
  • Londy3Londy3 Master
    Not in my home.
  • That’s just crazy talk.  Seems like the younger generations think they can live forever.  They’ll end up giving this country to the freaking Chinese.  I use to think I wouldn’t see it, but holy shit it’s getting closer than I ever imagined.
  • @opipeman

    Wherever you got that from, they need to clean it up a little because it's somewhat confusing in my opinion.

    The caption on the left implies that they came into politics less than millionaires and became millionaires while in office, but the diagram on the right simply says 50% of Congressman are millionaires, which has nearly always been the case (in fact, in inflation-adjusted terms, I think that percentage was actually a lot higher 30 or 40 years ago).

    A huge portion of congressmen/women come into politics as millionaires already, which personally, I don't have any issues with, in particular if they're self-made. In fact, I can make a strong argument that we need more self-made millionaires in congress--i.e., if you became a millionaire on your own, then you are doing something right and hopefully that knowledge/experience would make it into your policy. 
  •  :D 

    Biden Institutes Call To Gay Prayer 5 Times A Day Facing San Francisco

    WORLDVIEWS·Jun 13, 2023 · BabylonBee.com
    Article Image

    WASHINGTON, D.C. — In yet another step to establish gay stuff as the official state-sponsored religion in the United States, President Joe Biden has signed an executive order instituting the call to gay prayer, ordering it to take place five times every day, with everyone facing toward San Francisco.

    "The gay prayer is part of the bedrock of American life," Biden said in his proclamation. "Each and every American must now kneel down facing the direction of San Francisco and recite the gay prayer. You got that, folks? Just don't kneel down on a rainbow crosswalk — that would be sacrilegious. Sump pump targlefruffurg!"

    While LGBTQ+ activists cheered the announcement, many Americans voiced their concerns about the prayer. "There's a ‘gay prayer' now?" asked concerned citizen David Cathcart. "Who are they praying to? I think I have an idea, but if that's true, I really don't want to be praying to that individual, you know what I mean?"

    In spite of criticism, the Biden administration remains committed to pushing its public support for gay stuff even further. "The President knows all Americans are on board with this," said one White House source. "We've got other plans as well, including taking a new type of sacrament with Skittles and Bud Light, and we're talking to Dylan Mulvaney to serve as like a Gay Pope type of thing. It's going to be great!"

    At publishing time, Biden himself was preparing to give a personal demonstration of the gay prayer, though he was last heard asking for help to show him which direction San Francisco was.

  • Londy3Londy3 Master
    Oh, and 🖕FJB🖕
  • @vtgrad2003;
    You are probably more accurate than the graph. I didn't research the accuracy. Regardless of when or where they became millionaires, how can they relate to the problems of Po Boys like me? I don't trust 99.9% of the elected officials. Harry's point was if they got rich once elected they are crooks.
  • @opipeman
    I understand, and I agree.
  • If I'm not mistaken,  more than half of congress are lawyers.....STOP ELECTING LAWYERS!!! Just sayin.
  • A friend told me the reason that most lawyers wear a tie…….
  • To keep their foreskin down😳😬😂😂
  • Londy3Londy3 Master
    Elections are FAKE.
    (for decades)

  • DC Police Say They May Never Discover Who Left Bag Of Cocaine Labeled 'Property Of H. Biden' At White House

    POLITICS·Jul 6, 2023 · BabylonBee.com

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    WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a press conference this morning, interim DC Police Chief Ashan Benedict said that while they have top investigators on the case, they may never know exactly who left a bag of cocaine labeled "Property of H. Biden" in the White House while Hunter Biden was there.

    "Listen, this is a difficult case to solve," said Benedict to reporters. "The initial 'H' could be anyone. Hank, Herman, Harry... the possibilities are endless. We will do our best to solve this, but we need the American people to know that this extraordinarily difficult case might just be unsolvable forever."

    Sources close to the case confirmed that police had planned to dust for fingerprints, but they accidentally lost their fingerprinting kit. They were then going to review security footage of the room where the hard drugs were found, but the tapes for that time period accidentally fell into a bucket of hydrochloric acid and were ruined. DNA tests also proved fruitless, as almost all of the DNA found in the White House belongs to Bill Clinton.

    "This is a case that may haunt me for the rest of my life," said lead Detective Frank Drebin as several laser dots appeared on his forehead. "I'm completely stumped here. I really hate to see the bad guys get away like that."

    At publishing time, DC Police had also lamented the unsolvable case of the dead hooker they just found buried in the Rose Garden.

  • @vtgrad2003 that's hilarious and most likely  accurate. 
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