This is interesting, especially item #10...I usually drive by blaring the song "Why don't you get a job" by the Offspring. It seems appropriate as probably 95% of the homeless around here are drug addicts and you can walk into any fast food joint around here and get a job paying $15 bucks an hour, or in other terms since democrats can't seem to process complicated mathematics, that's $31,200 per year flipping a god damn hamburger.
@mapletop Dude, I've seen your picture(s) and you can't be any older than me! Either that, or you've gotten some plastic surgery and Botox! I, on the other hand, stay young looking by drinking copious amounts of beer!
Okay y'all, forget Trump, DeSantis, the Indian guy whos name I can't pronounce, Haley, and all those pinheads...I'm now voting for the Tiger King who just threw his/her hat in the ring! It wasn't a very hard decision to make given this quote from him/her when he/she announced he/she was running
“So put aside that I am gay, that I am in prison for now, that I used drugs in the past, that I had more then one boyfriend at once and that Carole hates my guts. This all has not a thing to do with me being able to be your voice. The best thing you have going for supporting me is that I am used to fighting my whole life just to get by. I am broke, they have taken everything I ever worked for away, and it’s time we take this country back,”
Dude, you just can't argue with sincerity like that!
I wish there were additional choices beyond LIKE and HAHA, some additional ones would be good like "Please don't tell me this shit" or "your killing my buzz" or "Thanks now I'm depressed"
@vtgrad2003 I don't see why idiots who vandalize cultural treasures shouldn't be tried as domestic terrorists. Toss a few of these paint tossing, hand glueing pampered brats into a maximum security prison and see how they hold up.
NEW YORK, NY — District Attorney Alvin Bragg is reportedly set to indict Trump this coming Tuesday for the removal of a mattress tag back in 1997. According to sources, new evidence was discovered in the mattress tag cold case by grizzled Detective Harry Jakes, who utilized modern advances in forensic science to place former president Donald Trump at the scene of the crime.
"We got him dead to rights," said Bragg in an unnecessary press conference. "No one removes a mattress tag in my city and gets away with it!"
The mattress tag in question belonged to a Spring Air Conforma Foam mattress from '97, which historians claim featured a warning label advising mattress tags to not be removed:
Do Not Remove by Penalty of Law Except by the Consumer
In a surprise move, Trump has not denied the troubling accusation, though he maintains doing so was not illegal. "The tag says 'except by consumer.' I am a huge consumer. Probably the greatest consumer ever, and I had every right to remove that tag. The deep state is trying to dig up anything they can just to keep me from reclaiming the presidential throne."
"Witch hunt!"
Independent fact checkers have rated Trump's claim "a bald-faced lie," citing the fact that the president does not sit on a throne. Also, he is Trump and that is bad. The fact-check article does not make mention of the mattress tag issue directly, but does note, "[Trump] broke both federal and international laws probably."
A United Nations committee has been assembled to investigate whether the matter qualifies as a war crime.
"This is an open and shut case. Now he'll never be president. I did it!" Bragg claimed before quickly correcting himself. "I mean, no one is above the law."
At publishing time, Trump's approval polling surged among mattress consumers who have long been befuddled by the mattress tag warning.
I have supported Donald J. Trump since the beginning. In my view and based on his accomplishments on our behalf, he is the greatest president of my lifetime. Tearing the tag off a mattress is such a vicious crime, I can no longer support a man that has such little regard regard for the law of the land. I think the FBI should obtain warrants and search all of his properties and resorts. Let's make sure that Trump isn't a serial tag puller.
@opipeman History often reveals the truth. Remember how Richard Nixon was vilified not for Watergate, but because he was taping everything said in the Oval office (something every president had been doing) but then his image changed after his death and reporters started digging for the truth.
Biden doesn't need support from his constituents.
The democratic party members only vote for who the party tell them to vote for comrade.
You are both correct. Sad but true.
10 Liberal-Approved Ways Of Helping The Poor
Dude, I've seen your picture(s) and you can't be any older than me! Either that, or you've gotten some plastic surgery and Botox! I, on the other hand, stay young looking by drinking copious amounts of beer!
“So put aside that I am gay, that I am in prison for now, that I used drugs in the past, that I had more then one boyfriend at once and that Carole hates my guts. This all has not a thing to do with me being able to be your voice. The best thing you have going for supporting me is that I am used to fighting my whole life just to get by. I am broke, they have taken everything I ever worked for away, and it’s time we take this country back,”
Dude, you just can't argue with sincerity like that!
Campaign website if you want to contribute
You are both right. Funny it is not.
I agree 100%. Their 'cell mate' would bend them over and glue their hands to the toilet bowls--then go at it
Trump To Be Indicted For Removing Mattress Tag In 1997
NEW YORK, NY — District Attorney Alvin Bragg is reportedly set to indict Trump this coming Tuesday for the removal of a mattress tag back in 1997. According to sources, new evidence was discovered in the mattress tag cold case by grizzled Detective Harry Jakes, who utilized modern advances in forensic science to place former president Donald Trump at the scene of the crime.
"We got him dead to rights," said Bragg in an unnecessary press conference. "No one removes a mattress tag in my city and gets away with it!"
The mattress tag in question belonged to a Spring Air Conforma Foam mattress from '97, which historians claim featured a warning label advising mattress tags to not be removed:
In a surprise move, Trump has not denied the troubling accusation, though he maintains doing so was not illegal. "The tag says 'except by consumer.' I am a huge consumer. Probably the greatest consumer ever, and I had every right to remove that tag. The deep state is trying to dig up anything they can just to keep me from reclaiming the presidential throne."
"Witch hunt!"
Independent fact checkers have rated Trump's claim "a bald-faced lie," citing the fact that the president does not sit on a throne. Also, he is Trump and that is bad. The fact-check article does not make mention of the mattress tag issue directly, but does note, "[Trump] broke both federal and international laws probably."
A United Nations committee has been assembled to investigate whether the matter qualifies as a war crime.
"This is an open and shut case. Now he'll never be president. I did it!" Bragg claimed before quickly correcting himself. "I mean, no one is above the law."
At publishing time, Trump's approval polling surged among mattress consumers who have long been befuddled by the mattress tag warning.
History often reveals the truth.
Remember how Richard Nixon was vilified not for Watergate, but because he was taping everything said in the Oval office (something every president had been doing) but then his image changed after his death and reporters started digging for the truth.
We probably should have known back then. At least we now know that the media isn't truthful.