You know, democrats are pretentious by their very's engrained in their psyche. This is why they wrap their arms around so many "causes"; causes make them feel more righteous about themselves, and if they currently don't have a cause, they'll fabricate one. This is perfect evidence of that mindset. Because Florida has rejected all the current causes democrats have fabricated, this idiot is just so unhappy living in Florida, she wishes it was Nordic!
It truly would be nice if all democrats simply left the South...I'm really truly sick of listening to their self-righteous indignation and pretentious preaching.
Ana Navarro says she's miserable in Florida, 'you'd be upset 24 hours a day, too'
Hear! Hear!…I wish these “America is bad” hating “Americans” would just pack their shit and move to their existing “perfect” country of their dreams, wherever that may be.
Hunter Wishing He'd Known About This 'Hush Money' Concept A Whole Lot Earlier
Mar 24, 2023 ·
LOS ANGELES, CA — As the legal drama surrounding former President Donald Trump's alleged inappropriate payments of "hush money" to adult film star Stormy Daniels years ago continues, the son of current President Joe Biden has been left frustrated after hearing about the concept of "hush money" long after it would have been useful to him.
"Why didn't someone tell me about this years ago?!" Hunter Biden was heard shouting into his cell phone. "You mean to tell me you can pay people to keep quiet about all the horrible things you do?! Do you know how much hassle I could have saved myself if I knew about this?! Good grief, dad!"
Biden has been at the center of a number of unsavory scandals in recent years, from his involvement in Ukrainian business deals to his much-publicized use of illegal drugs and high-priced underage female escorts to his infamous laptop. With so much talk about "hush money" payments, he is now left to think about how differently things could have been handled. "It could have been so much easier!" he said. "Not only is my family rich, but I have access to billions and billions of taxpayer dollars and under-the-table corporate money! Come on!"
Hunter's frustration was only compounded later in the day after he learned that his status as the son of a Democrat politician would also grant him total immunity from any legal repercussions resulting from "hush money" payments.
At publishing time, Hunter was busy placing calls to his father's staff in Washington to ask if it's possible to make multiple high-dollar domestic and international "hush money" payments retroactively.
NEW HAVEN, CT — Progressives across the nation have found themselves locked out of their accounts after CAPTCHA began asking users to identify what squares show a woman.
"I'm not a biologist!" cried local man Lucas Fitzgerald. "What kind of sick joke is this?"
Hundreds of thousands of online accounts have quickly become locked, as liberals repeatedly failed the test designed to distinguish humans from robots. "Thousands of customers have called asking what the secret is to recognizing a woman," said Bank of America executive Lacy Reynolds. "I honestly don't know how to explain it in any simpler terms. The good news is, they can't withdraw any money - so it's been a real help during this banking crisis."
In response to the outcry, the company behind the new CAPTCHA challenge defended the rigorous testing process for each picture. "We have tons of data showing that three-year-olds can reliably pick out the woman in the image," said software engineer Gary Marsh. "So can the vast majority of household pets. The program is merely designed to check for the bare minimum level of intelligence to be human. We literally cannot make it any dumber."
At publishing time, President Biden had smashed another computer in frustration after being unable to log in to his email.
Proposed name for new country that is doomed to end up like South Africa, LIBTARDIA who's constitution will be authored by BLM and the Alphabet Mafia.
When asked who would likely be their first president / penis shaped potato, the response was that Jeff Dunham's character Bubba J was first on their list but he was deemed to conservative, so they have decided on Hillary Clinton for her honesty and the fact she comes with her own e-mail server.
You all have got to watch this...scroll down to the image that has "Nashville school shooting: police bodycam footage release" and click the play button. Watch the whole thing because it actually runs two different bodycams of the same event back to back--i.e., so the first half is one cam and the second half is a different perspective--I'm assuming everyone on this forum is man enough to handle it.
So, should we defund the police like democrats believe we should? And remember, all trans people are wonderful people, aren't they? They aren't capable of violence, and even if they are, it's not their fault because they're oppressed. Speak to a democrat and they would tell you exactly that. And remember, the nationally publicized "Trans Day Of Vengeance" is Saturday.
Don't worry, democrats have already started trying to spin this as it's conservative's fault, because of course, to a democrat, it's always someone else's fault.
No shit...seriously... I always drink a beer when military helicopters fly over my house! Never thought of eating though...
Rare female lizards are ‘stress eating’ during flyovers at Army base: study
by: Sharon Udasin, The Hill
Posted: Mar 29, 2023 / 08:11 AM EDT
Updated: Mar 29, 2023 / 08:15 AM EDT
Rare female lizards that reside around Colorado’s Fort Carson Army base are “stress eating” to cope with military aircraft fly-over noise, a new study has found.
These uncommon reptiles, called Colorado checkered whiptails, are engaging in compensatory feeding behaviors when low-flying Apache, Chinook and Blackhawk helicopters — and sometimes F-16 fighter jets — swoop over their habitat, according to the study, published on Wednesday in Frontiers in Amphibian and Reptile Science.
Lizards tend to have excellent hearing and are sensitive to much lower frequencies than humans are, the study authors explained.
Colorado checkered whiptails are members of a species considered “at risk” by the Army and “of special concern” by Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the researchers noted. The species, which lives in shrubs along dry creek beds, consists exclusively of females who reproduce asexually.
As several populations of Colorado checkered whiptails inhabit the 212-square-mile tract of land that belongs to Fort Carson, the scientists coordinated with the U.S. Army to explore how these animals react to noise.
Army pilots flew over a 0.02-square-mile portion of the base known as “Training Area 55” at pre-selected times for three days in June 2021, after abstaining from doing so earlier in the week, according to the study.
During the flyover days, noise readings at ground level ranged from 33.9 to 112.2 decibels — what the authors described as “the sound level of an orchestra or a power saw.”
On non-flyover dates, noise levels hovered between 30.1 and 55.8 decibels, or about the range of a humming refrigerator, they explained.
The researchers observed the behavior of 82 lizards and then brought them in for weight measurements and blood tests, as well as ultrasounds to determine whether they were pregnant and the quantity and size of developing eggs, according to the study.
By evaluating the blood samples, the authors were able to ascertain levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which is typically released between three and 10 minutes after a disturbance.
Blood concentrations of cortisol rose sharply immediately after the flyovers, in what the authors described as “a stress response that rapidly mobilizes more energy resources.”
Lizards with developing eggs exhibited bigger surges in cortisol, indicating that reproductive females could be more vulnerable to noise, according to the study.
In addition to exhibiting such shifts in cortisol levels, the lizards also spent less time moving and more time eating following exposure to flyovers, the authors found.
“Compensatory eating would allow individuals to maintain their energy levels during a stressful event,” co-first author Layne Sermersheim, a master’s student at Utah State University, said in a statement.
“This is important because metabolism, physical activity, investment into reproduction and hormonal responses require energy,” Sermersheim added.
While the noise disturbance does have physiological impacts on the animals, they are also “somewhat resilient and may compensate for this to some degree,” according to first author and doctoral candidate Megen Kepas.
Nonetheless, Kepas and Sermersheim advised the Army to take certain “cautious management” steps that could help ensure the “local abundance” of the lizards at Fort Carson.
“We suggest that military aircraft operators attempt to avoid dense populations of [checkered whiptails] during the reproductive season or fly at altitudes that lead to decibel reads that fall below 50 [decibels] at ground level,” the authors added.
I was also concerned that they didn't define what a "female" whiptail was...I thought there was no such thing as females, ergo, this study on female whiptails is moot, right?
@vtgrad2003; Moot wasn't the first thing that came to me mind. I was thinking more along the lines of Bullshit. A waste of time, money, printing paper, and an advanced degree. I suppose there may be a way to apply this research, we could fatten them up and eat them. I've never had lizard, but I would try it over Tofu.
@vtgrad2003 I’ve read that tofu(soy products) are a killer of testosterone levels. I have eaten it occasionally though. The only lizard I have had is alligator was bland as hell. No fishy flavor at all. Interestingly, prairie rattler is similar, maybe just a tad tastier. They’ll both make a turd in a pinch😬. I have always wanted to try frog legs, my dad talked about them, but we never had any. It’s sad, I remember back when I was 6-12? Montana’s native leopard frogs were pretty easy to find. The leopard frogs have been decimated here. I have maybe seen one frog in the last 30-40 years or so. I wouldn’t snack on one even if I found any, I wouldn’t want to be “that guy” that made Montana’s native leopard frog extinct.
There used to be a place called Phil Schmidt's just south of Chicago over the Indiana border in Hammond that served frog legs sauteed and deep fried along with fried perch. (most well known for)
It was a large place and was very well known; we used to occasionally go there back in the mid eighty's to the early ninety's for all you could eat frog legs, it was truly a blast not to mention getting blasted. I would also note that in my opinion fried frog legs taste better than chicken.
The place had a huge menu and could seat 400 plus. It was one of many iconic restaurants that were off the charts good and unique that began at the turn of the century but alas have closed after 97 years and five owners it closed in 2007.
The story of how the restaurant opened is interesting and funny, (Phil was on his way to California and got off in Hammond for a pit stop and missed the train)
So I mention all this because the area just south a bit on both sides of the Indiana Illinois border used to be a huge marsh adjacent to the Kankakee river, It covered many many squyare miles though 98 percent was reclaimed over the years but back in the day that where the frog legs came from.
Side note, Bullfrogs are the frogs most commonly consumed and that was what they served,
@RockMoutainBriar you just had to bring up frog legs, sorry for the trip down memory lane.
@RockyMountainBriar Alligator is good eating if it’s cooked properly. Growing up, frog legs were a treat. I remember my dad cleaning frogs and cutting them open and finding crawfish in them.
Did you all just hear? Joe Biden just said he isn't running for president and endorsed Trump!!! In fact, he's even overturned any conviction he may receive from the New York crap!!! Wow!!!
I wonder how long it will take the biden administration to snatch up Lori Lightfoot now that she is no longer mayor of Chi Town? I'm not sure which is which.
It truly would be nice if all democrats simply left the South...I'm really truly sick of listening to their self-righteous indignation and pretentious preaching.
Ana Navarro says she's miserable in Florida, 'you'd be upset 24 hours a day, too' Wishing He'd Known About This 'Hush Money' Concept A Whole Lot Earlier
LOS ANGELES, CA — As the legal drama surrounding former President Donald Trump's alleged inappropriate payments of "hush money" to adult film star Stormy Daniels years ago continues, the son of current President Joe Biden has been left frustrated after hearing about the concept of "hush money" long after it would have been useful to him.
"Why didn't someone tell me about this years ago?!" Hunter Biden was heard shouting into his cell phone. "You mean to tell me you can pay people to keep quiet about all the horrible things you do?! Do you know how much hassle I could have saved myself if I knew about this?! Good grief, dad!"
Biden has been at the center of a number of unsavory scandals in recent years, from his involvement in Ukrainian business deals to his much-publicized use of illegal drugs and high-priced underage female escorts to his infamous laptop. With so much talk about "hush money" payments, he is now left to think about how differently things could have been handled. "It could have been so much easier!" he said. "Not only is my family rich, but I have access to billions and billions of taxpayer dollars and under-the-table corporate money! Come on!"
Hunter's frustration was only compounded later in the day after he learned that his status as the son of a Democrat politician would also grant him total immunity from any legal repercussions resulting from "hush money" payments.
At publishing time, Hunter was busy placing calls to his father's staff in Washington to ask if it's possible to make multiple high-dollar domestic and international "hush money" payments retroactively.
NEW HAVEN, CT — Progressives across the nation have found themselves locked out of their accounts after CAPTCHA began asking users to identify what squares show a woman.
"I'm not a biologist!" cried local man Lucas Fitzgerald. "What kind of sick joke is this?"
Hundreds of thousands of online accounts have quickly become locked, as liberals repeatedly failed the test designed to distinguish humans from robots. "Thousands of customers have called asking what the secret is to recognizing a woman," said Bank of America executive Lacy Reynolds. "I honestly don't know how to explain it in any simpler terms. The good news is, they can't withdraw any money - so it's been a real help during this banking crisis."
In response to the outcry, the company behind the new CAPTCHA challenge defended the rigorous testing process for each picture. "We have tons of data showing that three-year-olds can reliably pick out the woman in the image," said software engineer Gary Marsh. "So can the vast majority of household pets. The program is merely designed to check for the bare minimum level of intelligence to be human. We literally cannot make it any dumber."
At publishing time, President Biden had smashed another computer in frustration after being unable to log in to his email.
That's funny, I don't care who you are.
So, should we defund the police like democrats believe we should? And remember, all trans people are wonderful people, aren't they? They aren't capable of violence, and even if they are, it's not their fault because they're oppressed. Speak to a democrat and they would tell you exactly that. And remember, the nationally publicized "Trans Day Of Vengeance" is Saturday.
Don't worry, democrats have already started trying to spin this as it's conservative's fault, because of course, to a democrat, it's always someone else's fault.
No shit...seriously...
I always drink a beer when military helicopters fly over my house! Never thought of eating though...
Rare female lizards are ‘stress eating’ during flyovers at Army base: study
by: Sharon Udasin, The Hill
Posted: Mar 29, 2023 / 08:11 AM EDT
Updated: Mar 29, 2023 / 08:15 AM EDT
Rare female lizards that reside around Colorado’s Fort Carson Army base are “stress eating” to cope with military aircraft fly-over noise, a new study has found.
These uncommon reptiles, called Colorado checkered whiptails, are engaging in compensatory feeding behaviors when low-flying Apache, Chinook and Blackhawk helicopters — and sometimes F-16 fighter jets — swoop over their habitat, according to the study, published on Wednesday in Frontiers in Amphibian and Reptile Science.
Lizards tend to have excellent hearing and are sensitive to much lower frequencies than humans are, the study authors explained.
Colorado checkered whiptails are members of a species considered “at risk” by the Army and “of special concern” by Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the researchers noted. The species, which lives in shrubs along dry creek beds, consists exclusively of females who reproduce asexually.
As several populations of Colorado checkered whiptails inhabit the 212-square-mile tract of land that belongs to Fort Carson, the scientists coordinated with the U.S. Army to explore how these animals react to noise.
Army pilots flew over a 0.02-square-mile portion of the base known as “Training Area 55” at pre-selected times for three days in June 2021, after abstaining from doing so earlier in the week, according to the study.
During the flyover days, noise readings at ground level ranged from 33.9 to 112.2 decibels — what the authors described as “the sound level of an orchestra or a power saw.”
On non-flyover dates, noise levels hovered between 30.1 and 55.8 decibels, or about the range of a humming refrigerator, they explained.
The researchers observed the behavior of 82 lizards and then brought them in for weight measurements and blood tests, as well as ultrasounds to determine whether they were pregnant and the quantity and size of developing eggs, according to the study.
By evaluating the blood samples, the authors were able to ascertain levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which is typically released between three and 10 minutes after a disturbance.
Blood concentrations of cortisol rose sharply immediately after the flyovers, in what the authors described as “a stress response that rapidly mobilizes more energy resources.”
Lizards with developing eggs exhibited bigger surges in cortisol, indicating that reproductive females could be more vulnerable to noise, according to the study.
In addition to exhibiting such shifts in cortisol levels, the lizards also spent less time moving and more time eating following exposure to flyovers, the authors found.
“Compensatory eating would allow individuals to maintain their energy levels during a stressful event,” co-first author Layne Sermersheim, a master’s student at Utah State University, said in a statement.
“This is important because metabolism, physical activity, investment into reproduction and hormonal responses require energy,” Sermersheim added.
While the noise disturbance does have physiological impacts on the animals, they are also “somewhat resilient and may compensate for this to some degree,” according to first author and doctoral candidate Megen Kepas.
Nonetheless, Kepas and Sermersheim advised the Army to take certain “cautious management” steps that could help ensure the “local abundance” of the lizards at Fort Carson.
“We suggest that military aircraft operators attempt to avoid dense populations of [checkered whiptails] during the reproductive season or fly at altitudes that lead to decibel reads that fall below 50 [decibels] at ground level,” the authors added.
I was also concerned that they didn't define what a "female" whiptail was...I thought there was no such thing as females, ergo, this study on female whiptails is moot, right?
Moot wasn't the first thing that came to me mind. I was thinking more along the lines of Bullshit. A waste of time, money, printing paper, and an advanced degree. I suppose there may be a way to apply this research, we could fatten them up and eat them. I've never had lizard, but I would try it over Tofu.
you like tofu? I love the wife hates it. I eat it on Ramen all the time.
I'd rather eat a fried lizard with a little mild sauce.
I’ve read that tofu(soy products) are a killer of testosterone levels. I have eaten it occasionally though. The only lizard I have had is alligator was bland as hell. No fishy flavor at all. Interestingly, prairie rattler is similar, maybe just a tad tastier. They’ll both make a turd in a pinch😬. I have always wanted to try frog legs, my dad talked about them, but we never had any. It’s sad, I remember back when I was 6-12? Montana’s native leopard frogs were pretty easy to find. The leopard frogs have been decimated here. I have maybe seen one frog in the last 30-40 years or so. I wouldn’t snack on one even if I found any, I wouldn’t want to be “that guy” that made Montana’s native leopard frog extinct.
Times sure changed. 2014
Alligator is good eating if it’s cooked properly. Growing up, frog legs were a treat. I remember my dad cleaning frogs and cutting them open and finding crawfish in them.
Traveling down Memory Lane is great! No apologies.
That would be the honorable thing for Biden to do, which is exactly why I know there is no truth to any of it.
I'm not sure which is which.