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  •  Critical thinking: the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment.

    Objective analysis and evaluation? Critical thinking is not encouraged  by segments of our governing class, who consider us mindless sheep. 

    Hmmmmm, to whom should I hearken: scientific consensus or Tucker Carlson? Decisions, decisions….. 

    Forming a judgment is difficult in an environment where rationality is circling the drain.
  • Therein lies the problem and the need, Is Tucker Carlson any worse the the MSM sycophants that parrot politicized pseudo science, please.
  • motie2motie2 Master
    edited December 2021
    The trick is determining what is politicized pseudo science and what is reality based. Our current circumstances find “trusted” news outlets advocating for politicized pseudo science.

  • @motie2

    A problem is the number of entertainers and comedians (I use that term loosely) who believe their opinions make them trusted news outlets.
  • @PappyJoe

    Who cares what they believe? They’re entitled to their own opinions, but their words should not be taken as … uh.  .gospel. People who take their opinions from entertainers and comedians are not exactly acting in their own best interests
  • Warning: These are personal views.
    Believing propaganda media (any view) that are only in it to make more money for themselves is a big problem in this day and age.  Everything moves at the speed of computers and networks around the world nearly instantly.  The Nazi propaganda machine was part of the reason Nazi Germany spiraled into the Holocaust.  The Nazi propaganda machine blamed a group of a people for the bad economic/living conditions in Germany at the time and the populous believed it…or at the very least went along with it.  I think it would have been a very difficult decision to either “turn a blind eye” and maybe prosper from your neighbors’ loss of livelihood, or stand up for their rights and buck the government….we know (or should know) what happened to the few that did.  There were not enough people to stand up and say no and possibly lose their life protecting others from a government practicing massive overreach to quell their detractors.  They got the people of Germany to turn on each other by blaming (nearly) a single group of peoples for all of Germany’s woes.  I’m constantly surprised at the crap people I know believe to be true, just because it is in “The News”.  Please everyone, consider the source of the “News” and do your best to determine fact from fiction.  There is a reason the “news” is “sensationalized, It Sells!  Be it money or political.  Political/social reasons are basically money as well, it is just more subversive and easier to come at it from a convoluted path than straight ahead.
    Dang, my coffee’s cold.  I need an Ember Mug.
  • Media motto: “If it bleeds, it leads.”
  • Dudes...Betty White just died...that sucks. She rocked!
  • Agreed, she was something.
  • It's 78 right now where I live! Anyone who doesn't appreciate global warming can freeze for all I care!  :D
  • @PappyJoe
    I concur 100%!!! I remember the days when there was going to be another "snowball Earth"...late 70's through the 80's. It's simply another cause for some people to spend their time on because they can't find anything better to do. That's the problem with living in cities (like most democrats), there's only so much to do before you get bored...jesus, go fishing, hunting, boating, RVing, do something other than annoy the rest of us and spend our money!

  • Yes, people can go fishing, hunting, camping, hiking. If they just don’t come to Montana when they do.  It’s not a friendly place anyway.  Internet polls say so.
  • @vtgrad2003
    I was thinking more of southeast Texas in the late 60s during the month of October. We used to have to wear coats and sweaters to go to the SE Texas State Fair. People coming to the high school football games would bring blankets to wrap up in while watching a Friday night game.

    I also remember all the lectures some of the scientist would give during my two trips inside the arctic circle aboard a Coast Guard icebreaker. They liked to talk about how the ice thickness was cyclical. 

  • Have not heard much about repairs to the Texas power grid…..
  • motie, you're becoming too humorous, I mean seriously, how about a little segway. Nobody can say your not focused. :)
  • “Segway?” The two wheeled thingie?

  • @motie2
    I think autocorrect got @mapletop that time.

    I'm sure he meant segue.
  • I knew that. I was being a smartass. 
    OTOH, I had to Google the spelling of segue. 
    But I did not jump on the your/you’re. That would have been petty, neh?
  • My apologies, it was late

  • Has anyone noticed that Gold Bond powder isn't made from Talc any more? I just noticed that! It's now made from corn starch! I don't want to dust my balls with corn, I want to dust them with good ole fashioned talc!!!! Jesus, what is this world coming to!
  • Decades ago, on the rear cover of The Last Supplement to the Last Whole Earth Catalog, Ken Kesey, of blessed memory, endorsed the use of pure cornstarch as a body powder, although he used …. Uh …. different words in his endorsement.
  • I imagine corn starch tastes better if you're being french fried
  • @vtgrad2003 I'm laughing my ass off. That should be on a tee shirt, and I would absolutely wear it. 🤣 "I don't want to dust my balls with corn, I want to dust them with good old fashioned talc"....infact you should contact Gold Bond and tell them you found the next ad slogan!
  • Talc has been proven to cause cancer. Good luck with that.
  • Actually, its not the talc, it's the asbestos that is sometimes mixed up in the talc. There is a process to remove it (and I believe it was Gold Bond that patented that process a couple of decades ago), but when law suits occur because someone shoves large quantities of Gold Bond up their ass for no apparent reason and gets sick from it (kind of like the Round Up lawsuits), obviously a company's best option is to just change the compound.

    The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is part of the World Health Organization (WHO). Its major goal is to identify causes of cancer. IARC classifies talc that contains asbestos as “carcinogenic to humans .”
  • Please feel free to share your theory about shoving ”large quantities of Gold Bond up their ass for no apparent reason” with the women who developed cervical and ovarian cancer, neither of which involved shoving…..

  • Ok I'll bite, Since said talc is NORMALLY applied to one's exterior, how does it migrate all the way to the cervix or ovaries?  Of course I can think of some, but shouldn't that be removed first?
    I get that people (notice I didn't say women, didn't want to offend you) have suffered and died but it also sounds like...... well, abnormal / extreme usage.
    Paying attention to what you do and how you do it is a part of life, I'm not excusing J&J (though 4.4 Billion split between 22 claimants and lawyers seems extreme also) I am just saying there are lots of products people use daily out there that are hazardous.
    Perfumes, Cleaning products, air fresheners, antiperspirants, its a long list; so should we abrogate every product that is potentially hazardous because some people do things they probably shouldn't.
    It also occurs to me that our beloved FDA did nothing to protect anyone either.
  • @mapletop
    I would have responded to his statement, but you said it so eloquently, I don't have to, thanks for saving me the time!

  • My neighbor across the street just bought one of these new Porsche 911's...$173,000 !!! I could buy a new truck, travel trailer, and boat for that much...and still have money left over for a Claudio Cavicchi five 'C'!

    2022 porsche 911 targa gts
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