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    Sounds like one of the underlying plot lines from the MacGyver tv show. Two of the characters were inhaled a gas which placed nanobots into their bloodstream. 
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    Nah, it’s just your garden variety Qonspriracy.
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    Nanobots are cool.  Who wouldn’t like to have a 24/7 health and wellness cell level repair team on board?
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    A Goa’uld symbiote would accomplish the same thing, Bloodshot.
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    I don’t want to be a mind controlled zombie slave to aliens😳
    CRAP! Is that what the Rona vaccine does🤔
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    edited April 2021
    Noth’in but dropping zombies all day might get tiresome all alone though.  You need a a few hunting buddies for a friendly scoring competition and to regale with inflated stories of your hunting exploits.😬
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    True. I'm game if you are. 
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    I've never closely followed the zombie thing, but aren't the zombies the infected ones?
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    Disclaimer: The views put forth in the following are mine and mine alone.  Please do not be offended, if you continue reading.

    Yes, hinting at the Covid vaccine being worse than the actual Covid.  Not “exactly” my way of thinking, but I’m not signing up for the vaccine.  Not that I’m afraid of it, nor worried it will “mind control” me.  I have never taken a flu shot of any kind.  I just don’t get sick that often.  The chance that I have it and pass it to someone else is even more remote.  I have no issues with people wanting to protect themselves.  Actually, I think people that are worried about catching something should stay home and self quarantine, indefinitely if need be, that is their right.  Please don’t blame me for someone else’s weak immune system, and when the next “creeping crud” that pops up (as it has since the beginning of time) grabs ahold of my ass and drags me into my grave kicking and screaming (as much as I am able) so be it.  That’s life, nobody gets out alive.
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    "Nobody gets out of here alive" ....... and it usually ends badly.
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    I'm never offended but always curious. We've all had the polio and smallpox vaccine as kids. I have a fairly robust immune system from traveling on public transportation for many years. In addition my first wife had streptococcus and second wife bacterial meningitis and I wasn't sick a day. I may have had covid-19 in March 2020 but wasn't about to seek testing or treatment to find out it wasn't and come home with it. My wife works at a rehab hospital and might have brought it home. In any case I do get a tetanus shot because I work around farm animals and the rusty metals that are part of their housing and after the first bout the vaccine was safer than a second bout.
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    Whoa, dude!   I've never met anyone who had tetanus.....
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    Nor I, but I gash myself on rusty nails and slice my fingers while processing poultry. My doctor gave me a shot years ago for something I did to myself or the risk in the cutlery shop and I make sure to repeat every 7 years,
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    edited April 2021
    I too have had all of the “childhood” vaccines and I too have had multiple tetanus shots over the years.  I am definitely not opposed to vaccinations.  I have worked around sharp rusty things, gross things, on farms and ranches and in my current job as an electronics bench/service technician.  Electronic gaming machines are incredibly nasty, lots of touching, coughing, sneezing, hacking, going on.😖

    When I was 21 or so I had Spinal Meningitis? my spinal fluid was infected, my right arm and the right side of my face went numb and I was slurring my speech.  It kinda looked like a stroke I guess. An hour or so later I remember walking into the ER through the automatic sliding doors with my mom...after that...nothing for two days except I know I had the worst headache ever and I was hyperventilating.  My mom said that they got me right into the emergency room and the doctor was asking me what my name was.  According to her, I guess my response was “Son-of-a-Bitch”...repeatedly.  I’m sure it was not a reference to my mother, more likely it was about the extremely painful headache and the only response I could come up with.  I do remember in a few lucid moments that they had me on pain meds (morphine) and they did a spinal tap. A couple of days and I was fine, the doctor was surprised to find out I had been discharged after two days, he was expecting me to still be there (which seems strange).  My family and probably the doctor thought I was a gonner though.
    When I get sick, I get really sick I guess.
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    I decided to get vaccinated for purely selfish reasons. I'm in the high risk group because of medical issues. We have "adopted" family across the street who are at high risk for contracting the virus and when I signed up weren't eligible. We enjoy having them over and not being able to enjoy a meal together has had a negative effect on our lives. The same is true of others that we associate with and, add to that the staunch anti vaccers, I rolled up my sleeve...twice.

    You were lucky with the meningitis! My wife's was bacterial and caused brain swell. The ER doctor told me to contact her family because she would probably die. The beverage rep that delivered to the convenience store she worked at did die from it.
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    Yes, I was very lucky indeed.
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    TPL Brothers & Sisters;
    You may or may not remember that I had By-pass surgery on 2/1 and haven't smoked my pipe since then. This week was a busy one! Monday, I had a Covid Test. Tuesday, I had a Dental Check up. Wednesday, I had a Colon Scope. Thursday, I had a EGD. Friday, I had off. Saturday, I got my second Chicom Virus Shot. A couple of more weeks and I plan to fire up my favorite pipe with my favorite tobac. Much Like @Pappyjoe, I can smoke or not smoke, it is not addictive. I do miss the relaxation it brings. Also a couple of weeks from now, this old dog will have his shots.
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    May you contiue in renewed health and well being, sheltered by the Divine Presence.
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    Thank You Brother, and may you be twice blessed!
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    You have greater patience than me. After they patched up my heart they kept me under for three days, I hallucinated though it all and when they wheeled me from ICU to my room I thought they took me to the morgue! Fast forward almost two weeks from my admission and it was time to go home. I had my wife bring me clothes, a pipe and jar of London Mixture, and, a good cup of coffee for the ride home!

    Be well and diary your daily wellbeing to make sure side effects aren't creeping up from your meds, it can take a few months!
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    I've had all the childhood vaccines and then all the ones the military decided we should have during my 21 years of service. I had the tetanus shot at least two times just as a precaution because of the environment I was working in at the time. 

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    Thanksgiving Day 2020 I was attacked by a bulldog and bitten on the left calf. Got a tetanus shot for that, the first vaccine since youth (I never had a flu shot). Now I've had the two Modernas, and another scheduled for the Fall, according to the Moderna people. So far, the inoculation has not turned me into a communist, and I don't feel anything from  Bill Gates nanobots they injected. So far, so good.
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    Patience is a virtue which I have learned after 56 years of marriage, mainly from her example.
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    Time will tell, sadly I trust no one these days, least of all our (emphases added) goverment
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    Good luck, once again.
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    Thinking of you and yours @PappyJoe

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    Just found out all three kids have covid. Fingers crossed it's going to be a rough few weeks here.
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    ”Thoughts and prayers” has become a cliché, but I mean it sincerely.
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