I looked at that Mummert barrel, and it has a chamber with the shank inside. It contains three little plastic people figures. I was thinking🤔 “What a cool way to store an extra 2-3? bowls of tobacco in a neat pocket friendly package.” It should be pretty sturdy, the “double shank” and short stem should keep it from breaking? The stem should seal tightly enough to keep the “spare” tobacco from drying out too. Maybe a strange pipe, but I can see some advantages to its’ actual use. Mummert definitely thinks outside the box.
Does it bother anyone here knowing that there'd be some people in this world that would call the Suicide Prevention Hotline if they saw you smoking that pipe?
That slender horn with the two dots on the stem/shank has a strange looking bit. Cool pipe though. I love the shape of that last Mummert, I’d like to see one in a smooth finish.
I think the big companies like Peterson and others have lots of "sub-standard" briar laying around. In order to stay fiscally competitive, they are making a concerted effort to salvage the crappy stummels. The sub-standard briar is not pretty, but will still make a fine pipe. There will still be briar that does not make that cut because the pits are just too deep and would burn out almost immediately. I have read that artisans like Mark Tinsky and I am sure others, along with some of the briar cutters and briar companies use the sub-standard wood to fuel their furnaces. Also, old wood with tight grain is getting tough to find these days. Even such things as rifle stocks and furniture can not be made with high grade woods they once were...it's existence is very limited, the "old growth" forests have been decimated. For example, about five? years ago, a company in Wyoming was going to make a limited run of high grade rifles of somewhere around 300 maybe less? (I don't recall the exact number, but very few). They had to cut the run short because they could not find enough "museum" quality fancy high grade lumbar for the rifle stocks, in this case I think it was Black Walnut?
New Morgan Bones Shapes added!
LOVE that third pipe...
yeah, me too
Is that last pipe a Gamboni, Grechukhin, Gabriele, Radice? I love their contrast sandblasted pipes.
Breathing New Life into a Gutta-Percha Revolver Pipe
https://rebornpipes.com/2020/10/19/breathing-new-life-into-a-gutta-percha-revolver-pipe/Sorry, I have no knowledge of its provenance.
I will have to try to find it
I found one real similar on SPC. stock #002-497-0256. I think it is a Grechukhin.
Sandblasting or carving or whatever covers up a multitude of sins flaws in the briar.
Yeah, right.......