Not trying to be confrontational here, but this is no place for your politics. Since you opened the Door, however, lets Have a REAL discussion and leave the Hollywierdo Talking points & main stream media sound bites out of this.
The Lefts call for "Reasonable" gun control is a Lie and a specious argument.
It's not THE GUN! No more than drunk driving accidents are not blamed on the car, and rightfully so!
It's the mentally unstable whack jobs that are being either coddled or ignored by our Left Leaning municipalities and states.
It's a breakdown in our mental health system, the pharma companies making drugs that lend themselves to this behavior, the bureaucrats involved with all of it and the insurance companies.
18 states across the nation allow and even encourage the school staff to carry fire arms, thus discouraging such events.
Why do we have armed guards for our banks, jewelry stores, court houses, politicians and celebrities but not @ our schools?
Gun Free School Zones are the most asinine business model ever devised. They create a target rich environment that solicits and encourages such cowardice as seen in places like FL, and Sandy Hook.
Dino, I always wondered back in 1988, when that school bus full of kids burned alive up in Kentucky, and inspired the Mothers Against Drunk Drivers movement, why they didn't just outlaw automobiles and trucks. Instead, they want to allow people to drink and drive and text message, which by the way has been proven to be just as impairing as driving drunk. Then, they want to give State Troopers and local law enforcement the responsibility of spotting these irresponsible drivers, and get them off the street one at a time. To tell you the truth, I look pretty good on a horse, and the local blacksmiths could use the extra cash. All we need to do, is make sure that everyone lives within 30 miles of their job, so that we don't need freshly watered horses to make it the rest of the way in to work. If Walmart can paint all those blue and yellow parking spots when automobiles were legal, they can definitely afford a few hitching posts up close to the front door.
As for all the freight that needs to be moved, we can go back to using steamboats and trains, because the rivers and railroad tracks are still there right where we left them.
As for armed guards in public schools, I can tell you it would never work. I used to work in security at Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, and we had metal detectors at the front gate, armed guards, concertina wire, and card readers, and it was a total fiasco. We had people coming and going, that would make Marilyn Manson look tame by comparison. The people who worked in the main control room, never knew when a madman (or madwoman,) would burst through the door, gun them all down, and take control of the main reactor.
After going back and proof reading this post, I realize now that my IQ is running near the genius level, and I need to move to California so I can be closer to the ocean. Everyone knows that living close to the Pacific Ocean makes you smarter and better looking, especially so when you've got the right prescription.
@Bonanzadriver -- With regard to your proclamation: "....this is no place for your politics." Oh, thank you for enlightening me. I didn't know there was such a rule.
Is there a place where I can determine whether "My politics" are acceptable? Is there a rule against say, religion? I see discussions about Billy Graham's passing and the deaths of loved ones. To prove my good intentions, hence forth I will clear with any post of mine that might that I think might cause you distress, because that is not my intent.
As I "said" above, I am a strong supporter of the second amendment and have preached on the importance of the second amendment and gun ownership in maintaining our democracy, and I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what part of my post (below) didn't correspond to your view of things. Something in my post obviously angered you. Was it the post, or was it that I hold opinions different from yours?
The Lefts call for "Reasonable" gun control is a Lie and a specious argument.Your response ("Reasonable" gun control is a Lie and a specious argument") is based on facts not present. On the other hand, maybe there's an "alternate definition" of "reasonable."
It's not THE GUN! No more than drunk driving accidents are not blamed on the car, and rightfully so! You must take a test and earn a license to buy a car
It's the mentally unstable whack jobs that are being either coddled or ignored by our Left Leaning municipalities and states. Again, your response is based on facts not present.
It's a breakdown in our mental health system, the pharma companies making drugs that lend themselves to this behavior, the bureaucrats involved with all of it and the insurance companies.A vast left-wing conspiracy, eh? And Big Pharma is "making drugs that lend themselves to this behavior." You suggest that big pharma is making drugs that create homicidal maniacs. Can you document even one drug that was designed thus.
18 states across the nation allow and even encourage the school staff to carry fire arms, thus discouraging such events. When the SWAT team enters a school with an active shooter, they will "neutralize" anyone they see with a gun. Bye-bye Mr. Chips.
Why do we have armed guards for our banks, jewelry stores, court houses, politicians and celebrities but not @ our schools?By your logic, why don't we have armed guards in our movie theaters, our nightclubs, our churches? Why don't we have guns everywhere? Oh, wait.... I forgot.
Gun Free School Zones are the most asinine business model ever devised. They create a target rich environment that solicits and encourages such cowardice as seen in places like FL, and Sandy Hook. Can you make a statement without belittling and attacking those who disagree with you, e.g.. ("asinine"; "a lie and a specious argument"; "wack jobs .... coddled or ignored?" I reckon when you have hammer, everything looks like a nail. When you have a gun, everything looks like a target????. Come at me, bro?
While I recognize the differences of opinion regarding the second amendment, I fail to see what's wrong with this scenario. nor do I understand what has so infuriated Bonanzadriver.....
<<A 19-year-old disturbed young man walks into a Florida big-box store.
Young man: “I’d like a bottle of OxyContin.”
Clerk: “Sorry, you need a prescription to buy OxyContin.”
Young man: “O.K., then give me a six-pack of Bud.”
Clerk: “Do you have ID? You have to be 21 to buy alcoholic beverages.”
Young man: “Well, then, I’ll take an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle.”
Clerk: “Very good, sir. Will that be cash or charge?”
I will not respond further, except to tip the Hatlo hat to @xDutchx for being a "reasonable" gun devotee.
@motie2, thanks for speaking your mind in a respectful manner. At least you care. When we take into consideration that around 60% of Americans do not vote, that means that around 60% do not concern themselves with the issues, and that is extremely sad.
Like I have always said, the two extremes pulling against the middle are what makes this country great. It is not the extreme left or right who casts the important votes, it is the middle of the road moderate who decides the outcome of most elections. The founding fathers of this great country were extremely intelligent, and we should keep that in mind, when we talk about changing a system that has worked effectively for 244 years.
I want to apologize for having mistakenly called you out for talking politics here. I, for some reason, thought the Terms of Use prohibited such speech.
Now to address the "Talking Points" from the Intelligentsia...
"Reasonable Gun Control". Any additional laws to what has already been put in place, many of which are Unconstitutional, How are M0RE LAWS going to keep an Effin Nut Job from carrying out EVIL? They have already broken the law just by planning and trying to carry out such an act, let alone doing so.
Mentally Unstable people should not be buying guns. And guess what M? It's against the law for them to do so. But hey, don't let that stop the Knee Jerking Enlightened Ones from piling on more LAWS. And when those don't work they can say "All of these laws aren't working, no choice but to outlaw those scary guns".
Can you document even one drug that was designed thus.
Gotta tell ya M, that one made me spit coffee outta my nose. Nice twisting of my words there. I didn't say that they were INTENTIONALLY Designed to create homicidal maniacs, but the SIDE EFFECTS are definitely evident....
On second thought Motie, I'm sure you're right. Nothing to see here. Move along folks.....
When the SWAT team enters a school with an active shooter, they will "neutralize" anyone they see with a gun. Bye-bye Mr. Chips.
Thankfully the Swat team swooped in and saved all of those kids in FL last week, oh, wait a minute.... That's right no one showed up until after 17 kids were dead. Pretty much a hollow EXCUSE.
More laws are not going to fix what is broken here M. The 30 Red Flags on this kid, including calls to police and the FBI, that went without any action, is the problem. The FBI needs a thorough flushing, as evidenced by the recent discoveries that show their collusion and unlawful participation in illegally wire tapping a private citizen, all based off of a LIE. Absolutely Shameful.
The Deputies that waited outside of the school for 4 or 5 minutes, while kids were being killed, all need to go to jail!
As to your closing argument Motie....
Being offended, doesn't make you right!
Disarming Law Abiding Americans Does Not Make This A Safer World! If it did, then the Liberal Havens such as Chicago & DC, both with oppressive gun laws, would be the safest places in America to live!
Are they?
Of course not. It's Tilting at Windmills. Window Dressing. All an Act by the likes of Pelosi, Feinstein, and their ilk, pretending like they're keepin their little Snow Flakes Safe!
So, Spare me the Libtard Talkin Points Motie. I've heard em all and they don't pass the SMELL TEST.
There's a reason the Pantsuit didn't get elected. We, the silent Majority, have had enough of the swill that had been forced down our throats for the last 8 years, by the uber left, main stream media, hollyweird, and all of their sycophants.
Speaking of passing the smell test, your treatment of those who disagree with you also fails.
@xDutchx -- No problem. I just love being excoriated for my strong second amendment beliefs and practices. You should have been there when one of my congregants, who disagreed with me on legal requirements for gun ownership, did so by standing up and challenging me in the midst of my sermon. He didn't get me to change my beliefs, and neither will anyone taking exception to my strong support of the second commandment, within reason. There are certain folks who should not have guns: the mentally ill, persons of the no-fly list; persons with a history of marital violence, felons convicted of violent crime, yada, yada, yada. Oh, and by the way: BELLLLLLLLCH."
Speaking of passing the smell test, your treatment of those who disagree with you also fails.
You're absolutely right Motie. My apology was way out of line. I should have never admitted to making a mistake, let alone publicly.
Oh, and what was I thinking? Calling you out for misquoting me and twisting my words. How boorish of me, absolutely poor decorum on my part. A thousand pardons.........
Just to be clear.... Do you feign offense and injury with Everyone that would dare be so bold as to disagree with you?
In case you're wondering M. I'm not maligning you. I'm simply disagreeing with you.
I know, I know, completely incongruous with what you've most likely grown accustomed to over these last 8 or so years.
But you can not reasonably expect to come to a public forum such as TPL, espouse your political ideology, and think it sacrosanct.
Your predisposition of being easily offended does not obviate my, or anyone else's, 1st amendment rights.
So, Motie, to summarize.......
I Do Not Dislike You! (I simply disagree with you)
Disagreeing with another individual does not make the person disagreeing wrong, rude, or a perpetrator of excoriation.
Choosing to be offended, by any and all that do not share your echo chamber world views, is a self inflicted wound.
I look forward to any civil and well reasoned discourse here on this or any other subject. But please do not expect me to kow tow or wilt in response to being shouted down.
Gentlemen please, we all differ, but we're here to be the brotherhood of the briar. I was/am the prefect of Pipechat, an international pipe forum with over 1,000 active members, We put a board in called The Soap Box so people could bring their opinions and rants out. in 1.5 years we are now down to less than 10 actives, Please don't let that happen here.
I have a beard and I just chose not to drink it’s better for me and people around me that I don’t , I also have my cc . I carry a 40 cal Glock that is and was accurate as hell straight out of the box. I found this discussion very interesting,
Yeah, I already looked it up. Now I have a strong urge to try and work it into a conversation whenever possible. I was already trying to work 'colluded,' into the mix, ever since the mayor of Nashville colluded with a security guard slash ex cop, to send nekkid pics to him, to get him to cheat on his wife. My question is simply this. Where were all the female mayors who were itching to send nekkid pics, back when I was working security in the summer of 95? Back then, even if you had a "D," behind your name, you couldn't get away with it!
@Londy3 - speaking of good reading material, I just dug two old books out of storage. About halfway through Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express and will be following it up with Plato's The Republic.
I don't read digital books or listen to audio books. I feel electronic devices takes away from my old-fashion bearded pipe smoker esthetic.
@PappyJoe Agatha Christie was a genius of the Murder Mystery, her works translate to the Big Screen beautifully. She must have written at least ten books featuring Poirot.
Not trying to be confrontational here, but this is no place for your politics. Since you opened the Door, however, lets Have a REAL discussion and leave the Hollywierdo Talking points & main stream media sound bites out of this.
The Lefts call for "Reasonable" gun control is a Lie and a specious argument.
It's not THE GUN! No more than drunk driving accidents are not blamed on the car, and rightfully so!
It's the mentally unstable whack jobs that are being either coddled or ignored by our Left Leaning municipalities and states.
It's a breakdown in our mental health system, the pharma companies making drugs that lend themselves to this behavior, the bureaucrats involved with all of it and the insurance companies.
18 states across the nation allow and even encourage the school staff to carry fire arms, thus discouraging such events.
Why do we have armed guards for our banks, jewelry stores, court houses, politicians and celebrities but not @ our schools?
Gun Free School Zones are the most asinine business model ever devised. They create a target rich environment that solicits and encourages such cowardice as seen in places like FL, and Sandy Hook.
Dino, I always wondered back in 1988, when that school bus full of kids burned alive up in Kentucky, and inspired the Mothers Against Drunk Drivers movement, why they didn't just outlaw automobiles and trucks. Instead, they want to allow people to drink and drive and text message, which by the way has been proven to be just as impairing as driving drunk. Then, they want to give State Troopers and local law enforcement the responsibility of spotting these irresponsible drivers, and get them off the street one at a time. To tell you the truth, I look pretty good on a horse, and the local blacksmiths could use the extra cash. All we need to do, is make sure that everyone lives within 30 miles of their job, so that we don't need freshly watered horses to make it the rest of the way in to work. If Walmart can paint all those blue and yellow parking spots when automobiles were legal, they can definitely afford a few hitching posts up close to the front door.
As for all the freight that needs to be moved, we can go back to using steamboats and trains, because the rivers and railroad tracks are still there right where we left them.
As for armed guards in public schools, I can tell you it would never work. I used to work in security at Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, and we had metal detectors at the front gate, armed guards, concertina wire, and card readers, and it was a total fiasco. We had people coming and going, that would make Marilyn Manson look tame by comparison. The people who worked in the main control room, never knew when a madman (or madwoman,) would burst through the door, gun them all down, and take control of the main reactor.
After going back and proof reading this post, I realize now that my IQ is running near the genius level, and I need to move to California so I can be closer to the ocean. Everyone knows that living close to the Pacific Ocean makes you smarter and better looking, especially so when you've got the right prescription.
Meanwhile back at the farm. These babies are back in production, and I want one......
Is there a place where I can determine whether "My politics" are acceptable? Is there a rule against say, religion? I see discussions about Billy Graham's passing and the deaths of loved ones. To prove my good intentions, hence forth I will clear with any post of mine that might that I think might cause you distress, because that is not my intent.
As I "said" above, I am a strong supporter of the second amendment and have preached on the importance of the second amendment and gun ownership in maintaining our democracy, and I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what part of my post (below) didn't correspond to your view of things. Something in my post obviously angered you. Was it the post, or was it that I hold opinions different from yours?
The Lefts call for "Reasonable" gun control is a Lie and a specious argument. Your response ("Reasonable" gun control is a Lie and a specious argument") is based on facts not present. On the other hand, maybe there's an "alternate definition" of "reasonable."
It's not THE GUN! No more than drunk driving accidents are not blamed on the car, and rightfully so! You must take a test and earn a license to buy a car
It's the mentally unstable whack jobs that are being either coddled or ignored by our Left Leaning municipalities and states. Again, your response is based on facts not present.
It's a breakdown in our mental health system, the pharma companies making drugs that lend themselves to this behavior, the bureaucrats involved with all of it and the insurance companies. A vast left-wing conspiracy, eh? And Big Pharma is "making drugs that lend themselves to this behavior." You suggest that big pharma is making drugs that create homicidal maniacs. Can you document even one drug that was designed thus.
18 states across the nation allow and even encourage the school staff to carry fire arms, thus discouraging such events. When the SWAT team enters a school with an active shooter, they will "neutralize" anyone they see with a gun. Bye-bye Mr. Chips.
Why do we have armed guards for our banks, jewelry stores, court houses, politicians and celebrities but not @ our schools? By your logic, why don't we have armed guards in our movie theaters, our nightclubs, our churches? Why don't we have guns everywhere? Oh, wait.... I forgot.
Gun Free School Zones are the most asinine business model ever devised. They create a target rich environment that solicits and encourages such cowardice as seen in places like FL, and Sandy Hook. Can you make a statement without belittling and attacking those who disagree with you, e.g.. ("asinine"; "a lie and a specious argument"; "wack jobs .... coddled or ignored?" I reckon when you have hammer, everything looks like a nail. When you have a gun, everything looks like a target????. Come at me, bro?
While I recognize the differences of opinion regarding the second amendment, I fail to see what's wrong with this scenario. nor do I understand what has so infuriated Bonanzadriver.....
<<A 19-year-old disturbed young man walks into a Florida big-box store.
Young man: “I’d like a bottle of OxyContin.”
Clerk: “Sorry, you need a prescription to buy OxyContin.”
Young man: “O.K., then give me a six-pack of Bud.”
Clerk: “Do you have ID? You have to be 21 to buy alcoholic beverages.”
Young man: “Well, then, I’ll take an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle.”
Clerk: “Very good, sir. Will that be cash or charge?”
I will not respond further, except to tip the Hatlo hat to @xDutchx for being a "reasonable" gun devotee.
@motie2, thanks for speaking your mind in a respectful manner. At least you care. When we take into consideration that around 60% of Americans do not vote, that means that around 60% do not concern themselves with the issues, and that is extremely sad.
Like I have always said, the two extremes pulling against the middle are what makes this country great. It is not the extreme left or right who casts the important votes, it is the middle of the road moderate who decides the outcome of most elections. The founding fathers of this great country were extremely intelligent, and we should keep that in mind, when we talk about changing a system that has worked effectively for 244 years.
I want to apologize for having mistakenly called you out for talking politics here. I, for some reason, thought the Terms of Use prohibited such speech.
Now to address the "Talking Points" from the Intelligentsia...
"Reasonable Gun Control". Any additional laws to what has already been put in place, many of which are Unconstitutional, How are M0RE LAWS going to keep an Effin Nut Job from carrying out EVIL? They have already broken the law just by planning and trying to carry out such an act, let alone doing so.
Mentally Unstable people should not be buying guns. And guess what M? It's against the law for them to do so. But hey, don't let that stop the Knee Jerking Enlightened Ones from piling on more LAWS. And when those don't work they can say "All of these laws aren't working, no choice but to outlaw those scary guns".
Can you document even one drug that was designed thus.
Gotta tell ya M, that one made me spit coffee outta my nose. Nice twisting of my words there. I didn't say that they were INTENTIONALLY Designed to create homicidal maniacs, but the SIDE EFFECTS are definitely evident....
On second thought Motie, I'm sure you're right. Nothing to see here. Move along folks.....
When the SWAT team enters a school with an active shooter, they will "neutralize" anyone they see with a gun. Bye-bye Mr. Chips.
Thankfully the Swat team swooped in and saved all of those kids in FL last week, oh, wait a minute.... That's right no one showed up until after 17 kids were dead. Pretty much a hollow EXCUSE.
More laws are not going to fix what is broken here M. The 30 Red Flags on this kid, including calls to police and the FBI, that went without any action, is the problem. The FBI needs a thorough flushing, as evidenced by the recent discoveries that show their collusion and unlawful participation in illegally wire tapping a private citizen, all based off of a LIE. Absolutely Shameful.
The Deputies that waited outside of the school for 4 or 5 minutes, while kids were being killed, all need to go to jail!
As to your closing argument Motie....
Being offended, doesn't make you right!
Disarming Law Abiding Americans Does Not Make This A Safer World! If it did, then the Liberal Havens such as Chicago & DC, both with oppressive gun laws, would be the safest places in America to live!
Are they?
Of course not. It's Tilting at Windmills. Window Dressing. All an Act by the likes of Pelosi, Feinstein, and their ilk, pretending like they're keepin their little Snow Flakes Safe!
So, Spare me the Libtard Talkin Points Motie. I've heard em all and they don't pass the SMELL TEST.
There's a reason the Pantsuit didn't get elected. We, the silent Majority, have had enough of the swill that had been forced down our throats for the last 8 years, by the uber left, main stream media, hollyweird, and all of their sycophants.
@xDutchx -- No problem. I just love being excoriated for my strong second amendment beliefs and practices. You should have been there when one of my congregants, who disagreed with me on legal requirements for gun ownership, did so by standing up and challenging me in the midst of my sermon. He didn't get me to change my beliefs, and neither will anyone taking exception to my strong support of the second commandment, within reason. There are certain folks who should not have guns: the mentally ill, persons of the no-fly list; persons with a history of marital violence, felons convicted of violent crime, yada, yada, yada.
Oh, and by the way: BELLLLLLLLCH."
You're absolutely right Motie. My apology was way out of line. I should have never admitted to making a mistake, let alone publicly.
Oh, and what was I thinking? Calling you out for misquoting me and twisting my words. How boorish of me, absolutely poor decorum on my part. A thousand pardons.........
Just to be clear.... Do you feign offense and injury with Everyone that would dare be so bold as to disagree with you?
In case you're wondering M. I'm not maligning you. I'm simply disagreeing with you.
I know, I know, completely incongruous with what you've most likely grown accustomed to over these last 8 or so years.
But you can not reasonably expect to come to a public forum such as TPL, espouse your political ideology, and think it sacrosanct.
Your predisposition of being easily offended does not obviate my, or anyone else's, 1st amendment rights.
So, Motie, to summarize.......
I Do Not Dislike You! (I simply disagree with you)
Disagreeing with another individual does not make the person disagreeing wrong, rude, or a perpetrator of excoriation.
Choosing to be offended, by any and all that do not share your echo chamber world views, is a self inflicted wound.
I look forward to any civil and well reasoned discourse here on this or any other subject. But please do not expect me to kow tow or wilt in response to being shouted down.
Just askin' Some folks jump on you when you post stuff that disagrees with their opinion.......
Feign? Injury? Everyone?
Impugning? :>)
I don't read digital books or listen to audio books. I feel electronic devices takes away from my old-fashion bearded pipe smoker esthetic.
I am up for a pipe and some Witherspoons bourbon after spending the afternoon playing with this.
There is hat up there that you cannot see - so I think I got all 4 in one post