ghostsofpompeii Master
Thank you for the promotion.
Re: Music to smoke your pipe to... (View Post) -
Re: Seeking to Eliminate Online Tobacco Sales, Cripple Tobacco Industry
I can't even grow a good tomato. Bought one of those upside down tomato growing contraptions as seen on TV and just as my crop of cherry tomatoes was about to turn red we had a torrential windstorm. … (View Post) -
Re: Feeling alone and lost.
Before nearly all restaurants became No Smoking there were several in my area that had designated Smoking areas for cigarette smokers, yet pipes and cigars were not allowed. It's no wonder you don't … (View Post) -
My Letter To Dutch Returned 'Undelivered'
Received the letter I sent Dutch almost a month ago from the post office as undelivered. Double checked the address and it was the same I used when sending him some tobacco he received. So although I… (View Post) -
Re: There are no words...
@ocpunk714 Congrats on the new pipe. Always have liked the Peterson Pipes. I've got the Dracula and Jekyll & Hyde and love them both. Great smokers and interesting to look at as well. (View Post)