ghostsofpompeii Master
Thank you for the promotion.
Re: Other Hobbies
A few of you may remember that I was once a musician and have recorded several CDs under the moniker Ghosts Of Pompeii over the years. But back in the mid 70s' I was the keyboardist in a progressive … (View Post) -
Re: Daily Aromatic Smokers Corner
I remember a few years back when I was ordering bulk tobacco like crazy, fearing for the day when something like this might happen. At the time it seemed insane to spend that much money per payday on… (View Post) -
Re: What are you Drinking while smoking your pipe today?
Man, I haven't posted here in quite a while. But I managed to sneak in a half a bowl of Boswell Cupcake. And to prove I still haven' grown up, I chased it with a can of Yoohoo Chocolate Drink. (View Post) -
Match Game 74, Charles Nelson Reilly, And Pipe Smoking On Television
My have times changed. We here at PTL are lamenting the eminent death of the tobacco industry and the pipe smoking hobby while just a few decades ago one of the most popular TV game shows had a cast … (View Post) -
Re: Two Emails I Received This Morning
I did an inventory of my pipe tobacco stock, and like you @PappyJoe I have enough to last a lifetime. I sure am glad I over-reacted a few years ago and bought up as much as I did. Hopefully, with it … (View Post)