Received samples of Sasieni, Blackhouse, and Gaslight from a respected correspondent, eager to draw me back to my original passion: English cum Latakia blends such as I smoked back in the day (....these days aromatics only). Can't wait for out of town company to leave at Week's end so I can at least give 'em a try.
When I opened each sample, SWMBO -- across the room -- made a face and told me to put that away.
The creosote smell from the Gaslight seems particularly reminiscent of something I smoked -- not Bakan Sobranie, my then go-to blend in days of yore.
Enjoying my first bowl of RLP-6/BCA after an unexpected cardiac event and ICU vacation last month. I am doing well now and am glad to get reacquainted with my pipe.
Some TCS Cowboy Coffee in my Peterson Outdoor. Have Mrs Hudson, Sutliff Vanilla Custard, TCS Hunting Creek and Rivendell on deck for later. I'm two guys down and have a 18 hour shift ahead of me. Have a feeling I'll be smoking them all today at least once....
Going with some Peterson Luxury Blend in an estate found, stripped and refinished Bjarne freehand. Sidenote: back when I found this pipe, it was very badly ghosted. Salt/alcohol treatments (2 of them) didn't touch the problem. But @PappyJoe came to the rescue with his coffee treatment = worked like a charm! Tnx Pappy...
As per request a little more information on English Rum from Hayes Tobacco.
It is one of the bulk blends John B Hayes carries in his B&M store. It is a medium strength English blend with a good balance of Virginia orientals and latakia lightly cased with rum. From the pouch note I would guess light rum. The moisture content is right. I did get a bit of gurgle half way through the bowl but I might have been pushing it a bit hard. The Peterson I was smoking it on tends to smoke a bit wet.
Overall it is a good smoke and worth buying again.
Can't go wrong with Sutliff Vanilla Custard......
When I opened each sample, SWMBO -- across the room -- made a face and told me to put that away.
The creosote smell from the Gaslight seems particularly reminiscent of something I smoked -- not Bakan Sobranie, my then go-to blend in days of yore.
Sidenote: back when I found this pipe, it was very badly ghosted. Salt/alcohol treatments (2 of them) didn't touch the problem. But @PappyJoe came to the rescue with his coffee treatment = worked like a charm! Tnx Pappy...
I might try some more of the English rum Blend from Hayes Tobacco later. Tasty stuff even if it feels like breaking the rules.
It is one of the bulk blends John B Hayes carries in his B&M store. It is a medium strength English blend with a good balance of Virginia orientals and latakia lightly cased with rum. From the pouch note I would guess light rum. The moisture content is right. I did get a bit of gurgle half way through the bowl but I might have been pushing it a bit hard. The Peterson I was smoking it on tends to smoke a bit wet.
Overall it is a good smoke and worth buying again.