Beautiful weather here today. Decided to enjoy a second bowl. This is a first for me trying C'est La Vie French vanilla. Trying it out in my Jobey Unicorn. I promised @motie2 a report on this blend a while back. I apologize that it took so long to try it out. Report following...
@motie2 Opened pouch and moisture level was almost perfect. Initial light and there was no doubt about the vanilla content. Easily lighted and generates a nice thick smoke which I like. This is a good "sipping" tobacco. Very mild with a pleasant room note. The vanilla flavor is there but in no way overpowering. I am halfway through the bowl with little change except perhaps a touch stronger room note. Without knowing how it will smoke as I approach the dottle, I must say I'm looking forward to my next bowl of this blend...
@KA9FFJ, it is a private blend made by a friend of mine, it is named after the old Cleveland Municipal Stadium. It contains Virginia, Perique, Burley, and Dark-fired Kentucky.
@pipeman83 Thanks. Sounds yummy. I used to help my Grandpa during the summers when I was s kid on his tobacco farm I Cadiz, KY. His main crop was Burly, air cured in tall barns. So when I hear Kentucky associated with tobaccos, it brings back a lot of memories... Thanks again...
Smoked some Captain Black Royal and Sutliff Black Spice combined, in Cassillero 125. While I like Capt. Black and some of the other Capt Black blends, I feel I've got to mix them with a more aromatic blend.
@pipeman83. I get lucky every once in awhile. Even a blind hog finds an acorn every once in awhile. I've found some great pipes for under $20 (which is my limit when bidding on estate pipes). Winning bids are few and far between but the hunt is a lot of fun! So is the satisfaction of scoring a great pipe for cheap. I'm just finishing a restoration of an $18 Savinelli.
Got my brother to join me in a bowl. Set him up with my new, straight out of the box MM Ozark Straight(Maple) and some Peterson St. Patrick’s Day 2018 Blend. I had the FM.
@Kmhartle, most of my pipes were found on eBay also, I keep it within a limit as well, I purchased an unsmoked Mario Grandi Fatta A Mano bent billiard with box and sleeve for $16.50, it is now my favorite pipe.
Royal Bucks Smoking Club 3/2/2018
MM Ozark Hardwood Straight