Enjoying a quiet Sunday afternoon on my front porch with some Lane RLP-6. Using a no-name freehand I acquired off eBay about 10 years ago... Really a good smoker...
Capt Earl's Mystic Blend in a DB smaller bent brandy
While sipping on a Bloody Caesar (Canadian version of a bloody Mary) with some additional accoutrements and the mix I make from the remnants of the salsa canning exercise.
I've been smoking Mac Baren Old Dark Fired for about three months and I'm enjoying another bowl now. It's clear this has become a must in my rotation. So deep and rich with flavor.
Thought about burning one today. Got busy then started to plan on burning one this afternoon. Even looked for a smoke shop while driving around town so I can burn one there, even packed my stuff fer it. Looked forward to relaxing and burning one later this evening. Thought about burning one a lot today. It just didn't pan out I guess.
@TaylorJDutton Five months? That's a long time to go without a pipe, so I hope it goes by fast for you. I hope you also have a tin of the blessed Morton of Frogs waiting for you upon your return.
@mfresa How is Smyrna? I haven't tried any of the John Cotton blends, but I've had my eye on them every time I order.
Currently celebrating Cob Tuesday with a bowl of Old Joe Krantz in my Country Gentleman cob.
@thebadgerpiper, I can't say enough about the John Cotton blends. They are (IMHO) absolutely wonderful! The No.1 is so well balanced I could smoke it all day. No.1&2 has slightly more latakia in it, and Smyrna is a stronger flavored version of No.1.
If you haven't tried these, you are missing out. I just finished the Smyrna last night and am going to reorder today.
By the way, these blends tend to be more forward on the Oriental tobacco, with Virginia coming in behind and Latakia making it interesting.
Starting the day with some victory tobacco aka Esoterica Pembroke. It's a "victory" tobacco in celebration of the Red Sox take down of the Evil Empire last night. Houston, we have a problem!!
I too enjoy a bowl of Sutliff Christmas Spice from time to time. Will be enjoying it more & more as the season advances.
Saaaamokin some RLP6 in my fav Carolina Blue Molina with my favorite IPA from Foothills Brewery here in NC. Ahhhh, beautiful night.