Ben Hartwell Signature in an old IRC lovat. I bought this tin in early 2012. I have no idea how much older it is - anybody know if Hartwell has a code that reveals that on the tin?
Just finished a fantastic bowl of Sutliff's Private Stock Kasimir in my Dunhill bent bulldog on a gorgeous fall afternoon. Seriously, a great English blended tobacco that is now out of production. Grabbed a tin off the shelf from my local B&M and aged it for 2 months before smoking. Wow!
Finishing off the last of the Highland Targe in my big Sabatini bent billiard. This was a revisit of something I tried 10 years ago. Not apt to be repeated.
Trout Stream from one of my favorite Stanwells.
Seriously, a great English blended tobacco that is now out of production. Grabbed a tin off the shelf from my local B&M and aged it for 2 months before smoking. Wow!