Worst blend
in Tobacco Talk
What do you consider the worst blend you have ever tried. I know this can change over time and is purely subjective to the individual. I will say so far out of all the tobacco I have picked up over the years my worst blend would have to be Middletons Cherry Blend.
Schermerhorn's Mixture...awful stuff.
That said, a friend gave me a half pound he had cellared for many years. After re-moistening it with some distilled water, I gave it a try... Just about burned my tongue off!! Tasted like burned cardboard. (Not that I've ever tried a pipeful of that.) No redeeming value whatsoever, save for a physical connection with my long departed grandfather. Sigh....
I opened a tin of Cult Blood Red Moon and fell in love with it.It is a cherry
cavandish blend.To date the worst for me would be M-79, it has the
floral after taste and does bad things in a pipe,glad I smoked it in a cob.