A well known and respected attorney by the name of Willard VanDyke passed away recently. He finds himself standing in front of Saint Peter who is studying his ledger. Finally Saint Peter looks up and says 'Willard, you have lived a very long and just life. You have provided legal services to those less fortunate. You have served your fellow man and have certainly earned a place in Heaven for eternity. In addition to welcoming you to pass through the Pearly Gates, I am authorized to offer you a bonus. You will have a movie star/famous celebrity to stay with you for eternity. This person will be guaranteed too be totally compatible with you in every way. I just have one question to help me in the selection process. Who did you vote for in the presidential election?" Willard proudly responds "Kamala Harris!" Saint Peter says, "very well.... Whoopi, come on over and meet Willard".