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Other Hobbies

I just wondering what other hobbies everyone has.  Personally I enjoy woodworking, and knife making. 



  • Topaz75Topaz75 Professor
    Motorcycling, camping, dog training, playing guitar and piano.
  • Backpacking, camping, bushcraft, hunting. I also enjoy my time as an assistant Scout Master with the BSA. 
  • drac2485drac2485 Professor
    I love camping but my big hobby is civil war re-enacting
  • To many thing to list and most of them I can not do anymore because I am disabled now. 
    Camping, Fishing, Hunting, Racing, Hiking, Swimming, Drag Racing, Demo Derby, Sex, Music, Bourbon Drinking, Cigar Smoking, Pipe Smoking, Wine Tasting and lots more.  LOL
  • Just about anything that deals with outdoors from fishing and camping to something as simple as working in my yard.
  • Hiking, walking, amateur birding, trout-fishing, and Yoga for Real Guys (YRG/DDPYoga)!
    I have two labs(yellow and chocolate) and  we are still homeschooling 5 of our 8 kids. So, we do a ton of local adventuring (gives my wife a break). 

  • Pipe making, hiking & camping in the central CA Sierras (Yosemite area), wood working, leather working and maintaining my little tobacco garden & veggies.
  • running and working in my yard are my favorites.
  • @kraigseder I took a trip up 108 and was able to fish between Dardanelles and Kennedy Meadows last Friday. The water was running and the fish were biting!
  • I play video games, mainly on nintendo consoles, but also a few RPGs on places like steam. I used to collect retro video games (NES, SNES, N64), but it's hard to find space for them. Favorite games include the Mario platformers, Metroid, Zelda, and Dark Souls.

    Now I try to find local arcades and check them out. I'm a huge fan of pinball, so any place where I can get some action with the silver ball, I'm there. Favorite tables include Whirlwind, Funhouse, Gorgar, Doctor Who, and Bride of Pinbot.

    @mangoandy As a former home schooler (for High School), I'm always happy to see other kids get that experience. I loved home schooling, even though most of it was done in a location with other kids and tutors.
  • mhajecmhajec Enthusiast
    Backpacking, hiking, hunting, gaming, reading, experimenting on the grill, going random stuff with the kids.
  • @thebadgerpiper - We've graduated three of ours so far through HS. It works well in our home. My wife and I are constant learners, so our kids have been given a great education. Like I said above (and as you know), it has also freed us to live a life of adventure and exploration.
  • In order of frequency:
  • Drinking and talking Theology
    Just talking Theology
    Squirrel Hunting
    Playing Dulcimer
    I'm thinking about picking up a banjo to try to learn to play.
  • PC gaming, cars/motorcycles, firearms
  • Other than pipe smoking?
    watching the grandkids play in the backyard while I'm smoking my pipe
    Birdwatching in the backyard while smoking my pipe.
    collecting things like tinned tobacco and pipes
    listening to classical music while smoking my pipe
    taking the wife antique shopping so I can find new pipes
    occasionally carving a briar pipe myself (I've done 5 so far. They aren't beautiful but they all smoke good"
    occasionally making a cigar box guitar even though I don't know how to play one. (I've made 3. One is hanging up in my local B&M)
    reading. While smoking my pipe.

    I'm just a load of laughs today...
  • Playing guitar, reading, listening to music and enjoying new discoveries on old vinyl, art, and motorcycling.
  • Cooking. I forgot cooking.
  • A bunch I forgot but that is why I said much more....lol  I cook, I make Native American Indian crafts (Cherokee Blood), Paintball, Firearms repair, Wood crafts and again many more things.  Not all these things are things I can still do but I still like them all.  Disability slows you down!
  • dstribdstrib Apprentice
    Golfing, Hunting, Cooking, Brewing Beer, Looking for pipe related stuff. Working on taking up long range shooting.
  • Again I forgot a few.....Beer brewing, Wine making, and cooking....did I forget them or did I forget I listed them?  My mind isn't what it used to be....
  • I read and write. I wish I had time for other hobbies, but I've got kids.
  • Another post reminded me. I also love blogging and podcasting over at theMangoTimes.com
  • Cigars
    Reloading ammo
    Competition target shooting.
    Long range rifle shooting. (Still working on the mile shot)
    Leather craft
    Off road fun in my jeep
    And as of late
    Catching Pokemon lol
  • JeedubJeedub Newcomer
    @thebadgerpiper Dark Souls is my favorite game series! I have also been playing a lot of Rocket League lately and board games with the family. I enjoy hiking, camping, hunting; anything outdoors that gets me exploring and soaking up the beautiful world around me. The children keep me plenty busy as well with their activities. I squeeze in a bowl of tobacco when i can, usually after the kids have went to bed lol.
  • @jeedub I just defeated the main story boss for Dark Souls 2 tonight. While I'm mainly a Nintendo gamer, the Dark Souls series has a lot in it that appeals to me and my play style. I love how much thought and backstory From puts into their games. There's so much story in the game that you have to dig for, but it just captures my imagination. I don't have Dark Souls 3 yet, but I plan on picking it up soon so I can play that as well. What's your favorite game in the series?
  • JeedubJeedub Newcomer
    @thebadgerpiper The original Dark Souls is definitely my favorite. Love how the world is designed and how all the areas are connected. It also feels more atmospheric than the others to me. DS 3 is worth your time, they nailed the combat with the 3rd iteration.
  • I am a voracious reader. A good chunk of that is history and historical novels. I'm also the state representative for my clan society - if you go to a Highland Games,and head down clan row, you find folks like me working in those tents. Not unusual to find pipe and cigar smokers down there,either. 
  • Good post. Interesting to see what other pipe smokers do for fun. I don't get much free time for hobbies. I'm a regional truck driver putting in 12 - 14 hours a day and have 4 children in sports. That pretty much takes up all my time. When I do get time though, I like weight training, shooting, and anything else involving the outdoors. Some day when I'm able to climb out of the truck, I'll be able to do a lot more camping, hunting, fishing and hiking.
  • I am deeply passionate about music. I have played in several touring bands and many other small side projects. I have been collecting vinyl records since I was 12 and mp3's since they were created. I also have recently (last 5 years) become a worship pastor. As an extension to my theology degree, I love reading as much on the subject of "church music theology" as I can spare the time to do so. I have just about tapped out my musical instrument hobby, so switching to adding pipe smoking a little over a year and half ago, has been really good. As much as anything, I throw myself in with both feet and create processes for myself so...I love this since it is kind to both of those characteristics of mine. Kind to my pocket book, and kind to my process creative mind.
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