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LostMasonLostMason Apprentice
I'm wondering just how many have switched to Kindel or IPad,and who stick with the good
old paper and print.Also which genres are preferred.

I preferr paper and print myself,just easier for me to keep my place.
I like horror and sci-fi as well as action mysteries.I guess I'm one
of the few who actually like Dan Browns writting,and have become
dissillusioned with Stephen King.I really enjoy Eric Van Lustbader.
(probably spelled that wrong) So what 's everyones opinion?


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    piperdavepiperdave Connoisseur
    @lostmason I prefer "good old paper" as well, I do like the convenience of digital books when I am out and about. But when it comes right down to it; nothing beats holding a book and turning the pages and my favorite... the smell of a book. Lately I have been reading Regis McCafferty I can only get his books digitally but I do like them. He is a fellow pipe smoker as well and a member of the NASPC which he usually writes an article for quarterly. He writes mysteries but he has other books I have been reading 'Another view from The Park' it's poems and musings of a man. A bit different but interesting and sometimes funny. Of course I like Tolkien and other fantasy/fictional books anything that gives me a break from the world around me and some of the negative things people do to each other.
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    LostMasonLostMason Apprentice
    Sadly I have not read Tolkien,I haven't had access to a copy and haven't felt a desire to get one.
    I made the mistake of seeing the movie,and was greatly unimpressed.They spent entirely too
    much time with scenery shots,and not enough telling the story.I watched the movie Pet Cemetary
    and laughed all the way thru it,where the book kept me awake for a week.I've a dollar or two on
    Anne McCafferty's Pern novels and alot of time with Piers Anthony in Xanth.
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    I to am a fan of paper, just seems to be more personal. there is nothing like a good book I was at a antique store just yesterday and pick up 2 nice older copys a three musketeers and Treasure Island.  
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    LostMasonLostMason Apprentice
    @Corey562,that's awesome! I found a copy of McMillans pocket books "Franklins Autobiography"
    that was going to be trashed.It is in good condition,not torn or missing pages,from the forty's or fifty's.
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    @LostMason I am constantly on the look out for the classics. I am just a addict.
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    I have to go with paper. But I do love audio, I am a slow reader and I am able to get through a book faster that way. @LostMason I too like Dan Brown. I did not care to much for inferno however. I am a Microbiologist by training and the way he describes the technology being used in the end is quite nonsensical. I think he needs to hire a consultant if he is going to begin the novel with his promise that all technology in his books are real. But all in all he is a great story teller who knows how to balance mystery with that sense of making you feel smart when you figure out things before the characters do.
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    Been looking for Oscar Wilde Picture of Dorian Gray.
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    LostMasonLostMason Apprentice
    @Subtilis87,have you read any Robin Cook? He's a medical doctor turned author,exceptional
    research into the reality behind his fictions.

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    LostMasonLostMason Apprentice

    Unless your wanting a first edition,then I'm lost out here in boonville.
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    I use both kindle and print books. What I like about kindle is the ability to sample books and see if it's something that will pique my interest. My wife almost completely uses a kindle. I do have to say, saving space on bookshelves when you live in a small house is nice. I am an author, and my first book is on the kindle store, so being able to link people directly to a download is nice from an indie author's perspective.

    Otherwise I feel right at home in a bookstore. I still buy print books, mainly from HalfPrice Books. I mainly look for things on mythology, history, and fantasy novels. Tolkien, Lewis, and Brian Jacques being my personal favorite authors.
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    mhajecmhajec Enthusiast
    Im a fan of both. They both have their place in modern life. I like the portability of kindle books, they download directly to my phone and I can carry a 1000 books at a time. Some books are just better when you have the hard copy. I've also been dabbling with audio books while commuting or when I'm too lazy to actually use my eyes, LOL
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    paper all the way. I tried a Nexus but it just isnt the same. 
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    I use paper exclusively, although I have read a few downloaded from the Gutenberg project. The trouble with Kindle, etc., is that you don't own it - you're simply renting it. I prefer control of my own books.
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    @LostMason I have a paper back copy. Not really looking for the first edition just a good solid hard back. 
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    LostMasonLostMason Apprentice
    @Corey562,I should have looked a bit harder ,there is a college lit edition that they restored many
    passages and such that were edited out after the Magazine short story.When they released the
    first printing they tried to make the book more palitable to the public.Of course this didn't work
    and it only now with the changes in society that OW is seen as a visionary.Google the title and
    look for the link about "this is how Oscar Wild meant to write"or something along that line.

    As my handle implies,I'm into symbolism and histories,also like comparitive religion works.
    I have several PDF books and a few txt.I did listen to Intensity by Dean Koontz and that was
    a bad thing traveling over night from Mission Texas to OKC.A lot of dark highway.Also
    listened to the 2nd Harry Potter after watching the DVD of the 1st book.They had the descriptions
    deadon for the movie,when I watched the 2nd movie I thought I had already seen it.

    But alas,to hold the pages and feel the weight in my hands is as important as the pipe and blend
    I pick up.A good hard back with PS Black Coffee and scotch on the rocks,I'm set !
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    Does anyone know when the Peterson Pipes book is coming out? I think that it would be a great book to smoke with!
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    If you have not read it, Theology of Pipe Smoking is a good and humerus read. It is available for free PDF download if you google it. 
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    drac2485drac2485 Professor
    I still love the feel of real books but the books I like are hard to find in real print and reading on my iPad is so much more convenient.  With being in school I read a ton every week for school so I have found that I love audio books that way I can listen while doing other things like driving.  
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    drac2485drac2485 Professor
    @pipeprofessor I am wondering the same thing in regards to the peterson book.  I remember that it was originally slotted for last year (the 150th anniversary) but they didn't want to release it before it was done, they wanted a quality product, but I've been drooling since I found out about it, maybe that's why Texas is so wet...   If you hear anything please let us know.
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    LostMasonLostMason Apprentice
    @pipeprofessor and @drac2485, I would assume they are waiting to see if
    the publication will have to be approved by the FDA.With warnings on every
    third page.Might have to put a disclaimer on the cover,"Don't Smoke This Book".
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    LostMasonLostMason Apprentice
    @pipeprofessor,I downloaded part 1 from Google Books.Shows promise,
    Thanks for the tip !
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    @lostmason @drac2485 Haha! I hope there are no warnings on it and don't droll too much! I will let you know if I hear anything, and please do likewise! 
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    @lostmason, Some parts are better than others, but overall its very good!
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    drac2485drac2485 Professor
    @pipeprofessor Will do
    @lostmason there is a sampling on the internet????
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    LostMasonLostMason Apprentice
    @drac2485,I was referring to a pdf that pipeprofessor had recomended. Theology of Pipe Smoking,I found part 1 on google books.The sarcasm was for the delay on the peterson book
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    drac2485drac2485 Professor
    @lostmason Dang... you got my hopes up.  However, that does sound like an interesting book
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    LostMasonLostMason Apprentice
    It is but now I have to find part 2
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    I am 100% kindle and ebook.

    I lost thousands of dollars worth of theology books in a tornado while my wife spent $80 for a replacement ereader and picked up novel on the page she had left off on.

    When I was in seminary, I carried around about 40lbs of books in a bag just to do my Greek and Hebrew work. Now, I just carry around a few ounces.

    A friend and bibliophile told me: "Books are for people who love books. Ereaders are for people who love reading." I can second that.
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    drac2485drac2485 Professor
    @tomatobodhi I really like the comment "books are for people who love books. Ereaders are for people who love reading" I had never heard that before but it is so very true.
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    LostMasonLostMason Apprentice
    @tomatobodhi, It would seem that I am Royally Screwed in that I am blind in one eye,
    and need heavy duty readers for the other.This causes me intense pain when staring at a
    screen for prolonged periods.That is why I have to leave the forum and return to catch up
    on threads.With books I can better control the lighting and magnification.I agree that
    ereaders are the way to go,but for now I still pull out the musty tombs and blow the dust
    from the cover.
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