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  • @PappyJoe
    I agree 100%. I’m certainly not against having one if that’s what floats someone’s boat, it’s the whole recharge thing that is a major issue with me. It’s one thing to go fill up a gas can if you run out of gas, but an electric vehicle needs towed, especially if you are in a rural area.
  • I reckon, based on your comments, that deciding to go electric is not only unwise, but illogical; even stupid. 

  • vtgrad2003vtgrad2003 Master
    edited January 2022
    Well, it all depends upon what is in your utility function (in economic speak). If it makes you feel better by owning one, then it's worth it, but simply based upon logic and rational economic behavior (a rational economic agent attains their ends by using all available resources most efficiently), then it's not, but again, 'feel good' determinants of utility functions often times do swamp determinants reflecting rational economic behavior, so that's not unusual. No consumption choice made by an individual is "stupid", it may result in inefficiencies (illogical) and even reflect naiveté (unwise), but it's never stupid. 
  • To date, 841,051 "deaths" from covid in the U.S., 329,500,000 people, equates to 0.257% of the population, meaning that 99.743% haven't died from it, so why in the hell are we still freaking out over this crap? 
  • Because because we love our children and our elderly parents. Also, family and friends with comorbidities. Ah, what’s the use…
  • "love our children"? Really? Why is it then that we kill 650,000 babies every year out of convenience?
  • You are right. We are all reprehensible baby killers, responsible for this typically American carnage. If only there was a man of true integrity to lead us out of our moral morass. Hmmmmm……
  • motie2motie2 Master
    edited January 2022

    Perhaps you might put the word “sarcasm” into Google?😜

    If only there was a man of true integrity to lead us out of our moral morass. Hmmmmm……

    I know what paragon of virtue I immediately thought of….

    [ I know: -10 pts for ending a sentence with a preposition. ]

  • @motie2
    You lost me. 
    Was the sarcasm for the "man of true integrity" which I actually thought where you intended it to be or for you actually agreeing with @vtgrad2003?

    I know you weren't making a snide and sarcastic remark about vtgrad2003 being a man of true integrity. He's been in academia too long for that. 
  • PappyJoe  I it was all sarcasm; it has taken me awhile to  get the sometimes subtleties of his shtick.

    By now you now the man, so you sort of know what to expect. To be honest I've started to enjoy the repartee.

    To which  I say on-guard Motie oh mon ami   HA!

  • Jeez Louise, I was thinking of President Trump…..
  • @motie2

    Who ever said Trump was a man of integrity? Trump is a businessman who has been smart enough in the past to make more money than he lost - and he has had some spectacular failures. 
    I voted for Trump because of what he attempted to do and if you don't get drowned in the voluminous attacks and hatred from the left leaning media or baffled by the bullshit of the conservative media, will admit that he did do some things right while in office. Not everything, but somethings. 

    President Trump's biggest failing was that he was never part of the political system and therefore was never given a legitimate chance by ALL of the news media. A new media that to this day still refuses to seriously report on the criminal activities the democratic party participated in to both prevent Trump from being elected in the first place and to discredit and impeach him afterwards. 

    If Diogenes was alive today, his search for an honest man would have avoided any man or woman in politics.

  • motie2motie2 Master
    edited January 2022

    Dude!    You’ve forgotten already: SARCASM.

    My father, of blessed memory, told me, “They are all thieves. The best of them are thieves. A politicians only goal is to be re-elected.”

    << If only there was a man of true integrity to lead us out of our moral morass. Hmmmmm……>>.      Trump? Hilarious……

  • So you're saying promiscuity is a cause of increased global temperatures, interesting theory, dam nudists are killing us
  • Five QAnon Predictions That Astoundingly Didn't Happen in 2021 (I'm shocked..... Shocked!!!)

    1) Mass Arrests and Executions of Joe Biden and Apparent Members of the 'Deep State'

    2) Trump Would Return to the White House on March 4

    3) Arizona Election Audit Will Prove Trump Won 2020 Vote

    4) JFK Jr. Will Return at the Site Where His Father Was Assassinated

    5) Return To Using Julian Calendar

    (And yes, I can cite supporting texts, but why bother....)

    Well, there's always next this year!   
    If we all pull together, we can defeat the lizard people that are stealing our precious bodily fluids and purity of essence.
    But,  they will never take..... OUR    FREEDOM   !!!!
  • vtgrad2003vtgrad2003 Master
    edited January 2022
    Nice quote from Dr. Strangelove there. Hard to fit it into any other context.
  • Like Frank Burns on MASH..."Do not contaminate our drinking water with fluoridation" and who can forget "Get us out of the U.N."  :D  
    Both of which I agree with by the way!
  • motie2motie2 Master
    edited January 2022

    "They can't successfully complete a Communist revolution when people tell the truth. Social media platforms can't stop the truth from being spread far and wide. Big Tech can't stop the truth. Communist Democrats can't stop the truth. I stand with the truth and the people. We will overcome!"  ~ Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

    Hilarious use of “We will overcome!” 
  • …. and yet ….

  • “Extreme censorship in REAL TIME”: Google is 1984-ing this Doctor’s societal DIAGNOSIS, thus VERIFYING it.

    Watch the 30 second video

  • Have you read Dr.Joe Rogan’s doctoral thesis?
    He’s so forward thinking.
    I get all my opinions from internet celebrities.
  • When did Florida institute a mask mandate?
  • AARP, probably a Commie front organization run by lizard people, opines as follows:

    <<Florida recommends but has not required face coverings for the general public. Several cities and large counties, including Miami-Dade, Palm Beach and Hillsborough (which includes Tampa), had mask requirements, but Gov. Ron DeSantis issued an executive order May 3 that barred local governments and school systems from imposing COVID-19 restrictions, including mask rules.

    Learn more: Read Florida’s order barring local mask mandates. >>

  • @Balisong it's not about the mandate, it's about democrats constantly harping on Florida and DeSantis yet they seem perfectly fine vacationing there without masks on...if masks should be worn at all times regardless of vaccination status, and if Florida is such a backwards place specifically because of it's governors policies, why do democrat Yankees continue to go there? Stay up north were they belong or shut the hell up! Yet another glaring example of your typical democrat and their hypocrisy. 
  • She's not my rep, she didn't break a law, and, I never wanted to visit Florida so I guess it's not my concern.
  • RepugliQan claims about Covid, in addition to being false, contradict one another in multiple ways: We can ignore Covid thanks to vaccines, which by the way don’t work. Vaccination is a personal choice, but giving people the information they need to make that choice wisely is a vile attack on their dignity. It’s all about freedom and free markets, but this freedom doesn’t include the right of private businesses to protect their own workers and customers.
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