Ghostofpompei, I have over 30 Gandalf discs on my hard drive from 1980 to 2009, great listening for long smokes, I wander out on the net chasing down a lot of music.
I've been on a Bernard Herrmann kick lately, pairing my evening pipe with a Herrmann soundtrack. The most recent was "The Ghost And Mrs. Muir" followed by Hitchcock's "Vertigo". Listening to a Herrmann soundtrack is almost as good as watching the movie. And the addition of a good pipe really brings those images to life.
Tab Benoit. He plays Delta Blues and what I like to call Swamp Blues. I have 5 of his albums and they are good for sitting back with a pipe and just listening.
I notice this thread has past 100 posts with a lot of good suggestions. I decided to take those suggestions and make a playlist on Spotify. If you don't use Spotify you can get a free account. The play list is titled "This Pipe Life". Don't know if this link will work or not, but give it a try
Went through all the posts and threw them on the list. If someone just said a genre, artist or album I took a bit of liberty but tried to remain true to what the person was referring to.
Couldn't get them all, I think I was unable to find two or three. They are in the same order they're listed on the forum.
Any mistakes, let me know. Of course any additions I'll add those as well. Right now there is 117 songs on the list for over 8 hours of listen, and smoking fun.
I use Spotify and have quite a few playlists. Two you might be interested in are Pipe Smoking Blues and Cigar Blues.
Not smoking yet today but I'm working and listening to Jon Cleary. He's a regular of the New Orleans Jazz Fest. I meet him at a crawfish boil in 1999. It was the same day that his first CD - Moonburn - was released. I bought one from him and have been a fan since then.
I'm not sure if I have any sort of pattern really. It's all over the place but, if I think about it, I'd definitely put on some Dave Brubeck or Vince Guaraldi for a nice relaxing, but interesting smoke.
Let me know if you had anything specific in mind. My spotify account is under Joe Gibson but there are a lot of profiles for my name. My spotify avartar is a photo of me and my sons. We're all smoking pipes
Although I'm no longer marketing my music and health issues have put my so-called career on hold, it doesn't keep me from enjoying music I've already produced ... so today I enjoyed a bowl of Russ' Monthly Blend 'Ice Cream Sundae' in a Big Ben Bent Apple Jade pipe and pulled out my Ghosts Of Pompeii double-disc greatest hits compilation "It Only Hurts When I Scream". Instrumental progressive rock music suitable for quiet meditation, rocking out, and occasionally terrifying yourself. Ghosts Of Pompeii provides the soundtrack - your imagination provides the music. And equal partnership.
Grover Washington Jr.'s winelight, a truly magical album from a genius of the sax, we have lost one of the greats when he passed. A wonderful dinner album as well... About 45 min...
@GhostsofPompeii -- is any of your stuff available for a casual listen on YouTube? I went looking, but there's a lot of stuff titled Ghosts of Pompeii.....
While smoking, if I am near my radio or I Pad I love to listen to classical music which is what I listen to while working as well. Alternately I love to listen to some of the old time radio comedy classics. They were before my time but I really like the comedy of that era. Also being a historian I am a "student" of the 30's and 40's (pre war and WW2) and appreciate and understand what was contemporary at that time. I can just imagine my Grandfathers sitting, reading their papers, and smoking their pipes and listening to the same radio shows just like in a Norman Rockwell scene.
Music of Japanese composer Kitaro, various classical favorites (Bach, Hovhaness, Vivaldi, the Grateful Dead, and others. I admit to a recent obsession with Beethoven's Symphony No.7 in A major op.92 - II In the current wintery weather, I'm enjoying "Ommadawn, Part 3 (On Horseback)" by Michael Oldfield.
Whilst pipe smoking, I do not recommend "Locomotive Breath," by Jethro Tull. <modest attempt at humor....>
I'm not sure if I have any sort of pattern really. It's all over the place but, if I think about it, I'd definitely put on some Dave Brubeck or Vince Guaraldi for a nice relaxing, but interesting smoke.
Although I'm no longer marketing my music and health issues have put my so-called career on hold, it doesn't keep me from enjoying music I've already produced ... so today I enjoyed a bowl of Russ' Monthly Blend 'Ice Cream Sundae' in a Big Ben Bent Apple Jade pipe and pulled out my Ghosts Of Pompeii double-disc greatest hits compilation "It Only Hurts When I Scream". Instrumental progressive rock music suitable for quiet meditation, rocking out, and occasionally terrifying yourself. Ghosts Of Pompeii provides the soundtrack - your imagination provides the music. And equal partnership.