Etiquette of Pipe Smoking in Public

What do the experts say about what is acceptable in public? Is strong English or Balkin tobacco recommended when in public or are aromatics more appropriate?
I would value your opinions.
I would value your opinions.
Old fart joke. An old fellow goes to the doctor and complains, "Doc, I'm so damn deaf I can't hear myself fart!" The doctor hands him a bottle of pills and says to take them three times a day. The old man asks, "These will make me hear better?" "Nope", says the doc, "but you'll fart twice as loud"
Great stuff!
Ok, now for my RANT.
I am having a lot of anger issues regarding the general public and media selling this "tool" called 'being offended" just to get what you want.
Someone here mentioned have respect for others and I agree however, respect should go BOTH ways. I refuse to live and participate in this new world of everyone being offended and shouting out their opinions and if I don't agree to their way of thinking I'm wrong then I'm being offensive.
We do not live in a utopian world. We all will never agree on the same things, tastes, policy, education, parenting, cars, way of living, jobs, religion, drinking or tobacco use.
The society today is offended by everything considered once to be the norm or part of history. I will not walk on eggshells in fear of offending anyone.
I am offended by people who are so easily offended!
We ALL (everyone) needs to put on their "big girl panties"...
I fart in their general direction!
I'm so sick of the unbalanced, misguided, self-serving liberal left. They are baltenly demonizing the history and culture of this great country to twist people in ways just to gain votes and force their wicked agenda. For this I am truly offended.