It hurts that politically offending some one is so important and foremost in our thinking... I remember back in the day during WWII and the twenty years there after,,, in many foundry towns,,,son followed dad and uncles into the foundry for a darn good paying job. And there he worked with the “Kraut’, the ‘Hunack”, the ‘Pollack’ and the “heinie’ and the ‘Daggo’, and the ‘wetback”, and it was no problem... They were friends and co workers and after work they’d all head down to the Legion Hall for a few beers.
Been A.W.O.L. for a while as life seemed to be getting in the way from having fun. Health and family issues were weighing me down. Every joint in my body hurts and the doctors think it's some kind of auto-immune issue. Started pumping me full of steroids and began putting on weight (which could complicate my diabetes) so I stopped that treatment. Taking nothing for the pain other than Tylenol. I still hurt 24/7 ... but am getting used to it. So in that respect I guess I'm doing better. And no matter how old your kids are you can't help but worry about them and the poor decisions they choose in life. Youngest son (46) found himself homeless and ended up staying with us for the last three months of the year - with two dogs. Big dogs. Stinky dogs. A Pit bull and a Rottweiler. He has since found himself a new place. Unfortunately my garage/smoking room/man cave still smells like a kennel. Then my straight laced grandson almost killed himself with a heroine overdose ... that came as a real shocker. Still can't get over that. But things are slowly getting back to normal ... what-ever that is ... and I seem to be in a better frame of mind. Thankfully my pipe helped me get through those troubling times.
Watch out for that Tylenol stuff. My daughter died of Tylenol-induced cirrhosis of the liver after self-medicating with the stuff because no one where she was living would listen to anything she said about having constant and horrible headaches.
I feel fortunate that my ills are now life threatening - torn rotator cuffs in both arms, tinnitus in both ears, Type II diabetes (under control according to my doctor(.
As a person who was once a professional Typesetter (and for some while, a Compositor!) I have always found that while auto-check is useful, auto-correct is the pits, and I will keep that function turned off.
For several years I wrote music reviews for a Progressive Rock website, and a good portion of the albums came from foreign countries. I learned tight away to switch off AUTOCORRECT because it was constantly changing band names and album titles to fit what the computer thought I should be typing. And bands have a way of changing the spelling of common words in their song titles thinking they are being clever. Makes for a real nightmare scenario for a music critic trying to type a review.
@RockyMountainBriar - I sent @Londy3 a message and heard from him last week. He's just going through a bit of a burn-out and hasn't been socializing as much. He was last on here on March 24.
For those of us who don't smoke in the house winter is usually a slow time since we have little to add in the way of discussions on smoking, since the bowls are few and far between. Luckily I can smoke a bowl in the evening when my wife is asleep since our bedroom in clear on the other end of the house. But it really cuts in my my afternoon smoke as well as the after dinner smoke. Now that the temperature is slowly rising and the dampness is leaving my garage/man cave, I can get back in and air the place out (still have some of the stench from when my son was staying with us for three months and had his dogs in the garage). I'm looking forward to cranking up my CD player and smoking tol my heart's content.
What the H has our world come too?
"Last Active March 2018"
You are in my thoughts and prayers, amigo.
@AnantaAndroscoggin - that is terrible about your daughter. I’m so sorry. I have heard of that before with Tylenol.
I presume you meant "not" rather than "now"......
Yes, I meant NOT life threatening.
Here! Here! I third the motion.
He was last on here on March 24.
Thanks for the update PappyJoe. Good news.
But that doesn't help.
Have you left word on his "wall" or sent him a PM(?)