@Zouave According to this pic, there should be an aluminum insert in the shank of that pipe where the 2 ends of a folded pipe cleaner is inserted. Then the folded end is inserted in 2 of the 3 holes of the tenon. It's a poor quality pic, but if you can make put the printing, it gives an explanation... Upon a second glance, the pipe cleaner might be inserted the opposite way... not sure...
@Zouave I have an old pipe that uses a doubled over pipe cleaner for a "soaker upper". I am not sure what brand it is? It looks like a sound idea to me though? The pipe you have has interesting drilling in the stem it do I think a folded pipe cleaner would go in the bottom two holes and work quite well.
Hmm, not quite quick enough with my reply, you guys beat me to the draw
Well I acquired a GBD pipe for 2 dollars. Before you get excited, you need to know that it had 2 MAJOR issues: that's right, the outside rim had been beaten mercilessly, and the top of the stem was bitten off! I thought I 'd see what, if anything, I could do...
I started with the stem since that was going to be the key whether the rest of the project would be worth my time. Here it is after rebuilding the stem and starting the filing process... it's not perfect, but I'm working outside of my comfort zone here...
Once I was satisfied with the stem, I went to work on the stummel. I gave it a thorough alcohol wipe down, then used Murphy oil soap to get the years of crud off. The rim was so beaten, I had to top it almost a 32nd inch to get past most of the damage... So here's where I am now. I'll send the final probably late this afternoon...
Tnx @motie2 Well I took a short break and realized that I wasn't going to be focused on anything else until I had this project behind me. So here's the final. Sidenote: I will not be selling this pipe since I would feel awful if the stem work didn't hold. So I'll keep this one for personal use... Besides, it's really not a bad looking pipe IMHO 😁 Don't know why, but the pipe looks more red than it actually is...
Oh man @KA9FFJ that's a fantastic job. GBDs are some of my favorite pipes. Well done sir. That looks amazing after you restained and polished the bowl. Nice job on the stem as well!!!
Thank you @Zouave My second serious attempt at stem repair. I will probably take it for a maiden voyage tomorrow. If it proves to be a decent smoker, I'll consider myself lucky since, as stated earlier, I won't be putting this one up for sale...
Well I received this pipe from ebay this morning. It was a cheap purchase and I found out why. The shank extender came right out when I tried to dislodge the stem. Fortunately nothing broke and I was able to fix that problem. Then came the stummel. See for yourself...
By the way, look back at the first pic in "Next phase" and you can see how slanted the stem was. Whoever bent that stem obviously didn't give it a second glance. I had to rebend it and square it up...
I just added this Comoy’s Extraordinaire #311 estate pipe to my collection, it is 7 3/4” long. I have started on it already....I get excited and forget to take before pics. It was overall in pretty good condition, just a bit of cake, rim char and lava, and the stem was pretty much nasty brown. I have reamed and cleaned, slightly topped the bowl and removed most of the stem oxidation at this point. I still need to chamfer the rim slightly, steam out a few shallow dents, and stain it black for the contrast undercoat. Then off to the buffer to remove most of the black stain and rough buff the stem some more. I will over-stain the whole pipe with a light brown/tan stain, and treat the stem with Obsidian Oil. Then off to the buffer again to spiff it up all over. Stay tuned to this Bat Channel for more Bat updates🦇🙂.
I am 99% sure I know the answer to this question, but here it goes anyway: I know a lot of Pipe Restorers use leather dye to impart color on pipes after removing the existing color. I am interested in coloring a Cob or two, and the thought crossed my mind, can "shoe polish" work? My though process is it has color, and colors leather. Just a thought that I wanted to through out there.
The shoe polish I have seen is petroleum based, or other “nasty” chemicals. I think it might work it’s way in, or at the very least give off an unpleasant smell when warm? Shoe polish usually softens and conditions leather a bit, so I don’t think it will dry 100%. Just my two cents.
Upon a second glance, the pipe cleaner might be inserted the opposite way... not sure...
I have an old pipe that uses a doubled over pipe cleaner for a "soaker upper". I am not sure what brand it is? It looks like a sound idea to me though? The pipe you have has interesting drilling in the stem it do
Hmm, not quite quick enough with my reply, you guys beat me to the draw
How to Ream Tobacco Pipes + When to be careful (12 tips)
https://www.tobaccopipes.com/blog/how-to-ream-tobacco-pipes/Before you get excited, you need to know that it had 2 MAJOR issues: that's right, the outside rim had been beaten mercilessly, and the top of the stem was bitten off! I thought I 'd see what, if anything, I could do...
Here it is after rebuilding the stem and starting the filing process... it's not perfect, but I'm working outside of my comfort zone here...
I gave it a thorough alcohol wipe down, then used Murphy oil soap to get the years of crud off.
The rim was so beaten, I had to top it almost a 32nd inch to get past most of the damage...
So here's where I am now. I'll send the final probably late this afternoon...
Well I took a short break and realized that I wasn't going to be focused on anything else until I had this project behind me. So here's the final.
Sidenote: I will not be selling this pipe since I would feel awful if the stem work didn't hold. So I'll keep this one for personal use...
Besides, it's really not a bad looking pipe IMHO 😁
Don't know why, but the pipe looks more red than it actually is...
The shank extender came right out when I tried to dislodge the stem. Fortunately nothing broke and I was able to fix that problem.
Then came the stummel. See for yourself...
Good plan, beautiful execution👍🏻
Kind of what I thought Buddy.......I was just curious