I love my cobs during the winter months. The smoke time is a bit shorter than my billiard briars and my kids love that frosty the snowman and their dad both smoke corn cobs over the holidays! I have yet to have a burnout and I have put some serious miles on them.
I have two MM Legend pipes one bent the other straight. These were the first two pipes I purchased because I wanted to learn on something that was inexpensive. I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of MM pipes as I thought a corncob pipe would only last a very short time before becoming too damaged to smoke. As you all know this is definitely not the case especially if you care for them properly. I am very thankful to MM for selling a quality product at an affordable price that has introduced me to such a rewarding hobby.
@motie2 ~ A pound of tobacco and a leather pouch for $1.35. Oh, for the good ol' days! Interesting collection on that thread. As always, thanks for sharing.
@motie2 Thank you for your constant work in finding these interesting historical adverts. I can't get enough of these.
@kelvin24 It's amazing how durable corn cob pipes can be. I think they're excellent pipes for beginners and experts alike. They have a bit of a stigma to them, but I see that going away with the resurgence of pipe smoking.
Wait...... What?!?! Did I miss a memo? "....the resurgence of pipe smoking." I had not heard of that.
In my neck of the woods, a pipe smoker is a rara avis. So rara, in fact that in six years wandering around my county, I have never encountered another pipe smoker, not even in the environs of our pitifully few cigar stores. The closest granfalloon would be south, in Metuchen, or east to Babylon-on-the-Hudson.
One of the most frustrating occurrences to me is when I see another pipe smoker in a car going in the opposite direction... Never to be met or seen again... ☹
One of the two local shops which carry more than just a couple of codger blends has been having a going-out-of-business sale (on all but tobacco products). Just for the hell of it, I picked up a Fujima CP-12 corncob pipe to try. Though the name sounds Japanese, it's clearly marked made in China. Length over all is 5-1/4". The bowl is a bit narrow, perhaps just a bit narrower than that on the MM Cobbit Shire, and the chamber is narrower yet (9/16" dia.). The shank appears to be press-fit into the bowl, without any signs of glue. This turns out to be set up for a 6mm filter.
It actually smokes pretty nicely, just don't do anything to make the shank pop loose mid-smoke!
I suspect (about 250% sure) that I'll be sticking mostly to my Missouri Meerschaums.
I have 8 on hand, my favorite being a bent Country Gentleman that my daughter picked when she went through Washington, Missouri! I find that the fruity aromatics are best smoked in a cob
I somehow missed this thread when it first appeared. I am a huge fan of MMs. Right now I am smoking a Mark Twain straight, loaded with MacBaren Golden Extra. I usually start my pipesmoking day with a burley in a cob.
I don't own any smaller than a Washington - I have two of those as flake pipes. Mark Twains, Country Gents, and Diplomats are my faves, although I also have two Generals and two Patriots. I also have a Cobbbit Dwatf - earlier this summer, I reread the Lord of the Rings trilogy, smoking Capstan Original Flake in that Cobbit.I chose the Capstan since that's what Tolkien smoked. I do pitch the filters.
I now have probably a dozen MM Pipes. Some are brand new (Missouri Pride and Huck Finns) for guests who might want to try out pipe smoking. I’ve found that these two styles along with The Legend are great smokers but still inexpensive enough to keep a few extras on hand.
I’m currently smoking a 5th Ave Diplomat loaded with 515-rc while drinking my morning coffee. @judandhispipe, I agree they’re a great way to start the day.
It may be just a phase I'm going through but I've been reaching for my MM pipes almost exclusively lately. With the forever stems, they are fantastic smokers. I'm waiting for the Emerald to become available again so I can add it to the rotation. Right now my morning smoke to work is in a 5th Ave. Diplomat and my afternoon drive home smoke is in a Country Gentleman. My evening smoke is usually in a Washington. I was a cob snob for many years but have come around to love them. They are easy to modify too.
I been smoking cobs only for just over a year. Back in the 80's I knew a doctor that was a pipe smoker. He said don't smoke but if you do smoke a corn cob pipe, non aromatic tobacco and don't inhale. I've had one or more in my rotation since that time. I toss the filters and replace the bit with a Danish one for English and Balkan blends. For Virginia Flake I like the Morgan with a full size Slim stem.
When you think of pipes with over a hundred and fifty years of history that are popular among most pipe smokers in America one name prominently comes to mind - Missouri Meerschaum. From the origins of a "favor" by Henry Tibbe for a local farmer to an incredibly highly demanded product today, the Missouri Meerschaum corn cob pipes offer an affordable, satisfying pipe option. In 2014 this legendary pipe company decided to expand their horizons and introduced a line of pipe tobaccos that, like their pipes, gained instant popularity. These pipe tobaccos were made specifically to taste best in a MO Meerschaum corn cob pipe. So why not pick up some tobacco and a pipe today? Especially with the great offer we have going for our Faithful the entire month of August... Enjoy 10% off all Missouri Meerschaum products, that's right an amazing deal on already affordable pipes and tobacco!
This offer will expire on August 31st, 2020 @ 11:59 PM ET This offer cannot be combined with other offers.
I have quite a number of briar pipes but also keep a bunch of MM. I agree with Paul regarding tobaccos like Prince Albert, Half & Half & even the Meerschaum tobacco which I really like in a freehand cob !
The P&C Staff specially selected a handful of favored Missouri Meerschaum corn cobs to include in this week's Mix & Match offer. For $21.99, you get to pick one pipe AND get two of Missouri Meerschaums' very own tinned tobaccos, the 150th Anniversary, and Independence Day! Now, you only have until September 25th to take advantage, you will want to act fast before it disappears! https://www.pipesandcigars.com/p/two-tins-one-pipe/2027141 This offer will expire on September 25th, 2020 @ 11:59 PM ET This offer cannot be combined with other offers.
2 Legends, 1 free hand, and my currant favorite a Little Devil Acorn. Buried my Country Gentleman with forever stem with my cat Mal that I had to put down last week. Been smoking cobs for close to 40 years and generally break, lose. or whatnot 3 each year so Ive had a hole pile of them over the years and every one was better than the Peterson that i have.
Over decades, we’ve been forced by circumstances to “put down” seven of our feline friends. It’s hard losing a loved one, no matter how the loss occurs.
About 2 years ago I tried dabbling in modifying the color of my cobs. I liked what I was doing, but decided I needed some different dye to truly get some nice colors for my cobs.
Last week, the new dye came in, and I played around with a new Diplomat Apple for the occasion. Finished the work yesterday, and I have to say I’m quite pleased with the results.
Edgeworth's Corn Cob Pipe Club
https://pipesmokersdens.com/threads/edgeworths-corn-cob-pipe-club.3325/Wait...... What?!?! Did I miss a memo?
In my neck of the woods, a pipe smoker is a rara avis. So rara, in fact that in six years wandering around my county, I have never encountered another pipe smoker, not even in the environs of our pitifully few cigar stores. The closest granfalloon would be south, in Metuchen, or east to Babylon-on-the-Hudson.
and the attached .pdf, author and date unknown.
But still......
I am a huge fan of MMs. Right now I am smoking a Mark Twain straight, loaded with MacBaren Golden Extra. I usually start my pipesmoking day with a burley in a cob.
This offer cannot be combined with other offers.
Quintessentially American: Missouri Meerschaum Co.
For 151 years, Missouri Meerschaum Co. has been producing the uniquely American corncob pipe.
regarding tobaccos like Prince Albert, Half & Half & even the Meerschaum tobacco which I really like in a freehand cob !
This offer will expire on September 25th, 2020 @ 11:59 PM ET
This offer cannot be combined with other offers.
Over decades, we’ve been forced by circumstances to “put down” seven of our feline friends. It’s hard losing a loved one, no matter how the loss occurs.
You may have just given me the push I've been needing...
Nice job!