jfreedy Master
I'm not sure what to put in this "Activity" placeholder. Sooo... "hi"
Re: Sutliff Tobacco $1.50 an P&C - All The Blends You Need To Make Mrs. Hudson's 221B Bakery Blend
Smoking Mrs. Hudson's right now... nice! It's very mild and perfect for a morning smoke. Zero tongue bite. Overall, nice aro. I made up about 6 oz. So I should be good until the next P&C Sutliff … (View Post) -
Re: What are you guys smoking right Now?
@KA9FFJ The Pipe Club zoom info is basically the same. Would love to have you join us sometime! Type your comment To join us, click onhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/566994040?pwd=dHBXZFVUK203K0xkU3VDa0FRZ… (View Post) -
Re: Paul's Pipe Shop
I’m at Club Humidor (San Pedro location) in San Antonio. They have a nice selection of pipes and tobacco. Brian (in the pic) is a great guy… very helpful. Both indoor and outdoor lounges are nice. Ne… (View Post) -
Re: What are you guys smoking right Now?
Hey guys, I’m back!! It’s been a minute. Great to see the old crew is still active on TPL! @motie2 - super great to see you posting again. You guys should join us some Friday evening on our virtual p… (View Post) -
Re: Pipe-smokers in "The Wild"
Found one! Hell’s Kitchen NYC. (View Post)