@PappyJoe Regarding Energy Star, you are correct, and what most people don't realize, is the changes to their appliances have actually made them less reliable.
Beside repairing all my own stuff, I occasionally do repairs for friends.
As such, I have noted many of the changes made along the way, in most cases components have been added or operational / configuration changes made such that they have rendered the equipment less reliable, and not to mention the energy saving are absolutely minuscule..
As just one example, it used to be that starting capacitors were used in 120 volt air conditioning / refrigerator compressors just for starting, Energy Star caused Mfg's to reconfigure motors so that the capacitors are integrated into the motor,s constant operation, shorting their lifespan.
Another case of goverment ineptitude shafting the American consumer.
As democracies have enlarged the voter franchise, the wealthiest have come to understand and fear that a fully enfranchised citizenry will use their political power to democratize the economy. In a democratized economy, everyone would gain in wealth, but the wealthiest's share of the whole would be decreased, and along with it, their political power. Therefore, the politics of division piting one segment of the electorate against another to keep them in disunity and from focusing on the economic inequality and the political inequality it helps maintain.
We were at 40F on Saturday, then somebody ordered this Sunday, and it keeps coming back, and more on the way. We got lucky so far, I thought we would not get below 0F this year….nope, it did, and is supposed to get -14F by Thursday night🥶
Let's make this simple. The government doesn't have any authority to demand, mandate, coerce, collude, encourage or participate on anything we make buy or sell. This is not in the federal scope of business and is unconstitutional to do so. This is a free market republic not a democracy. Big difference.
While the sentiment of your post emphasizes a minimal government role in economic activities, which aligns with some libertarian views, it does not fully reflect the legal reality or historical practice of government involvement in the U.S. economy. The government’s authority to regulate commerce has been upheld by the judiciary under various interpretations of the Constitution, particularly the Commerce Clause. Calling these interventions “unconstitutional” without considering this legal framework and historical context is an oversimplification. The U.S. operates as a mixed economy where both market freedom and government regulation coexist, shaped by democratic processes and constitutional law.
You have your opinion about the governments role in economic activities. The government appreciates your opinion but maintains that it is not bound by your opinion and will do whatever it wants to do. In other words, the court system and the government looks at your opinion and says (in the voice of an old southern gentlelady, "Why, bless your soul."
I would point out that many constitutional scholars have argued (and I agree) that the 14th amendment has been misinterpreted and used as a bludgeon by leftists to get their socialist way.
@mapletop I would argue that the 14th Amendment was necessary when written because the country was a lot smaller and birthright citizenship was a way to make the population of U.S. citizens to grow.
I think it has been hijacked by the leftist democrats as a way to continue their base.
@mapletop He (@motie2) posts stuff because he can and he believes we might be interested in what he posts. It is just that sometimes his political leanings become apparent. I do take issue with the headline on the New York Times post. Trump may be calling from removing of Palestinians from Gaza but that is a far cry from "ethnic cleansing" which is an euphemism for mass murder.
Instead of trying to once again compare the President to a former German dictator and mass murderer, I think a more apt comparison this time would be would President Andrew Jackson and the removal of Native or Indigenous tribes from the southeast regions of the country to western areas.
Hey @PappyJoe — Having nothing to do this morning, I thought I’d ask if these posts, made by one of our brothers, make his political leanings apparent, or are they just hurtful and rude? I didn’t want Harris to be President, but this just demonstrates incivility.
@motie2 Yes. You are probably the only liberal I know who doesn't make hurtful or rude statements or posts. Let's not forget the number of Democrats in Congress and the Senate who have been calling for people to "take the battle" to the streets and calling for Trump to be impeached. Not the mention the constant comparison to Hitler and other dictators.
You on the other hand has never called for violence.
Major Drug Bust Alert! The crew of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Waesche (WMSL 751) has just offloaded a staggering 37,256 pounds of cocaine worth over $275 million in San Diego! This extraordinary achievement stems from 11 successful drug interdictions off the coasts of Mexico and Central and South America between December and February. Capt. Tyson Scofield praised the crew for their resilience and unwavering dedication, stating, “Their strength of character ensured the success of our mission, preventing harmful narcotics from reaching our communities.” As the fight against drug cartels in the Eastern Pacific continues, our Coast Guard is ramping up efforts to disrupt and intercept the flow of these dangerous drugs that fuel crime and threaten our safety.
Another beautiful cool morning here in Montana. I guess I have to remove some more snow tonight when I get home. And…it’s still snowing with more on the way. It might be ok if I skied or snowmobiled. I need a Sno-Cat, or Piston Bully or and Argo with tracks, maybe a Hagglund or Sherp all-terrain vehicles. There is a guy not to far from Billings that puts Chevy truck bodies on the Hagglunds. Pretty Cool….no pun intended.
Eeh, just looked up the overnight low, only -15F….I knew it didn’t feel no -28F. Some jamokes were probably figuring in wind chill to “puff it up”. Wind chill don’t count!
@RockyMountainBriar And for the second day in a row I have woken up to a 28°f morning in South Louisiana. At least down here it's not snowing this time.
@PappyJoe I’ll bet that 28°F in South Louisiana makes for a crisp morning down there.
I’ve been wondering how to find the degree symbol on my iPad keyboard. Thanks to your last post, I knew it was possible. I finally went and found it👍🏻(°)
Oh I agree with you 100 percent!
Thanks for posting
The government doesn't have any authority to demand, mandate, coerce, collude, encourage or participate on anything we make buy or sell. This is not in the federal scope of business and is unconstitutional to do so. This is a free market republic not a democracy. Big difference.
Let me translate what @motie2 said.
You have your opinion about the governments role in economic activities.
The government appreciates your opinion but maintains that it is not bound by your opinion and will do whatever it wants to do.
In other words, the court system and the government looks at your opinion and says (in the voice of an old southern gentlelady, "Why, bless your soul."
I would argue that the 14th Amendment was necessary when written because the country was a lot smaller and birthright citizenship was a way to make the population of U.S. citizens to grow.
I think it has been hijacked by the leftist democrats as a way to continue their base.
Why do others post what they post? I posted to inform, not to attack or belittle.
He (@motie2) posts stuff because he can and he believes we might be interested in what he posts. It is just that sometimes his political leanings become apparent.
I do take issue with the headline on the New York Times post. Trump may be calling from removing of Palestinians from Gaza but that is a far cry from "ethnic cleansing" which is an euphemism for mass murder.
Instead of trying to once again compare the President to a former German dictator and mass murderer, I think a more apt comparison this time would be would President Andrew Jackson and the removal of Native or Indigenous tribes from the southeast regions of the country to western areas.
I bow before your massive intellect.
Ask me to provide examples and I’ll be glad to do the cutting and pasting necessary.
You are probably the only liberal I know who doesn't make hurtful or rude statements or posts.
Let's not forget the number of Democrats in Congress and the Senate who have been calling for people to "take the battle" to the streets and calling for Trump to be impeached. Not the mention the constant comparison to Hitler and other dictators.
You on the other hand has never called for violence.
Feels a bit ad hominem.
How about addressing ideas rather than individuals?
And for the second day in a row I have woken up to a 28°f morning in South Louisiana. At least down here it's not snowing this time.
I’ll bet that 28°F in South Louisiana makes for a crisp morning down there.
I’ve been wondering how to find the degree symbol on my iPad keyboard. Thanks to your last post, I knew it was possible. I finally went and found it👍🏻(°)