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  • @PappyJoe
    Oh I agree with you 100 percent!
    Thanks for posting 
  • @PappyJoe Regarding Energy Star, you are correct, and what most people don't realize, is the changes to their appliances have actually made them less reliable.
    Beside repairing all my own stuff, I occasionally do repairs for friends.
    As such, I have noted many of the changes made along the way, in most cases components have been added or operational / configuration changes made such that they have rendered the equipment less reliable, and  not to mention the energy saving are absolutely minuscule..
    As just one example, it used to be that starting capacitors were used in 120 volt air conditioning / refrigerator compressors just for starting, Energy Star caused Mfg's to reconfigure motors so that the capacitors are  integrated into the motor,s constant operation, shorting their lifespan.
    Another case of goverment ineptitude shafting the American consumer.
  • As democracies have enlarged the voter franchise, the wealthiest have come to understand and fear that a fully enfranchised citizenry will use their political power to democratize the economy. In a democratized economy, everyone would gain in wealth, but the wealthiest's share of the whole would be decreased, and along with it, their political power. Therefore, the politics of division piting one segment of the electorate against another to keep them in disunity and from focusing on the economic inequality and the political inequality it helps maintain.
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