@Zouave Isn't that the guy from PBS? We used to get stoned and watch him all the time when I was a kid! Nothing like doing bong hits and learning how to paint snow!
@Whoispra; There is no accounting for tastes. For instances, I've never found a Bourbon that I like. I've only found two Irish Whiskeys that I like, "Teeling" and "The Quiet Man". There are a couple of Scotches that I like, but don't usually buy due to the price. I like country music, but most of my favorite artists are dead. Willie is still kicking as is Vince Gill and a hand full of others. When you get old you tend to hold on to what you know, which ain't necessarily a bad thing.
@opipeman Varying tastes make the world interesting. I like bourbon probably above all other spirits. I'm more into rock and metal but have a soft spot for 90's country but really listen to about anything you can think of including classical, rap/hip-hop, etc. To get good scotch I'd agree is cost prohibitive which is why I have only 1 bottle at home and in truth i'd trade it for something else haha. The familiar whether old or young I think will always bring comfort.
@Whoispra Funny, you listen to all types of music. I do too, the UPS driver use to comment on the range of music he heard on my shop radio (satellite) day to day…I think the term he used was eclectic. 80’s-90’s country, pop, rock, classic rock, reggae, tejano, mariachi, cajun, zydeco, 50’s, bluegrass, blues….Not much, or really any, jazz, hip-hop, classical, new age, metal. There is some Rob Zombie and the like that I enjoy occasionally, but I can only take a couple of those types in a row.
@RockyMountainBriar as cliche as “variety is the spice of life” is as a saying it is true. But I’m more likely running rob zombie and the like back again and again. But you’ve got a few things there that I don’t know much about.
@Whoispra: @RockyMountainBriar; It took me 79 years to get as smart as I am. How did you two youngsters do it in so much less time? It frankly kind of pisses me off.
Brigadier General Frank Merrill, leader of Merrill Marauders in Burma/India theatre during WWII. They made a very good movie about the Merrill Marauders.
Shirley Temple, a cigarette smoker….but I was watching a movie from 1939 with her and Randolph Scott as a Canadian Mountie. She smoked the “Peace Pipe” at the end…..I’m pretty sure this wouldn’t happen today…..heck, I’m surprised the scene wasn’t cut out by FXMretro. I hate it when PC and woke entities cut scenes from old classic movies, or silence anything that is deemed not PC, by some, in this day and age……the turds, no respect for history. As is said, erase history and mankind is doomed to repeat their mistakes.
@RockyMountainBriar George Santayana was a philosopher who was active through the first half of the twentieth century. I believe he wrote social philosophy which wasn't in my wheelhouse so I never read any of his work.
Isn't that the guy from PBS? We used to get stoned and watch him all the time when I was a kid!
Bob Ross was a national Treasure. Owen Wilson is kinda funny.
There is no accounting for tastes. For instances, I've never found a Bourbon that I like. I've only found two Irish Whiskeys that I like, "Teeling" and "The Quiet Man". There are a couple of Scotches that I like, but don't usually buy due to the price. I like country music, but most of my favorite artists are dead. Willie is still kicking as is Vince Gill and a hand full of others. When you get old you tend to hold on to what you know, which ain't necessarily a bad thing.
Funny, you listen to all types of music. I do too, the UPS driver use to comment on the range of music he heard on my shop radio (satellite) day to day…I think the term he used was eclectic. 80’s-90’s country, pop, rock, classic rock, reggae, tejano, mariachi, cajun, zydeco, 50’s, bluegrass, blues….Not much, or really any, jazz, hip-hop, classical, new age, metal. There is some Rob Zombie and the like that I enjoy occasionally, but I can only take a couple of those types in a row.
It took me 79 years to get as smart as I am. How did you two youngsters do it in so much less time? It frankly kind of pisses me off.
I listened to, and heeded, the words of wisdom from my elders.
Brigadier General Frank Merrill, leader of Merrill Marauders in Burma/India theatre during WWII.
They made a very good movie about the Merrill Marauders.
In the Netflix series The Witcher: Blood Origin, there is a female dwarf named Meldof. She is a warrior who smokes a pipe.

Sorry it’s so dark. Hope you can see the pipe.Oppenheimer smoked for most of his life and died in 1967 from throat cancer at the age of 62.
I hate it when PC and woke entities cut scenes from old classic movies, or silence anything that is deemed not PC, by some, in this day and age……the turds, no respect for history.
As is said, erase history and mankind is doomed to repeat their mistakes.
You are absolutely correct. PC & Woke is censorship. Sadly, most people go along to get along.
I think what you meant is "those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" from George Santayana.
Yes, that is the quote, not sure who George is though?
George Santayana was a philosopher who was active through the first half of the twentieth century. I believe he wrote social philosophy which wasn't in my wheelhouse so I never read any of his work.
Here are some of George Santayana's most famous quotes:
That sounds kinda kinky🤔