Peretti Coffee Aromatic Tobacco

in Tobacco Talk
One of the few aromatic flavored tobaccos I have never tried, is a coffee flavored blend. I went online and researched coffee blends and kept coming back to the Peretti product for diferent reasons. A shot in the dark, I ordered 2 ounces. Anyone ever tried this, or heard anyting about it? I would love to hear from anyone who has some experience.
Agreed, I spent some time online yesterday researching coffee blends, and the Peretti Coffee seemed to be the best to me. Also several of their other blends are also very highly rated and may also be targets in the future. I like the fact that they are old school blenders, and are highly regarded. They have multiple Burley blends that sound as though I would like them. If the Coffee blend scratchs the itch, I might try several others in small quantities initially as they are somewhat pricey. I will, after receipt (because I could not prior to) be taking a taste spin, and I will report on my findings. Initially nothing lengthy, just a thumbs up or down until I have at least three or so bowls.
Wish me luck...... Peretti Coffee Coffee tobacco experiment Coffee pipe tobacco
(Tobacco Review: Sutliff Coffee Blend)
Description from the Pipes & Cigars Website:
"Sutliff Coffee is a blend of Virginia-based and steamed black Cavendishes with a rich top note of Brazilian coffee that's perfectly compatible with the underlying tobacco.
Strength: Mild
Tobacco: Cavendish - Virginia
Room Note: 3 - Balanced
"My observations on Sutliff Coffee Blend:
Although my tobacco preference is for sweet dessert-like aromatics I occasionally reach for something not quite so sweet for a change of pace such as: Carter Hall, Sutliff Mixture 79 (but not often), Edgeworth Ready Rubbed (MATCH Blend), Velvet, and the MATCH BLEND of John Rolfe Peach Brandy - which hasn't got a hint of either peaches or brandy in the blend. Yet all are quite mild, and a pleasant smoke that satisfies without indulging my aromatic confection cravings. Sutliff Coffee Blend fits right in among the above mentioned OTC blends - but with something extra for the coffee lovers.
Upon opening the pouch you might have to work your nose like a coke sniffing addict to detect the pouch note of coffee, but eventually you'll get the slightest whisper of coffee essence ... but chances are you'd get a more potent aroma of coffee by sniffing the hands of Juan Valdez after a hard day of harvesting Colombian coffee beans and petting his donkey.
As for the taste and room note of the blend an explanation is in order. To fully comprehend from this point on it's assumed the reader has a vague familiarity with the old fashion coffee percolators (either stainless steel or PYREX Glass) used by your parents and grandparents. Completely disregard everything you know about Starbucks and the automatic drip coffeemakers like MR. COFFEE or Kureg that dominate the market today. To understand the room note and taste of Sutliff Coffee Blend cleanse your mind of that luscious aroma of freshly brewed coffee and that first sip of your morning coffee, and instead travel back in time with me to the 50s' and 60's as I visit the home of my relatives. Or your relatives for that matter.
Back then coffee was made on a stove, and the coffee pot was referred to as a percolator.
For a good reason.
The ground coffee was spooned into a strainer basket fitting onto a pump stem. As the hot water came to a boil it pumped up through the stem into basket of coffee grounds as it percolated. Eventually whoever was making the coffee removed the stem and basket from the pot, tossing the spent coffee grounds into the trash. And for the remainder of the day, until the pot was empty, they would reheat the coffee when they wanted a cup. By the end of the day the coffee would be strong and bitter and flowed like mud. Packing a caffeine wallop greater than a six pack of Red Bull. And that once pleasant aroma of freshly brewed coffee would take on the pungent stench of burnt coffee. Nowhere near as pleasing - but a variant semblance of the coffee aroma. So if you were a family member stopping by unexpectedly for a visit - chances are that's the coffee you'd be drinking. But if special company arrived - then a new pot was brewed to impress the guests.
Both the room note and flavor of Sutliff Coffee Blend are reminiscent of that strong and somewhat bitter reheated burnt coffee. And as unpleasant as that might sound if you were drinking a cup - that's not the case if you're smoking a bowl. It fits what you should expect from a coffee flavored pipe tobacco. Plus, it smokes cool. And as with a majority of aromatic Sutliff blends there is little if any tongue bite.
The tobacco lights easily, stays lit, and burns to a nice white ash. And since it's not a heavily cased sweet aromatic there is no goop what-so-ever in the bottom of the bowl.
Perfect smoke for the woodsman, fisherman, hunter or camper who enjoys making his morning coffee on a campfire in an old fashioned stainless steel coffee pot. He or she then goes out for a little early morning fishing or hunting - then returns mid-afternoon to his campsite and pours another steaming cup of coffee from that early morning brew. And loves it. That's the type of flavor experience you can expect from Sutliff Coffee Blend.
Joe.....GREAT review, I love your writing style. Very, very well done. When I do my reviews (have not done so in a while) I too like to include some anecdotal items. I too like to interject more of a "story" as opposed to just hard cold facts and opinions. So from someone with significant writing experience to an obvious fellow of "pen and paper", very well one.
I see many reviews on tobacco sites that read like an indictment, with facts and details that are boring as hell. Making a "story" of sorts brings the subject, tobacco that we either like or hate into the human realm of comfort and understanding. Kudos to you, and please continue to do 'your thing" here. Hope all is well with you. I still play the Ghosts of Pompeii CD's often.
You must have lived in the rich side of town with that fancy percolator coffee pot.
We had the old drip coffee pots where you put the grounds in the top section which sat on the bottom part of the pot and then poured boiling water on top of the grounds.
It was also good for camping.