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OTC Virgina blends

I was just wondering if anyone knew a good mainly Virginia based Older blends  I know Carter Hall, Sir Walter Raleigh are Burley/Va blends but is there a older primarily Va blend?


  • Some of the blends from the UK houses have been around for decades - Capstan, F&T Golden. Some of the MacBaren blends have, as well.

  • Looked at the title again after I hit enter. To the best of my knowledge, all the American, commonly available blends, are burley based.
  • @judandhispipe - when I look on tobaccoreviews.com, I find that American is a blend type unto itself and they also have blend types of Virginia, Virginia Based,  Virginia/Burley, Virginia/Perique, etc.

    I don't know of any of the old OTCs that were both American and Virginia. The ones I am more familiar with were all Burley/Virginias.

  • @pappyjoe, I just meant "American" as made in the USA, not as the blend type. I agree with you - the classic US-made OTCs - the "American classics", the "codger burleys" - are all burley.Virginia blends, as a base. I may not have had enough caffeine this morning when I posted that....

  • @judandhispipe - I know the feeling. Only had enough coffee for two cups this morning and that's just half of my daily recommended allowance.

    Sometime we have to be more specific with the words we use. And that's not meant as a slight or a jab at you. There are indeed  blends such as Aromatics, VA/Per, VA/Bur and even English or Latakia Blends that are American made. But there are also blends classified as American Blends.

    It really comes down to how the blender decides the blend is classified and I haven't seen anything that specifies what the differences are other than this blend was made in America and that blend was made in England.

    Or, I could be blowing smoke because I haven't found anything written that spells out the differences
  • It's all pretty amorphous, isn't it, @pappyjoe?
    Somebody - John Patton, maybe? - refers to the traditional American made blends as the "American Classics". There's not many of these left, any more - Prince Al, Carter Hall, Velvet, Granger, Sir Walter,Half & Half - there's probably others I have forgotten. There were loads of these, log ago - Revelation,Barking Dog, Country Doctor, Union Leader, Blue Boar, and many more. Some of 'em had latakia - some of them had perique - but the one thing they had in common,from everything I have read, is that they were burley-forward tobaccos. They all had "Virginia" tobaccos - what use to be called "bright" (Half and Half- burley and bright) - in them, but the burley was the main story.
    It would be interesting to know if there were any "bright" forward American Classics.
  • @judandhispipe - We have a very knowledgeable member in out pipe club who's is in his 70s. If he comes to the meeting tomorrow night, I'll ask him about American Classics and sees what he knows.
  • Love to hear what he has to say,@pappyjoe.
    I didn't mention Kentucky Club, which I always liked better than Prince Al or Carter Hall. Or Walnut. Or so many more.
  • My grandfather smoked George Washington. I'd be interested in what it tasted like.
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