OTC Virgina blends

in Tobacco Talk
I was just wondering if anyone knew a good mainly Virginia based Older blends I know Carter Hall, Sir Walter Raleigh are Burley/Va blends but is there a older primarily Va blend?
Somebody - John Patton, maybe? - refers to the traditional American made blends as the "American Classics". There's not many of these left, any more - Prince Al, Carter Hall, Velvet, Granger, Sir Walter,Half & Half - there's probably others I have forgotten. There were loads of these, log ago - Revelation,Barking Dog, Country Doctor, Union Leader, Blue Boar, and many more. Some of 'em had latakia - some of them had perique - but the one thing they had in common,from everything I have read, is that they were burley-forward tobaccos. They all had "Virginia" tobaccos - what use to be called "bright" (Half and Half- burley and bright) - in them, but the burley was the main story.
It would be interesting to know if there were any "bright" forward American Classics.
I didn't mention Kentucky Club, which I always liked better than Prince Al or Carter Hall. Or Walnut. Or so many more.