Lord Of The Rings and Pipe Tobacco

in Tobacco Talk
For any that streamed (or will later listen to) the @countrysquireradio podcast from 8/15/2016, here is the complete list of funny and goofy tobacco's my kids and I have come up with. What do you think? Feel free to add to it and chuckle along
(from me, and both my boys)
Sourmon - Lemons
Froyo Baggins - Chocolate
Vanilla swirl
[Frodo Baggins]
Frodough Baggins - Cookies
[Frodo Baggins]
Bakecorn - Bacon
Earacorn - Buttered Popcorn
Tree Bread - Bread
[Tree Beard]
Sampie Gamgee - Berry Pie
[Samwise Gamgee]
The old Gaffer - A Strong Beer (IPA or Imperial)
[Same as above]
The Ring Wreaths - Christmas
[The Ringwraiths]
Merry and Pippincorn - Black Peppercorn
[Merry and Pippin]
Mintas Tirith - Mint
[Minas Tirith]
Mintas Morgul - Mint Chocolate
[Minas Morgul]
Urukale - Kale
[Uruk Hai]
Shecob - Peach Cobbler
Elrind - Melons
Trashgul - Everything
Randomgass - Eggs
Gollum - Sushi / Sriracha-mayo
[Same as above]
Glazedrial - Donuts
Greenum Wormtongue - Greenapple
[Grima Wormtongue]
Arawiener - Bratwurst
Gimchi - Kim-chi
Smagels - Bagels
Tricksy - mystery flavor
[Same as above]
Thornin - roses
Fili and Kilover - 50% perique
[Fili and Kili]
Marionberry Brandychunk - Marionberry,
Brandy(or liquor), Chunks of navy flake
[Meriadoc Brandybuck]
Tombombadill - pickle
[Tom Bombadil]
(From my younger boy and daughter)
Frodo Baguettes - Baguettes
[Frodo Baggins]
The Ringcakes - Cakes
[The Ringwraiths]
The Prancing Coney - Ice cream cone
[The Prancing Pony]
Boredamear - French food (:
Elfish - Salmon
Legosteak - Steak
King of the Pezd - Pez
[King of the Dead]
Lord of the Cheese - Parmesan
[Lord of the Rings]
Mt. Doom - Chocolate fudge
You guys had too much time on your hands. Some of them already exists under different names. Some I wouldn't use for compost.
Bakecorn - Bacon (Briarworks Bacon Old Fashioned)
Sampie Gamgee - Berry Pie (Drew Estate's Grand Central)
The old Gaffer - A Strong Beer (PA or Imperial (Orlik Golden Flake)
The Ring Wreaths - Christmas Tree/Evergreen (Any of the McClelland Christmas Cheer)
Merry and Pippincorn - Black Peppercorn (Acadian Perique)
Shecob - Peach Cobbler (Briarworks Peach Cobbler)
Elrind - Melons (McClellands Honeydew 221 B series)
Glazedrial - (Molto Dolce)
Gimchi - would be one with a fermented tobacco
Legosteak - (Meatpie)
Mt Doom - (Bob Chocolate Flake)
Boredamaer -(McClelland Maple Supreme)
Thornin - (anything that's a heavy Lakeland blend)
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"Bilbo's pipe, on the other hand, is
obviously a "house pipe," not meant to be used while traveling, which is
a reasonable pipe for Bilbo since Hobbits generally didn't like to
travel too much. Elegant, perhaps, at first glance, but try to imagine
how it would look if he actually had the bit in his mouth. Without a
bend in the end of the stem this pipe would be extremely difficult to
smoke and probably impossible to light in the first place."
Maybe this is like the old tavern pipes; as I understand it, these were very long stem clays,provided by the establishment, that would be lit by a servant. The end was broken off after use,for the next guest.
The poor Shire folks should not have to smoke this stuff:
Another link suggest it was Capstan, Player Navy Flake and Three Nuns.. http://lotrplaza.com/showthread.php?17658-What-was-Tolkien's-favorite-Pipe-tobacco
So basically, no one is apparently alive who knows the answer and what we do know is based on what tins have been found in his home.