Not sure if anyone has mentioned how to deal with a hard nic hit, but the trick is to spike your blood sugar quickly. Hard candy is ideal, and can get you past the spins fairly quickly
@motie2 Yea, you're probably right about leaving the blending to the Master Blenders. It's bad enough that Blending Perique smells like goat's urine on a bale of straw - but if it's actually going to make me sick as well then I need to rethink tobacco blending as part of my pipe smoking hobby and simply be satisfied enjoying what the Master Blenders have already perfected for me. I'll save my jar of Perique for Special Occasions ... like when my wife wants me to accompany her to some social function I really don't want to attend. I'll pull out the Perique and smoke a bowl straight. That should give me all the symptoms of food poisoning and keep me from having to go.
<<Despite Perique’s reputation for strength, it really isn’t all that high in nicotine. What causes people to feel the effects more strongly is that the other elements allow the body to absorb the nicotine more effectively.>> ~ Russ Ouellette
<<A unique pipe tobacco. 100% burley in a bird's-eye shag cut. Minimal casing and no top-flavors. Remarkably mellow, considering. One of the more unusual tobaccos available, extremely full-bodied, ultra-high nicotine content. A must for those who like living on the dangerous side.>>
@motie2 So if I understand what Russ was suggesting does that mean when I'm looking at their chart for strength it doesn't refer to nicotine strength? For example on their website the Blending Perique I bought the chart is listed in this way:
Strength - FULL (five triangles)
Tobacco - Perique
Style ... Non-Aromatic
Room Note - 4 Distinct.
If the strength designation isn't for nicotine level ... what is meant by strength when describing the blend of a tobacco?
I have ordered up some "bow legged bear" and some "Haunted Bookshop" to try out. Being a former cig smoker there are times I need a nic hit but it needs to be a nice smoke as well.
Do VaPers have high nicotine? I just had some Scottish Flake (McConnell's I believe) someone gave me as a sampler and I could hardly get out of my chair.
@pipeman83, thanks for the feedback. I used to smoke cigars, and some of them were strong. Maybe this particular blend is a little strong. I do love VaPers!!
After posting in this thread, I picked up two tins of War Horse Green. I love the blend and the aroma, but I have to be careful with it. I can handle some high nic blends in the evening, but this one has a habit of sneaking up on me and taking me for a spin. I find it a fun challenge, since I love the aroma and taste. If not for that, then I'd hold off on it more than I do.
If you have a little steel in the spine you might want to try some thuoc lao. It might be a good idea to stock up on it before the Deeming Regulations hit.
So far for me, Brown Irish X Unsliced from Gawith, Hoggarth & Co has provided with the strongest nic hit I've had yet. Happy Brown Bogie from the same maker was only slightly less strong in the nic department.
Not sure if anyone has mentioned how to deal with a hard nic hit, but the trick is to spike your blood sugar quickly. Hard candy is ideal, and can get you past the spins fairly quickly
@motie2 Yea, you're probably right about leaving the blending to the Master Blenders. It's bad enough that Blending Perique smells like goat's urine on a bale of straw - but if it's actually going to make me sick as well then I need to rethink tobacco blending as part of my pipe smoking hobby and simply be satisfied enjoying what the Master Blenders have already perfected for me. I'll save my jar of Perique for Special Occasions ... like when my wife wants me to accompany her to some social function I really don't want to attend. I'll pull out the Perique and smoke a bowl straight. That should give me all the symptoms of food poisoning and keep me from having to go.
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@motie2 So if I understand what Russ was suggesting does that mean when I'm looking at their chart for strength it doesn't refer to nicotine strength? For example on their website the Blending Perique I bought the chart is listed in this way:
Strength - FULL (five triangles)
Tobacco - Perique
Style ... Non-Aromatic
Room Note - 4 Distinct.
If the strength designation isn't for nicotine level ... what is meant by strength when describing the blend of a tobacco?