Falcons and such

I read an article in the latest P&T mag about a young machinist who's started making metal-stemmed pipes. I vaguely recall having one as a new pipe smoker - probably not a Falcon, but an inexpensive variation on that theme. I'm intrigued enough to consider buying one.
What's the pros and cons on these? I know there are some rabid fans. I wouldn't mind hearing from some haters, too.
What's the pros and cons on these? I know there are some rabid fans. I wouldn't mind hearing from some haters, too.
I am a fast puffer so the bowl gets too hot to hold, but so do many of my pipes. I slide a short tube of flat thin plastic (shrink wrap for insulating wire connections) down the stem to the bowl. When the bowl gets too hot I hold the plastic. But the smoke itself isn't hot. The metal stem is supposed to cool it down before it reaches your mouth.
I keep the pouch in my birdwatching backpack. I try to birdwatch and smoke at least twice a day as weather permits. With the Falcons I get a good rotation of bowls without taking up a lot of space, which is its main advantage to me, and now I have two stems to rotate also. Although, since the stems are metal, they don't need rest between smokes. The metal bowl part of the stem collects the moisture so it never reaches your mouth. But it should be wiped out with a pipe cleaner after every smoke for the best results. I also cut about an inch off the pipe cleaner and make it into a half circle which I put into the metal bowl to absorb moisture. I always dump it out after a smoke before cleaning the metal bowl. You can get filters made for the Falcons, but I just make my own.
I also carry four Cobbit pipes in the backpack, so it's not like I absolutely need the Falcons for rotation. I guess I just enjoy the novelty of changing the bowls out. If you are beginning a collection, you may want to consider that one stem and several interchangeable bowls, made of quality briar, are less expensive than buying the same number of full pipes.
It's also handy to just grab the pouch when leaving for a trip, knowing everything I need for several days' smoking is covered. If I knew how, I'd post a picture of the pouch and pipes but that's a little beyond me on this iPad.
Since my bowls get too hot to hold because I puff too fast and can't break the habit, I'm going to try some burley in them because I've found out it burns slower and cooler. I'm also going to try some flake type cuts for the same reason.