Bradley at StuffandThings on YouTube has released 78 video reviews of English/Oriental and Va/Per pipe tobaccos. (Dude has done exactly one aromatic review out of the 78.) He's both knowledgeable and entertaining. Click in the upper LEFT hand corner of the pic, below, to see the playlist of all 78.
Top-Rated Pipe Tobacco on - June 2017
Criteria: 40 or more reviews Points: 3.3 or higher
Note: The information in this video was compiled in early June of 2017. The ratings and the number of reviews have probably changed either slightly or perhaps significantly by the time you view it. Some, perhaps many, of these blends may not be available (and possibly not even be in production) if you are watching this video in 2018 or later.
When I returned to piping in 2014, I used the reviews at to help guide my explorations and purchases. Like some/many of you, I found myself looking for tobaccos that had relatively high “scores” coupled with a decent number of reviews. I believed then, as I do now, that it was a reasonable way to find good tobaccos. It’s certainly not the only way, or the “best” way, but it is a reasonable way.
Mention of Aromatics begins around the 8 minute mark
OK, here is something both interesting and informative: A gentleman tasting -- individually -- Virginia, Burley, Latakia, and Perique tobaccos.
I don't know how to post a video but here is a youtube link to Bremen Pipe Smoker, who has 123 videos/reviews. He talks a little funny but English is his second language. Also a Tolkein/Lord of the Rings fan. Enjoy!!
@motie2, you got the secret. I was using https, which is a secure connection, instead of http. Here is Bremen Pipe Smoker with an interesting review on Solani Silver Flake:
@motie2, I don't know if anybody else likes these reviews, but they are interesting to me, so I post them. If they annoy anyone, let me know and I will stop.
@mfresa -- I like the reviews, even of English/Oriental/VaPers that I am very unlikely to try. But if they annoy anyone, let 'em click on the Annihilate button.
<<Originally prepared as the 1993 Christmas blend, Rumcake proved so popular it was made available year round. This Jamaican rum laced blend is based on a mixture originally made for actor Basil Rathbone. This is the finest rum mixture offered anywhere!>>
Just as @ghostsofpompeii figured out that Sutliff Creme Brulee is Sutliff Molto Dolce in bulk form, I've learned that Sutliff Vanilla Custard is Sutliff Mountain Pass in bulk form.
Now, if I can just figure out which Sutliff bulk blend is the same as Barbados Plantation, without trying (buying) them all..... and there are a lot of them.....
Yesterday i received my latest order from P&C including my new curiosity interest Sutliff Chocolate Mousse. This is reportedly to be a Black Cavendish that is "shredded" with obvious chocolate and cocoa flavors, but not explained as to whether they are additives or toppings. When it arrived I immediately put it away in a Mason Jars that were awaiting. The immediate aroma even in the factory sealed pound bag was awesome having actually giving the brown cardboard shipping box a wonderful aroma. There were other several ounce bags and 3 or 4 tins as well, but the chocolate aroma was screaming. My wife who has never liked the aromas of my tobaccos really liked it claiming it smelled good enough to eat.
The tobacco is very "chunky" and not really a cut that I have seen before, or at least one I had not previously taken note. So away it went into my closet in a small jar and into the "cellar" in two quart sized jars. Well, this morning my curiosity and impetuous nature got the better of me as I popped the lid on the small jar and put some of the tobacco in my tobacco bowl to sit for about 4 hours or so spread out to dry.
After the drying time it was still "damp" but had dried somewhat. I filled one of my Corn Cobs with no issues and the pipe was set aside for another hour or so. It still had an amazing aroma in the pipe, and in fact I can still smell the chocolate note from the little bit left in the bowl nearby. The tobacco in the pipe carried the aroma over and it was very strong.
So off I go into my pickup truck / mobile smoking lounge and light up. The initial smoke output was very thick. The initial taste however, although not unpleasant did not have the intense chocolate / cocoa flavor that I was expecting. I could still pick out the chocolate / cocoa "notes" but damn I was expecting a desert like experience. The first half bowl was however enjoyable, but I was underwhelmed. The second half of the bowl did have ramped up chocolate tones and actually got better as I neared the bottom of the bowl. The bowl upon cooling had a little dottle but it fell out cleanly by gravity after the totally white ash.
I had searched several tobacco review sites to do my "due diligence" in order to select a highly rated chocolate tobacco. I chose this because of several great reviews with quality comments and grading. I have the McClelland Darkest Chocolate which I like but I was in search of the Chocolate Holy Grail here. My main reason to get it was for "blending" purposes and I look forward to adding it to Lane BCA, Lane Dark Red, Lane Very Cherry, and Sutliff Vanilla Custard. And there are nutty blends like Hazelnut or blends like Raspberry, or the good old standby Carter Hall.......the imagination is endless.
In fairness to the Chocolate Mousse, I am willing to bet after some real rest it will turn out to be very pleasant on its' own, and perhaps great blended as I imagine. So I would probably buy it again IF I find that after awhile the chocolate stands up on its own after a nice rest. If not, the pound will be plenty for awhile if I use it only for blending.
@pwkarch -- Great review. Conforms to my opinion: the holy grail if you are looking for a good chocolate blend. I wonder how it would go with rum tobacco? Vanilla Custard was not harmonious, which surprised the hell out of me, because VC had mixed well with almost everything. I guess BP is the exception that proves the rule, or whatever the expression is....
@motie2 Just got back about an hour ago from our youngest Grandsons' soccer game. Heading out soon for 2 football games with 3 other Grandsons, then a makeup baseball game for our oldest Grandson. My point is, when my schedule allows I will, in your honor, try some of your favorite Barbados Plantation with some Sutliff Chocolate Mousse. I would expect this to be pretty good remembering the BP from previous smokes au natural. I will upon that chosen task provide an "after action report". Have a great day, and a great weekend.
(Dude has done exactly one aromatic review out of the 78.)
He's both knowledgeable and entertaining.
Click in the upper LEFT hand corner of the pic, below, to see the playlist of all 78.
The list is in order from most recent at the top, to earliest at the bottom.
Top-Rated Pipe Tobacco on - June 2017
Criteria: 40 or more reviewsPoints: 3.3 or higher
Note: The information in this video was compiled in early June of 2017. The ratings and the number of reviews have probably changed either slightly or perhaps significantly by the time you view it. Some, perhaps many, of these blends may not be available (and possibly not even be in production) if you are watching this video in 2018 or later. When I returned to piping in 2014, I used the reviews at to help guide my explorations and purchases. Like some/many of you, I found myself looking for tobaccos that had relatively high “scores” coupled with a decent number of reviews. I believed then, as I do now, that it was a reasonable way to find good tobaccos. It’s certainly not the only way, or the “best” way, but it is a reasonable way.
Mention of Aromatics begins around the 8 minute mark
A gentleman tasting -- individually -- Virginia, Burley, Latakia, and Perique tobaccos.
If you put a http:// URL of a YouTube video in your message it will be automatically embeded.
aaauuurrrggghhh how does it work???? you can see my frustration
I enter that with http:// in front of it, and here it is
(Before you hit Post Comment you can check to see if it came out OK by hitting Preview.)
But if they annoy anyone, let 'em click on the Annihilate button.
Now, if I can just figure out which Sutliff bulk blend is the same as Barbados Plantation, without trying (buying) them all..... and there are a lot of them.....
The tobacco is very "chunky" and not really a cut that I have seen before, or at least one I had not previously taken note. So away it went into my closet in a small jar and into the "cellar" in two quart sized jars. Well, this morning my curiosity and impetuous nature got the better of me as I popped the lid on the small jar and put some of the tobacco in my tobacco bowl to sit for about 4 hours or so spread out to dry.
After the drying time it was still "damp" but had dried somewhat. I filled one of my Corn Cobs with no issues and the pipe was set aside for another hour or so. It still had an amazing aroma in the pipe, and in fact I can still smell the chocolate note from the little bit left in the bowl nearby. The tobacco in the pipe carried the aroma over and it was very strong.
So off I go into my pickup truck / mobile smoking lounge and light up. The initial smoke output was very thick. The initial taste however, although not unpleasant did not have the intense chocolate / cocoa flavor that I was expecting. I could still pick out the chocolate / cocoa "notes" but damn I was expecting a desert like experience. The first half bowl was however enjoyable, but I was underwhelmed. The second half of the bowl did have ramped up chocolate tones and actually got better as I neared the bottom of the bowl. The bowl upon cooling had a little dottle but it fell out cleanly by gravity after the totally white ash.
I had searched several tobacco review sites to do my "due diligence" in order to select a highly rated chocolate tobacco. I chose this because of several great reviews with quality comments and grading. I have the McClelland Darkest Chocolate which I like but I was in search of the Chocolate Holy Grail here. My main reason to get it was for "blending" purposes and I look forward to adding it to Lane BCA, Lane Dark Red, Lane Very Cherry, and Sutliff Vanilla Custard. And there are nutty blends like Hazelnut or blends like Raspberry, or the good old standby Carter Hall.......the imagination is endless.
In fairness to the Chocolate Mousse, I am willing to bet after some real rest it will turn out to be very pleasant on its' own, and perhaps great blended as I imagine. So I would probably buy it again IF I find that after awhile the chocolate stands up on its own after a nice rest. If not, the pound will be plenty for awhile if I use it only for blending.
Just got back about an hour ago from our youngest Grandsons' soccer game. Heading out soon for 2 football games with 3 other Grandsons, then a makeup baseball game for our oldest Grandson. My point is, when my schedule allows I will, in your honor, try some of your favorite Barbados Plantation with some Sutliff Chocolate Mousse. I would expect this to be pretty good remembering the BP from previous smokes au natural. I will upon that chosen task provide an "after action report". Have a great day, and a great weekend.