Do Pipes help relax you?
When you smoke your pipe...
Do you feel relaxed?
Does it boost your energy?
What does your pipe do for you!
Do you feel relaxed?
Does it boost your energy?
What does your pipe do for you!
Of course, the internet doesn't help much with that, though.
So what are your best blends for relaxing?
As for my foot, thanks guys but this is a normal thing with me, I have all kinds of health issues. I mainly posted that about pipe smoke and such. lol
I remember living in Columbus Ohio and my neighbor Paul Mincer would always smoke his pipe in his basement, I can still smell that pipe to this day, can't remember what he smoked but it smelled so good! I think that memory is what made me pick up a pipe and start smoking! Not sure where he is now but I will never forget him, he was like an Uncle in a way.