I have been in a strange place for some time. Don't know what to make of it. Life doesn't make sense to me. More questions with no answers.
@motie2 you are the groups chaplain. Thank you for always sharing your words and wise thoughts when the chips are down. Please pray for us, our community and for those suffering.
Like others I have lost loved ones recently and it always brings me to a place of reflection. Trying to re-focus and spend more time on whats actually important to me, evaluate how i'm spending my time and trim some of the fat. It always come down to spending more time loving my family and friends because its the love we experience that helps us through those dark times and makes the good times even better.
@motie2 you are the groups chaplain. Thank you for always sharing your words and wise thoughts when the chips are down. Please pray for us, our community and for those suffering.
A magazine.
How much does it cost?
Thirty-five cents.
I’ve only got a quarter.
That’s Life.
What’s Life?