Where are the Football fans?
in The Lounge
It's only pre-season but the Players trying to make the Saints are looking better than the players trying to make the Pats.
Another suffering Browns fan here as well as a Texans fan.
GO BLUE!!!!!!!
For me, it began several years ago when they began spiking the ball and/or dancing around like fools after every play. The great players of the past didn't do this shit: They simply prided themselves in playing a good game. It's just gotten worse year after year.
For awhile I ignored the regular season, but did tune in to watch the playoffs. Now, thanks to Kaepernick et al, I don't even do that.
Sorry about the rant, but the decline or professional sports during my lifetime is one of the things that genuinely pisses me off. It seems that what was once a great national pastime has now become little more than an embarrassing joke.